“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984
Today we will discuss Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Genetic scientists have egregiously abused science by already contaminating the gene pool of every living thing on this planet. Collectively, they have been plotting the takeover of all genetic material since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the 'Earth Summit', which was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June 1992. Following this summit Agenda 21 then became the action plan of the UN with regard to sustainable development. This initial decision-making process involving 172 nations was tailored to promote a sustainable planet for future generations .
Agenda 21 gave the ethical green light to the genetic engineering of micro-organisms.
Now Bayer’s modified soil microbes could even trigger a genetically engineered doomsday for agriculture. If you don’t like the toxic pollution from industrial agriculture’s synthetic nitrogen fertilisers and pesticides, Bayer and its partner, Ginkgo Bioworks, have a solution for you.
They say they’re going to swap out some of the old fossil-fuel-based agrochemicals for genetically engineered microbes. We’re no fan of pesticides and synthetic fertilisers, but isn’t this like jumping from the frying pan into the fire? The uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered microbes could contaminate soil on such a vast scale that it could be the end of farming!
You don’t have to take our word for it, just read Ginkgo’s own report to the Securities and Exchange Commission. It’s like a sci-fi writer’s brainstorm of plots for a disaster movie:
“The release of genetically modified organisms or materials, whether inadvertent or purposeful, into uncontrolled environments could have unintended consequences …
The genetically engineered organisms and materials that we develop may have significantly altered characteristics compared to those found in the wild, and the full effects of deployment or release of our genetically engineered organisms and materials into uncontrolled environments may be unknown.
In particular, such deployment or release, including an unauthorized release, could impact the environment or community generally or the health and safety of our employees, our customers’ employees, and the consumers of our customers’ products.
In addition, if a high profile biosecurity breach or unauthorized release of a biological agent occurs within our industry, our customers and potential customers may lose trust in the security of the laboratory environments in which we produce genetically modified organisms and materials, even if we are not directly affected.
Any adverse effect resulting from such a release, by us or others, could have a material adverse effect on the public acceptance of products from engineered cells and our business and financial condition …
We could synthesize DNA sequences or engage in other activity that contravenes biosecurity requirements, or regulatory authorities could promulgate more far-reaching biosecurity requirements that our standard business practices cannot accommodate, which could give rise to substantial legal liability, impede our business, and damage our reputation.
The Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP), involves rules administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service that regulate possession, use, and transfer of biological select agents and toxins [a euphemism for bioweapons] that have the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal, or plant health or to animal or plant products …
We could err in our observance of compliance program requirements in a manner that leaves us in noncompliance with FSAP or other biosecurity rules … Third parties may use our engineered cells materials, and organisms and accompanying production processes in ways that could damage our reputation.
… While we have established a biosecurity program … to ensure that third parties do not obtain our engineered cells or other biomaterials for malevolent purposes, we cannot guarantee that these preventative measures will eliminate or reduce the risk of the domestic and global opportunities for the misuse or negligent use of our engineered cells materials, and organisms and production processes …”
When Dr. Dr. Elaine Ingham was an associate professor at Oregon State University, she led a study on a genetically engineered soil bacterium that changed the course of her career — and threatened all plant life on Earth.
Listen closely to this statement - “As we go up to higher organisms, the ethical concerns grow. From an environmental stand point however, the smaller the organism, the larger the danger.” Can you now imagine the dangers involved at the subatomic level - at the level of protons, electrons and nanoparticles? This is the level the spiritual mafia MOB have their men in white lab coats working at - and this is the level of GMO being directed at us via their personalised genetically engineered biological warfare weapons they call “vaccinations”.
The quantum level is the medium through which both Lucifer’s distorted intelligence and God’s Holy Spirit’s pure Intelligence is methodically delivered to mankind. Everything in the physical realm manifests itself from the quantum/spiritual realm as a human observer collapses energetic waves into matter. You will notice that in Cyrus A. Paras’s video below he states that these unemotional aliens or demonic entities are using quantum technology that we humans cannot detect through physical observation.
Quantum technology intelligence was revealed to mankind at CERN, Switzerland because the Vril alien entities use a distorted form of quantum mechanics to entangle with, communicate with, and influence us humans. This energy is the essence of Quantum Computers which uses pattern recognition, or combinatorial optimisation which is random number generation involving geomancy divination, to operate. This distorted form of quantum mechanics is a fake, forged counterfeit version of God’s own pure quantum field that He uses to connect with us, and transfer His quantum Information and Intelligence into our cell’s DNA. This is the source of consciousness that produce’s LIFE. Both forms of communication use ‘quantum entanglement’ to transfer some form of Intelligence to us - one form of ‘quantum entanglement’ brings Life to our DNA - the other DEATH.
