Have a laugh……
Chaos Star Mythology, Symbolism and Folklore….. A chaos star is a symbol with eight points, part of the Octagram’s 8-pointed star that is shining from the central point [it represents rays emanating from the sun as in Mithra Sun worship]. The exact opposite of the word “Chaos” is “Order”. God created His Creation in “Order” [order is represented by rays emanating from the Son as in the worship of God in the 3rd spiritual heaven], and man’s alliance with Lucifer brings forth “Chaos”. This Swiss Octagon symbol is the symbol of the most Secret Society in the world, having its epicentre of occult activity at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
Its origins tell us everything about the nature and chaotic, disruptive beliefs of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva.
The Knights Templars raided the ruins of the Jewish Temple on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem and the tombs of the Old [red] & New Dynasties [white] in Egypt of all of its treasures, and all of the archived information of the Byzantine Empire in Constantinople during the Crusades which ended in 1291. Have a guess which country in Europe was founded in 1291? THAT IS RIGHT - it is Switzerland.
The war mongering Knights Templar became besotted with the Egyptian Pharaonic belief system - or what is now called, Hermeticism or Hermetism which is a philosophical and religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth).
Today, the mixture of Hermetism and the Jewish Kabbalah [dualism at play] makes up 100% of the Luciferians occult belief system that has now engulfed the whole world. It is a global religion based on self-gratification and satisfying “the sins of the flesh”. “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galatians 5:19-21 ESV
Take note of the modern day Swiss shield - a white cross on a red background….. 1291. Hmmm….. I wonder where that Pharaonic imagery come from?
In fact, the original ancient The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines who became the Venetian Lombard bankers, the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy from Venice were the MOB who financed the Knights Templar and the Crusades in the first place. Most of the Crusades actually sailed from Venice.
The bottomline in all of this is - the spiritual mafia MOB, the Swiss Octagon, the Venetian Lombard bankers, the Black Nobility or Black Aristocracy, and The 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines are all one and the same group that now control global finance from the Canton of Geneva which has been set up with independent, autonomous rule. The Jesuits and Ashkenazi Jews are akin to this group ruling the world.
Notice that the United States of America Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) symbol also includes the Swiss Pharaonic, eight-sided Octagon. This is a give-away that the true global Central Intelligence Agency is based in CERN, Switzerland and the United States of America's CIA is merely a distraction away from their evil intent. In other words, the centralised CIA in CERN farms out their dirty work - their corrupt operations - to the U.S. Military based in Washington D.C. in order to divert attention away from Switzerland, the Vatican and the City of London.
The reason I maintain CERN is the modern day Tower of Babel [Babel means "gate of god”] and the centre of global Serpent Intelligence is because the nuclear research facility known as CERN is built upon an ancient Roman Temple dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon. Many believe this was, and still is, a major global gateway, or portal, to the underworld: just like the Tower of Babel was.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), particle collider was built on the French/Swiss border, in the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland. In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship “the gods”and demonic deities. The Romans also believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, also means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN there is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva which adequately defines the spiritual mafia MOB and CERN’s beliefs.
We have now determined the MOB’s objectives and intent - delete, destroy, disrupt and establish chaos amongst mankind using the spirit of the anti-Christ symbolised by 666.
CERN is the epicentre of Apollyon’s global data and Intelligence…… all Intelligence services worldwide are merely administers of Luciferian mind control - and are all controlled themselves by CERN. The main contributor to actual Intelligence is Apollyon.
To accomplish its goals, the Transhumanist movement is looking to such technologies as genetic engineering (the deliberate altering of DNA sequences to produce new traits), implant technology (the embedding of digital implants in the body to interface with computers), artificial intelligence AI (the development of computer systems that mimic the thinking capabilities of the human mind), nanotechnology (the manipulation of atoms and molecules to produce new molecular structures), and cybernetics (the replacement of biological body parts with biomechanical devices). All of these technologies originated at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
This is an extract from my eBook…….
The Swiss have been hiding the truth in plain sight!
Therefore the Swiss Pharaohs have been running the whole world without us knowing. The key to co-opting, corrupting and/or controlling power for the Whore of Babylon is centralisation. That centralisation occurred in Switzerland over a thousand year period. Now it is almost complete!
The Pharaohs of Switzerland named their country “The Sisters of Isis” or Suisse in French. In the Egyptian language, only the consonants are written, so "Isis" without vowels becomes “SS”. The spelling of Switzerland as Suisse also equates to SuiSSe or “SS”.
