According to Patrick Wood, the Technocracy and Transhumanism expert over many years: ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide. He claims that “When free speech is abolished and replaced by propaganda, genocide will show up as certainly as the sun coming up in the morning.”
The current primary Genocide risks being created by the Globalists include:
Attacking Food production – underway.
Attacking Fossil fuels – underway.
Creation of poverty – underway.
Vaccine – underway with the ‘Final Solution’ coming in the form of a MNA Patch.
War – commenced in Ukraine with Russia and will be consummated globally when China attacks Taiwan.
Population replacement, border control removal – underway.
“Energy is life, literally. If you wanted to create a genocide it would be a viable strategy of the evil to attack the energy system, especially fossil fuels.”
What we fail to understand is - Energy is life, literally - and this energy exits at the quantum level of subatomic particles. It is at this level that God’s Spirit creates and forms that which is physical.
It is also at this level that CERN, by being quantum entangled to Lucifer and his demons, manipulates and distorts our God-given life force. The energy of our heart then gets distorted and dis-ease takes place. The energy around our being does not then flow with ease and manifests as such in some form of physical deformity.
The definition of the word ‘distort’ or ‘distortion’ tells all - the ORIGIN OF DISTORT 1580s, "twist the true meaning, pervert the truth regarding", from Latin distortus, past participle of distorquere "to twist different ways, distort," from dis- "completely" (see dis-) + torquere "to twist". Literal sense of "to twist or wrest out of shape, change from the proper to an improper or unnatural shape"
To twist out of a proper, natural, normal, or original shape or condition. To twist awry or out of shape; make crooked or deformed. To change the shape, sound, or appearance of something. [To change the resonant frequency of our heart and soul]
To cause to deviate from what is normal, reasonable, or accurate. To give a false, perverted, or disproportionate meaning to; misrepresent
To change the shape of something so that it looks strange or unnatural. Distort means to twist or pull out of shape; make bent or misshapen; contort; deform
To change something so that it is false or wrong, or no longer means what it was intended to mean: If you distort a statement, fact, or idea, you report or represent it in an untrue way, like the media distorts reality.
To change or affect something, especially in a way that makes it worse [destroys its authenticity]
To change something from natural to unnatural: i.e. GMOs, AI and all technology coming out of CERN
A perversion of the true meaning or intent.
Synonyms include: contort; distort; extort; extortion; queer; retort; thwart; torch;
torment; torque (n.); depraved ["corrupt, lead astray, pervert," from Old French depraver "to pervert; accuse" (14c.) and directly from Latin depravare "distort, disfigure;" figuratively "to pervert, seduce, corrupt," a "rotating force"]; torsion.
The occult always twists and perverts the Truth.
Perversion is a form of human behaviour which deviates from what is considered to be natural and normal. A pervert is someone defined as -
To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; debase.
To corrupt (someone) morally. synonym: corrupt.
To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort.
To change something or someone so that it is not what it was or should be, or to influence someone in a harmful way.
To cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right.
It is caused by a morally corrupted heart attitude towards God and others. Sexual perversion is made to be rampant these days because that is how spiritual parasites are transferred between humans. Sexual perversion is a "disorder of sexual behaviour in which satisfaction is sought through channels other than those of normal heterosexual intercourse."
The spiritual mafia MOB are the epicentre of Pedophilia and/or incest…. and the trade of human parts and the use of human flesh as food supply. These perpetrators abuse their victims as a means of promoting trauma to instigate mind control. These depraved, perverted, degenerates and pedophilia psychopaths actually encourage pedophilia, sodomy and total debased sexual liberty.
Abuse survivor advocate Hetty Johnston says regarding Tasmania's child sexual abuse commission of inquiry: ‘Not believing children is the 'number one error'….. "children don't lie about child sexual assault". Only the perpetrators committing these immoral acts lie. And then is is always covered up! That is the current evil system of distorted energy coming from the bowels of CERN and underground Military bases worldwide.
I ask you to consider contemplating and reflecting on these highlighted words - because each on of them is an aspect of one word which God Himself uses to describe the corruption established in our own hearts. That word is ‘iniquity’ - it adequately describes the corrupted energy Lucifer releases upon mankind in order to take them off course, create ‘error’ in their belief system [or energetic environment] and change the information within our God-given DNA. Thus corrupting our own spiritual Temple within our being. We thus become deviants before our creator God because we become spiritually quantum disentangled from His Presence and goodness.
Iniquity of heart is the fertile soil in which we sin against God and His designed purposes for us.
Other words that describe this perverse energy is wickedness, unrighteousness unlawful depravity, immorality and injustice.
This causes a distorted energy crisis within our own being……
CERN and the spiritual mafia MOB have corrupted and perverted ["action of turning aside from truth; corruption, distortion"] our energy field at the level of the quantum realm, so that we no longer think with clarity or in a sane way. The author of INSANITY is Lucifer’s erroneous energy and the exponential rise in narcissism.
Narcissism is rooted in a false belief system of iniquitous intent. Narcissism and iniquity of heart are one and the same thing. They are defiled, distorted energy coming from the one corrupted source. The energy that is iniquitous manifests gross immorality, injustice, unrighteousness, wickedness, or a lack of equity that results in an unfair action or situation. It is the quality of being unfair within an evil system plagued by corruption and injustice.
That source is in a distorted Quantum Field…. this is what the super secret Swiss “Pharaonic Octagon” is not telling us. They have corrupted God’s Quantum Field - which permeates the whole universe with Dark Matter and thus distorted God’s Creation by manipulating, twisting, bending and perverting God’s Truth.
Do you really believe the Swiss “Pharaonic Octagon” scientist do not know what Dark Matter is? Of course they do - and they are using it against humanity.
