This is what makes my creativity as an investigative journalist so very rewarding. A very intuitive woman just said to me “Your last article has just opened a floodgate in my mind.” She then went on to say that experiencing what I had written had allowed her to process the fragmentation and fracturing of her conscious mind from the past, to regenerate - to be integrated and heal. That which was disassociated became associated. That which was unrelated - a lost memory in her past that was like a splinter in her mind - became relatable and brought to her conscious awareness an event that was fractured by trauma. This is how God conscious works.
As this video below says, “Connection is the #1 human need…. love is that connection!” That means that the connection between all the disassociated parts in our mind is our first priority in having a sound mind - a mind of clarity. We can only see clearly when the viewing glass is clear and free of the effects of trauma.
I’m asking you to stop here and meditate on this Truth. “Connection is the #1 human need because we were created by God to connect to Him.” At the quantum level we were created to “quantum entangle” ourselves with our spiritual Father. An entangled system is defined to be one whose quantum state is not individual particles but are an inseparable whole. That my friend is how we were designed to connect with and relate to our creator God - we are meant to be an inseparable whole.
Something went horribly wrong and we lost our “Way” and our ability to “quantum entangle” ourselves to God or Yeshua, our resurrected Lord. I stress divine, unconditional love and resurrection energy because these are the main attributes that enabled Him to overcome the disentangled state, destruction and death on our behalf. Yes, we can only experience, and then share unconditional love if we are “quantum entangled” to God and Yeshua. Justice is all about genuine spiritual relationship - not the law that is associated with religion!
Relationship is the foundation of our redemption and the healing of all of our disassociated parts.
I know without a shadow of doubt that “Connection is the #1 human need” because Lucifer is endeavouring to use technology and mind control to create a hive mind amongst his worshippers - and he can only imitate and counterfeit that which is True and that which God has already created.
Selah - this is a profound statement - let that sink in!
This is the good news - if asked, Yeshua can empathetically reach right down into our spacetime existence and integrate that which is broken and shattered. “I AM” is then creating a miracle in the present moment!
The fragmentation and fracturing of our consciousness ALWAYS comes from trauma. I cannot stress this enough. The spiritual mafia MOB are experts at creating trauma. 9/11 was a global mind-bending trauma - so was the fear induced COVID-19 panic attack. So is the upcoming 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) or what will be marketed as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) COP 28 Conference on the fake Climate Change issue. They are already claiming this will be a milestone moment! Given the timing of this Conference from November 30th until December 12th, 2023 you can be sure that that which is announced at this Conference will leave an impression on our heart and mind, just like 9/11 did. All trauma is engineered to impact our lives in a monumental way.
My female friend then went on to say something very profound - spiritual parasites have a mind of their own and through manipulation, they force their host to consent to whatever their weakness is. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental and behavioural disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts (an obsession) that leads one to do repetitive behaviours (compulsions) to relieve the distress caused by the obsession, to the extent where it impairs general function. These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress.
OCD is linked with the fear of loss associated with childhood fear-based programming. It is putting a shield of protection around oneself so one does not experience the feeling of loss again. OCD is a form of protectionism.
The fear induced COVID-19 panic and the Climate Change scam are typical obsessive-compulsive disorder campaigns. People who choose to get injected with a military grade bioweapon all because they fear the loss of friendship and the loss of their possessions, are brainwashed subjects. This weapon used against us utilises classic peer pressure as a method of manipulation.
When someone is experiencing a negative emotion generated by a demonic entity, they often project it onto someone else - this is called blame. BOOM! Shame and fear were the first two emotions Adam and Eve experienced after disconnecting with and disentangling themselves from God - after this they could not stand His Presence because they were cowering in shame and fear. Then Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent - and so the root of iniquity and corruption took root in their hearts - and the rest of the human collective [which is now being labelled the hive mind].
The quantum energy we experience is so important. Unless we experience God and we experience God’s unconditional love and we experience His awesomeness and grandeur, unless, like Abraham and Moses, we personally experience the great I AM, we will never experience the real Matrix and true Reality. God’s grace and His redemptive process is beyond words. It is so powerful it imprints that experience indelibly in our minds and on our hearts. This is a quantum mechanic’s phenomena.