This is part of an anti-human push, however like any “Ponzi’ scheme, it will not last. Spiritually, Babylon has already fallen. All we are waiting for is the physical manifestation of that fact. The curtain is about to close on the final scene of this Play called “Global Fascism” or “Global Nazism” or “The Beast System” or “The Pharaonic Octagon” or “Babylon”. This is where we are right now as written plainly in scripture…. “For your merchants [a merchant, trader; one on a journey on a ship] were the great ones of the earth [Klaus Schwab and the WEF], because by your sorcery [‘pharmakeia’, the root word for pharmacies; the use of medicine, drugs or spells; drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.;"administer drugs”] all the nations were deceived.” Rev.18:23 BLB
Remember the Council of 200 [the original spiritual mafia MOB], the patrician [members of the hereditary Aristocracy of ancient Rome] families of Geneva, the Swiss [SS] Black Nobility, the Nazi worshippers of the Black Sun? Remember their desire to control the world through hallucinogenic drugs and mass mind control? Remember these Swiss Templars set up the centre of global finance in Basel [which is pronounced Bâle or Baal in French], Switzerland? Remember that Switzerland is home to the one and only “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA). Remember the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an organisation which secretly funds the CIA’s nefarious activities, including the Nazis in WW2 and all other Nazis groups today?
Remember that one of their nefarious activities is to twist or bend the minds of each individual on planet earth using drug-related sorcery, through hallucinogenic drugs and the use of medicine? Remember that Basel (Baal) houses the two biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world? Remember that Allen Dulles helped create the MKUltra in the U.S using his SS theories?
With the release this video Ghosts In The Machine, labelled “All the World is a Stage”, some are now linking the U.S. The " ghost in the machine " is a term originally used to describe and critique the concept of the mind existing alongside and separate from the body. The term describes the Cartesian dualist account of the mind-body relationship. The mind the Military are referring too here is a human mind possessed and controlled by spiritual entities.
Who is pulling the strings in this Play? “You will find us in the shadows….. and all the world is a stage…. the Target is our minds…. using the 4th PsyOps Group influencing our minds through subtle persuasion, coercion and convincing one to change their beliefs and attitude of heart”.
Then… as “the walls of night close in”…. our mind gets possessed and it changes our brain and energetic heart. The ghost is then revealed…… in the internet and one’s addiction to knowledge.
Have you noticed the explosion of the narcissistic spiritual energy in the last three years? Spiritual parasites and narcissism [the excessive preoccupation with or admiration of ones own image and ego. synonym: pride, conceit] go hand in hand.
In this audio of Dr. Naomi Wolf interviewing economist Kevin Freeman on the coming Total Economic Collapse, Freeman describes the “The Pharaonic Octagon” Play as such. This interview is about economic warfare, however economic warfare is only one facet of the spiritual mafia MOB’s warfare attack [PsyOps] on every facet of our lives. The control of our minds being the major area of attack.
L. Frank Baum's Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a classic economic fairytale outlining the function of money - revolving around the formation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 - which is not Federal at all - it is nothing more than a mythical fairytale story that the majority of American citizens believe to be real. Oz stands for Ounce, one travels the Yellow Brick Road which was gold. Dorothy Gale did it in silver slippers, the Wizard resided behind the curtain, the Emerald City represented Greenbacks. The Grand City’s rule was built on and empowered by illusions. The Wicked Witch represented the bankers, the Munchkins were the common people, the Scarecrow was the farm community, the Tin Woodman was the industrial worker dehumanised by factory labour, and the cowardly Lion is William Jennings Bryan who could be an influential figure if he were brave enough to adopt the Populist’s racial program.
Baum was inspire by European folk legends, and being under the control of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva, created an American version of the occult Play being preformed in Geneva, Switzerland.
The history of Geneva is really interesting and must be studied to understand its present global significance. This article written by the Lyndon LaRouche’s EIR team on July 5, 1983 gives a great summary of how Geneva became such an international force. Silence and secrecy have since been ordered amongst the Black Nobility and Jesuit controlled media, therefore it seems such information is no longer readily available. Geneva has always been a point of convergence because of its location at the western end of both Lake Geneva and the Swiss Alps. It served as a pivot of trade and transportation during the Roman Empire, for reason of its exceptional geographic position allowing ease of passage from Genoa, Italy to northern Europe. Therefore it was an ideal hub for the Venetian and Genoa Black Nobility and their Lombard banking enterprise’s expansion into the northern parts of Europe.