There is no doubt about it - the spiritual mafia MOB are now administering death to the whole collective of humanity.
We are made in the image of God - these aliens are not. They have rebelled and fallen from God’s grace. They have no soul, therefore they are void of any human or Godly emotion or empathy.
Yes, we are at war - and the war is Death verses Life. Lucifer verses the creator of Life - the creative Mind of the 3rd Heaven and the administrator of the whole universe.
In this video below Dr. Rashid A Buttar accurately outlines what is coming. His conscious decision to speak the truth cost him his life. According to Dr. Buttar himself, the spiritual mafia MOB had him poisoned. This is often the fate of those who oppose Big Pharma. Once again, it is the manifestation of the spirit of death. Tap the link on this photo……
In the video below Cyrus A. Paras reveals the plan for AI to invade humanity. But what is the energy driving AI and biodigital social programming? Cyrus Paras refers to this energy as parasites. Physical parasites are evidence of a manifestation of spiritual parasites. I call them ‘spiritual parasites’ or demonic entities. Others call them ‘elementals’. I am actually a qualified Pranic Healer that specialises in the elimination of elemental entities from our chakras. I did the course to learn more about demonic entities from a Buddhist perspective. I can tell you that it does work initially, but the entities come back in greater numbers - just like the bible describes!
The majority of the Christian church has no clue, nor has the authority to cast demons out of believers. Which is unbelievable since Yeshua haMashiach often dispelled demons before anyone was healed.
The reason the elementals are not eradicated permanently is, the fertile soil in which ‘spiritual parasites’ take root are not eliminated - that is the fertile soil of iniquity, corruption of heart, or unconsciousness.
These ‘spiritual parasites’ latch onto our energetic heart, mind and soul and like any parasite, they suck the life out of us. The energy source is Luciferian and comes to us in the form of Nordic Vril (the Vril are in fact alien entities) or Egyptian Hermetic energy. They are two sides of the same coin. Cyrus Paras calls these spiritual entities “the garbage of the universe”.
As Cyrus Paras says, these entities want to destroy us and own our soul for eternity. What we are observing now is the spiritual rape of mankind. Cyrus correctly identifies the corruption and depravity of humanity, however he does not have the answer to it. No man’s connection to demonic or alien entities has the ability to reform or save man from the corruption in his/her heart. That perversion can only be corrected through a quantum connection to a Holy God, the one who created us in His image. Therefore, mankind cannot move into a higher plane of existence outside of God’s plan of redemption. It is as simple as that!
The demonic identities are using AI to rape our minds…. that is absolutely true. However, ONLY the divine Mind can resolve this issue on our behalf. Only a spiritual Mind of higher Intelligence can overcome the spiritual root problem. This is merely the principle of cause and affect. Whichever spiritual realm we choose to engage with and entangle ourselves with will affect the outcomes we expereince in life. It will literally be either LIFE giving or DEATH permitting.
That choice is ours whilst we still have a free will to choose. Soon we will not have that freedom of choice and God will be forced to draw the curtain on this spiritual mafia MOB’s play. Human 2.0 will die expediently. There is nothing surer than that!
Then the 2nd person of the Godhead, Yeshua haMashiach, who created time for our benefit, will personally re-enter this realm of time and save those who are spiritually entangled to Him.
That time is fast approaching! God knows that! The spiritual mafia MOB knows that! Satan and Lucifer also know that! But, do you know that? Or have you been deceived by Lucifer?
It has nothing to do with how “good” we are - and we cannot “fix” the problem. We cannot possibly earn our salvation. It is an impossible feat. All the “do gooders” who think they can bring about a “Great Awakening” for mankind are merely tapping into Lucifer’s spiritual Tree of Knowledge…. the same spiritual tree Gnostic Christianity is tapped into. This Yellow Brick Road is a dead end street. Literally - because it is literally associated with Lucifer and Satan’s spirit of death.
Lucifer’s desire is to destroy you. Lucifer’s desire is to destroy God. Lucifer’s desire is to destroy all of God’s creation. How mankind can fall for this deception and expect to survive in the spirit of death is beyond me!
The “do-gooders” are Luciferians - their Lord Lucifer is “the angel of light”. But remember, Lucifer and Satan are two sides of the same coin. That is how duality works - it can keep you on edge! :) God knows that! The spiritual mafia MOB knows that! Satan and Lucifer know that! But, do you know that? Or have you been deceived too - like most of us?
We are now moving into what Cyrus Paras describes as “AI super intelligence” where mankind’s brains will be quantum entangled with a global Quantum Computer or Sentient World System (SWS) that detects all their biometrics……. It is all about biodigital social programming of our minds….. everything is designed to change the chemistry in our brain and manipulate what we think.