These perverts running the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva, and their mind-controlled puppets around the world, are physiologically sick machines that are programming AI to control us - Transhumanism, through a twisted belief system called Technocracy.
You are not crazy or insane - you have just been made to think you are - that is more than likely your perspective on life, because that is the life Energy you are connected too and thus energetically vibrating at that low frequency that brings death to your being.
The energy you are connected to determines EVERYTHING! Energy is life, literally. Energy is literally life. God’s Quantum Field brings Life, Lucifer’s distorted energy brings forth distortion, destruction and death.
It is really that simple!
Vaccinations is just one way the spiritual mafia MOB penetrates their technology into our bodies and abuses our own spiritual Temple.
Just one facet of the Globalist World Health Organisation (WHO) efforts to try to take over the control of the world’s “health system” is through “vaccinations”. Look at the impregnation of distorted, destructive technology into the body of an innocent child who is born into the world of this Beast system. This is done with NO CONSENT! We are more than likely born free and within minutes brought into subjection to the Beast system without any awareness or prior consent. This is criminal!
According to this picture a child is administered 38 injections - minimum - just like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975).
Why? Because their one goal is to either eliminate us OR control our minds. The MOB literally do not care which one.
Before we finish, I must give you hope that this can distorted energy can be changed - and it can - not collectively, however it can be changed for you.
God has given us access to His divine Quantum Field through His own Son - who is the only “Way” to accomplish this act of salvation. He is also the spoken Word of God. God’s “Way” is an energy field of righteousness, justice, right-mindedness, virtuousness, lawfulness, tenderheartedness, dignity and kindheartedness.
Here is the punchline…. the pro-Israel, corporate Christian church that formed its foundation in America, before proselytising the rest of the world, DOES NOT deal with the issue of iniquity of heart. They do not target the root issue - instead they target the consequence of iniquity of heart which is sin. God detests this watered down belief system. That is why, like Israel and Judah, God will soon take the Christian church into captivity - a digital prison of sorts. God says “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” Rev 3:15-16 ESV
This is true prophesy!
Like Gnostic Christianity, upon which the Roman Catholic Church was built, God hates a belief system that is mixed and watered down from His Truth.
Narcissism is the spirit of this age. Narcissism is the essence of God’s ‘distort energy’. Narcissism and the manifestation of spiritual parasites is closely linked. In fact, it is more than closely linked - it is one and the same Beast.
So too is iniquity’, corrupted energy, perversion and corruption of heart.
They are ALL one and the same source of corrupted energy. Those who move in this energy delight to try to belittle those who stand firm in God’s Truth.
Remember that ‘Sustainable’ Is The New Code Word For Genocide. But also remember that you were created in the image of God. You are therefore a valued, sovereign member of His Kingdom, where His righteousness and His justice prevails -FOREVER.
The choice is yours with whom you give your consent too - and which energy you attract - pure or distorted? The choice is yours.
Do you subscribe to Reality or a myth?
As Patrick Wood says: “The total collapse of Reality may be at hand.”
There is a big word that can be added to your vocabulary: ‘Simulacrum’.
Collins defines it as: “1) an image; likeness; 2) a vague representation; semblance; 3) a mere pretense; a sham.”
Cambridge Dictionary says: “something that looks like or represents something else”.
This is describing a digital twin which is a digital replica of something physical and natural.
In this article, Digital Twin Earth, they openly declare that this is a disruptive technology that plans for the future changes of our world…..building on their experience in big data, data mining and pattern recognition. The digital twin is the ‘hive’ mind: a virtual digital binary techno-pagan environment that humans will be immersed in, with their minds entangled to centralised Quantum Computers. This is driven by artificial intelligence. AI systems learnt by observing, then mathematically emulating human behaviour. Humans will be plugged into a virtual reality environment full of Smart toys, whilst living in a Smart city. A Matrix of the mind; void of freewill.
Where does the MOB get such a weird name as Digital Twin Earth? Stephanie Moran’s book, “The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace” gives us the answer, saying: “This paper will be tracing the Damballah double snake of virtual reality. Its twin ancestry in Paganism and Vodun, through its coding and its rituals. This doubling is inherent to cyberspace’s binary DNA.”
Purdue University describes the word ‘simulacrum’ this way: “Something that replaces reality with its representation.”
“So, the switch for reality is anti-reality [anti matter]: “The simulacrum is never what hides the truth – it is truth that hides the fact that there is none.”
This whole process does not happen in a vacuum because it involves human agency. Reality exists but human perception distorts it.
Just for review, reality slips into distortion, then into simulation, then finds its resting place in a state of simulacrum. Reality is subsumed by the simulacrum.”
The 4th Industrial Revolution, the NWO, the WEF, the Swiss “Pharaonic Octagon” and Nazism are all a myth - a Ponzi system that God will soon judge, bring down and destroy. God will do it - not humanity.
Which side will you be on? The One who has already won the spiritual war precisely 1,993 and 1/2 years ago - or the mystical Jester who has convinced the world that he can win?
There are no odds placed on this deal, because it is not a dualist option - it is Reality and God does not lie like Lucifer with deceptive 1/2 truths - our Creator is pure and righteous and true to His Word.
But it all depends on which spiritual energy we are connecting with at the level of the subatomic quantum particles described in quantum physics. Be assured, it is not something you have to “know” about or work out rationally - however, it is something you have to personally expereince energetically. That is how we reconnect with God’s Spirit. And the result will be a quantum impression that is indelibly imprinted onto your spirit, mind and heart. Oh… it will impact your soul and emotions as well……… then your mind and will will be resolute.
Experiencing God our Father and our Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach who holds “the Key of David” (Rev. 3:7) is the ultimate Reality….. it is a MIND BLOWING expereince!