In AD 697 the central bank of Venice was formed. Companies payed into the central Fondo [Round Table bankers] to gain their place in war and revolution making, opportunity, wealth creation and power through bloodshed. The "Fondo" is the collective financial interest of a bloodline "family" within the aristocracy. The Fondo functions as a private bank; or a syndicate of several fondi may combine forces to create a jointly controlled private bank or insurance company. The Venetian and Genoa Fondo became known as the Lombard bankers. They hide themselves in Red Masonry or Templar Lodges (EMR). The original banks were "merchant banks" that Italian grain merchants first invented in the Middle Ages. This organisation, the origins of the occult MOB, took over the Templars in AD 1099 and turned them into the occult organisation it is today.
Over time, Geneva became a major hub for this mafia syndicate. It sure sounds similar to the WEF Stakeholder Capitalism and Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) which is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners all joining the WEF Fondo.
By AD 1387, the “Franchises of Geneva”, the constitution of the city-state, had already legalised the pagan practice of usury and indeed enshrined the principle of usury in the law of the land. Usury has obviously been the key to Geneva and Switzerland’s success as a global entity.
By AD 1464 Geneva could be classified a city and held the special attention of the “Lombard bankers”, the North Italian bankers from Venice and Genoa [the Black Nobility] because of the city-state usury laws. The financiers of Genoa therefore made it a major station in their international network, which already dominated the world finance. The theatrical stage was now set! The play called “Global Fascism”, “Global Nazism”, “The Beast System”, “The Pharaonic Octagon” or “Mystery Babylon” was about to begin!
The Council of 200, the patrician [members of the hereditary Aristocracy] families of Geneva had become the Directors of the play. The Directors of the play became the spiritual mafia MOB and the stage finally moved to CERN. It doesn’t matter what we call the play, as we will discover, this esoteric mafia has a foundation of Pharaonic belief resonating spiritually from Egyptian roots.
Even though the “Lombard bankers” from Venice and Genoa, went on to establish major banking centres in Germany, Amsterdam, Denmark and London, they always maintained Geneva as the epicentre of their operation. The reason is, it had become the home of the revered and ruthless warriors, the Knights Templar. The Black Nobility of Venice and Genoa initially financed the Crusades and therefore the Knight Templars at their inception. Genoa flourished and enjoyed great prosperity during the Crusades.
Now, years later, they actually revered the fighting and leadership qualities of their Swiss mercenary counterparts. This is the same Black Nobility who also financed the supposed “discovery” of America in AD 1492 with the navigator Christopher Columbus. Notice the Templar cross on the sails.
One of the foundational elements of “The Beast System” is usury. Usury is the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender. Usury was considered unlawful in the Old Testament, however man has twisted the validity of the God inspired scriptures and encouraged loopholes to exploit the laws. In ancient Christianity, Jewish, and Islamic societies, usury was considered illegal. Jews were forbidden from usury in dealing with fellow Jews, although not exclusively, as permissions to charge interest on loans to non-Jews was permitted. Herein lies the loophole and the reason Jews established themselves as the ‘gods’ of money. The modern “magic” of creating money out of thin air had its roots in the ancient city of Babylon. The Babylonian Talmudic “black money-magic"is foundational to the Jewish Kabbalah.
So the Play continues unabridged…….. and we, the sheep move closer and closer to the precipice!
After all….. this is the belief system of the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus and the Babylonian Jewish Kabbalah…. and the mixture of the Catholic Jesuits…. all controlled by the Swiss Octagon.
I sure appreciate you! You are a wise man with spiritual understanding. We both know where that is coming from. Individuals will only experience the Truth, and therefore have spiritual eyes to see if they actual experience our Creator at the level of 'quantum entanglement' - then and only then will they have God's pure energy imprinted onto their hearts. The MOB is using 'quantum entanglement' to enslave everyone in a digital prison and have total control over them! That is coming real soon which will herald in the 7 year Tribulation period when all hell breaks loose. This is not futuristic anymore.... it is here... literally. 2023-2030 will be epic..... but, you and me have been placed here for that reason! Be encouraged!
Graeme, I always look forward to your posts. Your knowledge & experience is far over the heads of most folks, who only focus on the moment & the lies they're fed. 🙏👍