“Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott
This means that when we disentangle ourselves from the Spirit of the Living God, the energy associated with our corrupted heart initiates problems with a domino structure of complications which eventually runs out of control. These are the attribute of an unredeemed lifestyle. Walter Scott understood this back in 1808…… This web is man’s corrupted version of God’s Quantum Field or God’s Matrix……. everything CERN does is a counterfeit of what is True and Right and Just.
Humanity and the dark spiritual side cannot possibly mess with God’s creation and get away with it! They are messing with Life and Truth itself………
“In 2022, using a sophisticated form of AI known as a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) academics created artificial human faces (i.e. photorealistic fakes) and showed these fakes to hundreds of human subjects along with a mix of real faces. They discovered that this type of AI technology has become so effective, we humans can no longer tell the difference between real people and virtual people (or “veeple” as I call them).”
“This result makes it extremely likely that advertisers will extensively use AI-generated people in place of human actors and models. That’s because working with virtual people will be cheaper and faster, and if they’re also perceived as more trustworthy, they’ll be more persuasive too. As consumers spend more time in virtual and augmented worlds [alternate realities of mind], digital advertising will transform from simple images and videos to AI-driven virtual people that engage us in promotional conversation.”
Accurately replicating the look and sound of a person in the metaverse is often referred to as creating a “digital twin.” Simply put: digital twins are fake models, or identical replicators of the real physical world — all created from data. A digital twin synchronises the data between the natural world and the digital environment (the twin), allowing people to take actions and make decisions in the virtual environment that can be quickly manifested in the real world. The creation of digital twin buildings and physical structures within the industrial world is already changing how our world works today, supposedly making businesses safer and more efficient. However, there is a cost, and we are paying for it!
What is the conduit or energetic channel for this phenomena to happen? It is a distorted, contorted, twisted, bent, warped, malformed form of quantum energy that is known by all the secret societies as the Nordic Vril energy force.
It doesn’t matter who you are, who you think you are, or what you believe, right now the spiritual mafia MOB are using this energy associated with the Beast system to create for you an alternate reality - you are being moulded into possessing an energetic digital twin. A ‘matrix’ btw, is a "mould in which something is cast or shaped".
All they need is your consent to spiritually and energetically entangle yourself with this parallel universe of deception. In fact, they don’t even need your consent, all they need is the frequency of your DNA imprint. The author of this Vril energy is Lucifer - whose name corresponds to the Greek names Phosphorus Φωσφόρος, or "light-bringer". One dictionary defines Lucifer as “a self-igniting match, ie. one which could be lit by striking on any surface”. That is all Lucifer can do - he provides mankind with an idea, a concept, an abstract notion, an image, a quantum impression, a belief, self-igniting match that they too can be gods if only they disentangle themselves from the Life giving essence of the True, Creator God.
Lucifer deceives us and imprints this lie on our now corrupted hearts, and we do the rest by entangling ourselves through the fallen, dark energy the Nazis labelled Vril.
Man creating a “digital twin” is also called ‘cloning’ - which the spiritual mafia MOB have been working on since WW2. Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. The term is generally used to refer to artificial human cloning, which is the reproduction of human cells and tissue.
It is the genetic modification of God’s natural creation. It entangles us with a parallel universe of spiritual parasites and dark matter.
Any habit that we have formed - it maybe a seeming as benign as drinking coffee - yes, even coffee is a drug that sends our minds into an alternate reality so we can open ourselves up more readily to Vril spiritual parasites that control all Vril energy patterns.
Mind control [propaganda] programs fragments young minds and creates multiple alternate realities, however so does something as subtle as TV, movies, occult children’s stories, video games, religion, marijuana, smoking, hard drugs like LSD or Meth, porn, pedophilia, eating human meat at McDonalds or blood sacrifice etc, etc. That is why they become so addictive.
Iniquity of heart is all a matter of degree. You may judge someone you know who maintains an uncontrollable habit, yet your judgement alone is creating an alternate reality in your mind that is divisive and corruptive.
I wrote this eBook and published it on Amazon way before the significance of the whole world seeking new forms of ‘out of body’ experiences that propels their mind into an ‘alternate’, or Augmented Reality, really dawned on me.
Narcissism is rooted in a false belief system of iniquitous intent. Narcissism and iniquity of heart are one and the same thing. These Vril spiritual parasites form the foundation of all narcissism and the false image or reflection of self and one’s own ego - whether they be male or female. Remember, The Secret of Vril is at the root of Technocratic Nazism because it is global Nazism encoded with AI?
Narcissism - or Nazism - is definitely the dominant spirit of this age.
They are definitely the same distorted quantum energy!
Anything associated with the tangled web of personal narcissism, human cloning, or moving into a metaverse is associated with, and involves Vril spiritual parasites.