The bottomline is, this Beast system that controls the 1st [physical] and 2nd heavens [fake spirituality] in which we live is controlled and manipulated by Lucifer and Satan who represent two sides of the one dualistic coin. The epicentre of the spiritual portal through which fallen angels and the demonic flow into this physical realm is CERN, Switzerland. The chosen bloodlines through whom this activity flows is the spiritual mafia MOB - or the Swiss Octagon secret society. All technology and global Intelligence [demonic Intelligence] flows out of CERN, is then directed by the US Department of Defence (DoD) and consequently produced by the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) corporations as military weapons, before being marketed as Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) against the public.
A weapon of mass destruction (WMD) is a weapon—be it nuclear, radiological, chemical, explosive, or biological. They are all produced by a military-intelligence-biodefense cartel. Biological WMD are the most subtle and sinister because of the MOB’s claim that they are “good” for our health. All of these biodefense products are being financed by each countries’ tax payers. Therefore, we are literally financing our own demise. Let that truth sink in!
All the “white hats” and religions of the world system are essentially Luciferians, whilst the bloodlines within the likes of the Deep State is a clandestine network of members of the federal governments (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected governments of the world. These dark Satanic entities like the CIA run the mind control programs like MKUltra, being totally controlled from global Intelligence in CERN, Switzerland. America is merely a public distraction, taking attention away from CERN and the Tavistock Institute within the City of London, UK.
If you don’t believe me, study the life and philosophy of Allen Welsh Dulles. He was the first civilian Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) which was initially formed in 1946 [WW2 ended 1945]. Dulles became Director of the U.S. CIA in 1953 after learning the Intelligence trade under the council of the global CIA based in Switzerland. Like Klaus Schwab, if one speaks like a Nazi, and acts like a Nazi, there is a good chance they are a Nazi. Dulles was a cousin of one of Geneva’s Council of 200’s most powerful families bloodlines, the Mallets. The Council of 200 in the Canton of Geneva became what I now call the global spiritual mafia MOB.
Dulles was also instrumental in the creation of Operation Paperclip in the United States, whilst coordinating with his family contacts in Geneva, Switzerland. During his time as head of the CIA, Dulles oversaw the Project MKUltra mind control program [or "behavioural modification"] which he learnt from the Council of 200 and the Jesuits whilst based in Switzerland. LSD, a classic CIA mind control tool, was first synthesised by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann in 1938 from lysergic acid in Basel/Baal, Switzerland. You can read the history of Ellen Dulles, the CIA, the Council of 200, the global spiritual mafia MOB and mind control in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed?
If you want to know more about Military Mind Control and the Integration process, read this Substack Blog which has links to Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier books and “How to Integrate Alters” – by Fiona Barnett.
Unless we actually experience God’s Truth directly from the 3rd heaven - all the words we use to blow our own trumpet and inflate our own egos is a waste of time and energy. All the Eastern religious claims [e.g. Buddhist and Hindu etc.] that we as a collective make, about becoming more conscious within the Beast system, or that we are full of “knowledgeable” advise, is a complete deception. This thinking is the manifestation of a hopium belief system; and the spiritual foundation of all narcissists!
Remember, humans act narcissistically because they are spiritually and energetically entangled to this tree of “knowledge” within this capsule of spacetime.
No religion can transform our corrupted hearts nor set us free of the subtle, hidden traits of iniquity in our hearts. It is impossible to solve these issues from within the Beast system - we have to seek the help of a higher spiritual Source….. and I do not mean Lucifer which many refer to as the “Source”! God is not our “Source” of our egotistic wants, needs and demands - He is our Creator. The “Source” - Lucifer - is a counterfeit of the real Messiah. However, Lucifer higher spiritual Source - he is a lowly, depraved source of spiritual energy.
Therefore, if we fail to put our own advise and unconscious “knowledge” into practise, we automatically become the unconscious “useless eaters” Yuval Noah Harari refers too. People actual know deep down that they “run corrupted programs which are full of bad data”, but they don’t know what to do about it. Then they blame the devil, exclaiming, “the devil made me do it”!
No he didn’t - you chose to do it as an act of your free will! It was programmed into your mind and you accepted it! The devil does not have that type of power over you - unless you consent. Remember: the host of spiritual parasites must consent to their occupation of your mind, spirit, heart, body and soul.