All of this technology has its roots in the underground spiritual portal located at CERN, Switzerland, the home of the Pharaonic Knights Templar. Basically, Vril is a dark source of energy, as is aether, prana, qi, or “the force”. Vril, is thought to be “the Energy of the Coming Race" (1871). It is the Secret Doctrine of Ancient Atlantis, Egypt, Chaldea, and Greece. In pre-War Germany, the Vril Society used the Swastika emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism, advancing the idea of a subterranean matriarchal utopia ruled by advanced Aryan beings who had mastered this mysterious Vril technology.
The advanced Aryan beings are merely Vril spiritual parasites and the assortment of spiritual entities and fallen angels.
Plato and the Greek culture formed the foundation of this Vril energy. That is why the NWO is going back to the Greek belief system when it finally releases the final solution, Transhumanism, digital currency and the group of elite corporations who will manage the Private Public Partnerships (PPP).
The WHO is presently promoting the influence of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) - or the 276 Stockholders - this is a Greek concept and they will rule the world after the Global Rest, charging 12% on every transaction made by us ‘useless eaters’…….
Vril energy and virology is thought to be rooted in Nordic aliens, also called Aryan aliens, which is a name given to what are said to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials. They are so named because they are said to resemble Nordic, Scandinavian, Germanic or Aryan racial images. Nordic alien is the name given to alleged humanoid extraterrestrials, purported to come from the Pleiades, who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians. Nordic aliens form a notable part of UFO/abduction belief and the alien contactee movement.
This is significant in the history of the spiritual mafia MOB based in Geneva, Switzerland. Geneva is an epicentre of the Lombard Private Banks that originated in Venice in AD 697, at a time when the Lombard tribe from southern Scandinavia invaded and settled in Italy from AD 568-774 - bringing the Nordic and Aryan belief system with them. The Lombards are described as a Germanic people which is important when considering these weird beliefs that infiltrated Nazi Germany.
The connection here is, the Lombard central bank devised a seven-war plan in 1781 to wrestle control of the entire globe by empowering 200 Red Masonry groups to bring in their British and Dutch East India Company systems of controlling influence. The plan used the last book of the bible, Revelation as their guide. As we continue to unwrap this mystery, we will see that the Lombard bankers in Geneva planned and financed the Nazi war machine in WW1 and WW2, using the Nordic Vril energy force as its foundation.
It is thought by many to be a life-giving lexir - when in fact all it brings is destruction, disruption and death to one’s soul. The Nordic Vril energy force is the foundational belief system of all secret societies, all Hermetic, Pharaonic belief systems, the Kabbalah, New Age Movement, and all manmade ‘isms’….. Marxism, Nazism, Communism, Transhumanism etc. etc….. and all religions.
Vril spiritual parasites are the breeding ground for the narcissism prevalent in today’s society.
This entire Vril energy force is based on vanity, self-love, conceit, arrogance, and one’s own ego. Whilst its essence makes one belittle and discredit others.
The Vril Society is an alleged secret society many believe gave birth to the Nazi Party. The Vril Society, which was named after the 19th century novel, the ‘Power of the Coming Race’. It was formed by two very attractive, sexual young white witches and quickly became an example of how technology and magic can be used for evil. These two mediums got into contact with the Aryan aliens and the Vril-ya, the race who lived underground, who supposedly had telepathic powers, highly advanced technology, and were able to do incredible amounts of damage simply by using a Vril wand.
Norse, Nordic, or Scandinavian mythology is the body of myths belonging to the North Germanic peoples, stemming from Old Norse religion.
This energy would be the source of the myths associated with Santa Claus and the Easter bunny associated with the Christian festivities. It came from Eostre a goddess of fertility, the same source as the goddess Vanir in the Old Norse religion.
In Norse mythology, the Vanir are a group of gods associated with fertility, wisdom, and the ability to see the future. The Æsir [male gods] are the gods of the principal pantheon [a temple dedicated to all gods] in Old Norse religion and Norse mythology. The second Norse pantheon is the Vanir [female gods]; these two pantheons waged war against each other, resulting in a unified pantheon.
Here we see the energetic war between male and female which brings friction between the two sexes. We see this manifesting itself today in an exponential explosion and is destroying mankind.
The Æsir [male gods] abuse their children, mainly females physically, psychologically, emotionally and sexually. This prolonged trauma fragments their minds as a natural God-given mechanism to protect themselves. This opens the spiritual doorway for the Vril spiritual parasites to enter that precious child and the Vanir [female gods] of vanity and their self image of self [ego] takes over. This process now makes them victims of the tangled web of personal narcissism.
These young women become objects, and trapped subjects, open to the dictates of sexual deviant mind control [propaganda] programs and a handler, watcher or controller is assigned to them to administer a life of sexual abuse, chaos and iniquitous intent. Iniquity severes all God-given conscience [and conscious awareness] and it alters our image from the natural image of God, transforming it into the image of Lucifer initially and then the manifestation of pure evil, Satan.
Therefore, the MOB’s plan self fulfils itself. Women become haters of their fathers, all men and God Himself.
The statement “resulting in a unified pantheon” is the Vril energy behind the German philosopher Georg Hegel's theory of the dialectic concept which has become one of the major weapons used against the masses in order to usher in their Novus Ordo Seclorum. Hegel himself called the Vril energy the “absolute spirit”. The unified pantheon consists of the concept of PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. Dualism always consists of two sides, black and white, ying and yang, Satan and Lucifer. The theory is if those two opposing sides can be continually rubbed together and they therefore destroy each other, a SOLUTION or “unified pantheon”, or a Grand Awakening will rise “like a phoenix from the ashes”.
This is utter deception! This is the essence of the Hindu gods of Shiva who is the Supreme Lord who supposedly creates, protects and transforms the universe - first Shiva is known as The Destroyer, whilst Brahma is the Hindu creator god who restores, “like a phoenix from the ashes”.
This is the spiritual mafia MOB’s hope….. that will never, ever come true.
Hitler spoke from the energy source of “the force” - the Vril energy. He declared it the FINAL SOLUTION…… a “unified pantheon”. That FINAL SOLUTION is now here.
Hegel's dialectic is the tool which manipulates us into a frenzied circular patterns of thought and action called mass mind control. So men abuse women - which triggers them to hate men, which opens them up to continual sexual abuse and the circular pattern of man-ipulation [women always run back too their handlers for perceived security and protection].
This spirit is what has fuelled the drug and sexual revolution pioneered by Aleister Crowley. This is how to divide and destroy society!
The pioneers of the Vril Society were two women [are you starting to see a trend here?]….. Maria Orsic and another medium who only went by the name of Sigrun.
Both women channelled a powerful goddess, Freyja who is beautiful, sensual, wears a feathered cloak, and practices seiðr. The practice of seiðr is believed to be a form of magic which is related to both the telling and the shaping of the future. These woman were sometimes described as a 'prophecy-woman' or 'magic-woman'.
The MOB leaders and corporate magnates loved these fairytales regarding the shaping of the future. And thus they worshipped every word they spoke with a forked tongue. These women were soothsayers, their words as smooth as silk. A soothsayer is believed to be a person who can predict and foretell the future. They are much like prophets, seers and oracles; they can sense what is in store or what is about to happen in a person’s life. Soothsayers can also provide insightful and wise counselling inspired by the gods. These woman therefore rose to greet prominence which satisfied their Alter Egos.
“The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of “Prima Materia” which supposedly exists in the centre of the Earth, a race of non-human entities who lived underground, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun.”
“This is the force that the Nazis and their inner occult circle were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the Vril Society had apparently groomed Hitler. A manifestation of the “Great Work” promulgated by the Adepts of secret societies throughout the ages. The Vril Society latched on to a very old archetype already in the minds of alchemists and magicians…..”
The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril energy will be the master of himself'/herself, of others around them and of the world. The Vril energy overtook the Thule Society prior to Hitler’s 3rd Reich, and the rest is history…. now another form of Nazism - Technocratic Transhumanism - which employs the same Nordic Vril energy force, has all but taken over the minds of the entire population of the world. It is all based on forming alternative realities in our minds and a “digital twin”, false reality.
This is a the web that has been woven in society…..
So what is this Nordic Vril energy force and why is it so disruptive and destructive?
This is such an important topic because this energy force has permeated society to its core.
There is even a good chance that it has permeated, infiltrated and pervaded your heart and your energy field without you being consciously aware of it - this energy is SO subtle and subdued, one is not even aware that they have also entertained the tangled web of personal narcissism that involves Vril spiritual parasites.
That is how these spiritual parasites operate - they attach themselves to humans and suck them dry of Life’s real life-saving energy. Remember that physical parasites are defined as organisms that rely on hosts or other organisms to survive. This is a U.S. CDC document describing what a parasite is. Parasite infections happen when parasites reproduce or invade the host. They feed, grow or multiply in a way that harms their host. However, they need their host for their own survival. For this reason, they rarely kill their host, but they often carry diseases that can be life-threatening. Spiritual parasites are no different to physical parasites…….. accept they attach themselves to our negative, dark Alter Egos.
One of the greatest deceptions is that multitudes of Christians are led to believe that they cannot be affected by spiritual parasites….. this is far, far from the Truth….. and their salvation will not be complete until such time they have eradicated them from their lives. Only then will they be spiritually and energetically FREE!
“So Yeshua said to the Judeans who had trusted him, “If you obey what I say, then you are really my disciples. Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you FREE.”
More about this next time……