Acknowledgement to Jason Christoff for this picture above…..
Karen Kingston has just written a post called “By Hacking Organisms, Elites May Gain the Power to Re-Engineer the Future of Life Itself", stating “Synthetic Biology is quite literally the science of turning technology into new biological life forms and turning natural biological life forms into new technologies. It was decided years ago to simply ‘cover-up’ the existence of the synthetic biology industry and the end-goal of converging the digital world with the human body and other life forms.
Synthetic Biology is quite literally the science of turning technology into new biological life forms and turning natural biological life forms into new technologies. While synthetic biology experts claim that they are “harnessing biology to be more productive and useful,” they are, in fact; hijacking biology with technology.
Yuval Noah Harari, advisor to Klaus Schwab, has been campaigning for years to merge humans with the biodigital realm in order to fully control humans and eliminate free will.”
This self confessing homosexual Khazarian Jew, Yuval Noah Harari boldly states, "By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Humans are hackable animals. This whole idea that humans have free will….that’s over." Notice that this spiritual parasite infested being is proclaiming a new type of evolution [the old theory of evolution by natural selection was obviously a myth!] - evolution by intelligent design. The spiritual mafia MOB believe that by hacking God-created organisms, they can gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Natural selection is being replaced by intelligent design and the era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design is now beginning. This is a life of AI controlled digital slavery. It is our own collective ego’s intelligent design.
Harari’s comment that “our future will be decided by the people who owns the data” is referring to the spiritual mafia MOB based in CERN, Switzerland. CERN is the epicentre of manmade Intelligence and data. CERN is also the epicentre of the global CIA. However, this is NOT the same Intelligence and data that originates from the source of nature, the creator God that resides naturally in our blood and DNA. The source of this “secret” Intelligence and data comes from alien beings or fallen angels that reside deep beneath the earth’s surface and manifest through spiritual portals like CERN and manifest as what we call demons or spiritual parasites. This is what is bringing destruction and death to individuals within the global collective.
In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly where CERN is now located, was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva - the lord of destruction and death is the lord of ALL manmade Intelligence and data.
The spiritual mafia MOB see us individuals as “biotechnology speculation” and are trying to reprogram us because they have not been able to overcome mankind’s greatest dilemma - the ability to overcome death and destruction associated with our dark unconscious mind - the part of our being that is disentangled from our creator God. This is the very part of our being where demons and spiritual parasites breed and live off of our life giving natural energy - like leeches sucking us dry of our life sustaining blood.
So where has this parasitical, life destroying energy come from? Let’s just look at recent history for the evidence-based manifestation of the unseen, spiritual and energetic realm.
And why are we giving our God-given power away to a mythical theory that only results in death? And why are we sleepwalking - even running - into tyranny?
It all comes down to what we believe - and in WHOM we place our trust in.
In case you missed the statements about Friedrich Nietzsche in the last Substack, Nietzsche was a German philosopher who lived mainly in Basel, Switzerland and who declared his "God is dead” philosophy to reflect an increasing unbelief and hatred towards God. It was their pursuit of the Nordic Vril energy force that eventually developed into Adolf Hitler’s Nazism. Adolf Hitler was an admirer of Richard Wagner's music and saw in his operas an embodiment of his own vision of the German nation; in a 1922 speech he claimed that Wagner's works glorified "the heroic Teutonic nature ... Greatness lies in the heroic."[274]. However, eventually Nietzsche collapsed in the streets of Turin, Italy, in January 1889, having lost control of his mental faculties completely.
This is the consequence of being entangled with this Beast like, Nordic Vril energy force - it drives people to insanity - literally. That is what is happening today on a global scale.
What we quantum entangle ourselves with spiritually and place our trust in determines and manifests itself in the physical realm. Which Lord we trust in determines whether our spirit is redeemed or unredeemed. That can be either the Lord God OR Lord Shiva, also known as Lord Baal or Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies. All of the later lords are driven by the Nordic Vril energy force / Hermetic belief system.
Whichever Lord we are entangled too energetically determines whether we are resonating with the energy of DEATH or the energy of eternal, resurrected LIFE. Whichever Lord/lord we are entangled too will also determine our eternal destiny.
The German music composer Richard Wagner's Nordic Vril ideology hit the right chord with the Nazi agenda. His vehement German nationalism and anti-semitism primed him to become a hero of Hitler's movement. Richard Wagner being one of the most famous composers in the history of music was obliged to flee to Switzerland, beginning an exile in that land that would span, with various interruptions, some twenty-three years in total. Here he composed many of his famous operas, living and working at the Tribschen Landhaus (1849-1858) by Lake Lucerne, Switzerland. His prominent visitors of course included philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Richard Wagner was the most prominent German composer of the nineteenth century, but he was much more than a musician; he was a social movement in his own right, a focus of passionate adulation and equally passionate condemnation. In Nazi Germany, Richard Wagner's operas became an anthem of German nationalism. Hitler’s personal infatuation with Wagner's operas make some commentators see Wagner as an intellectual "forefather" of Nazism.
Little did people know that the common denominator was the unseen energy of the Nordic Vril energy force and the formation of the secret Thule and Vril Society founded in 1921 to allegedly get in contact with the Aryan aliens and the lost civilisation of Atlantis.
“Our knowledge of the world’s most famous lost continent comes from the work of one man – Plato”.
Plato told the story of Atlantis around 360 B.C. The founders of Atlantis, he said, were half god and half human [does this sound familar?]. They created a utopian civilisation and became a great naval power. The principal sources for the legend of Atlantis are Plato's dialogues, Timaeus and Critias. In Timaeus, Plato describes how Egyptian [Pharaonic] priests described Atlantis as an island larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined and situated just beyond the Pillars of Hercules. Most historians and scholars believe that the story of the fall of Atlantis was simply a myth created by Plato to teach a moral lesson and that the island never actually existed.
I now present the notion with conviction that everything to do with the spiritual mafia MOB’s WEF, UN, WHO, the great Reset, Digital ID’s, the NWO and CERN is one massive myth. Disneyland, the Simpsons and Hollywood are all based on deception, an illusion and a counterfeit of everything God has created for mankind’s benefit.
Like Walt Disney, it would appear that this deception in regards to mind control is the common link between all the Wagner bloodline worldwide, even today. They have been instrumental in the spread of NeoNazism on a global scale. So when one thinks of the NWO, WEF, Global Reset and the Digital ID, one must go back to the Nordic Vril energy force associated with the Vril Society founded in 1921 to allegedly get in contact with the Aryan aliens and the lost civilisation of Atlantis.
“Digital ID is the linchpin of the entire globalist system.” James Corbett
When you think Richard Wagner whose work and Vril beliefs was admired by Adolf Hitler, let your mind drift to the present day mercenary Wagner Group who fights the war for Russia against Ukraine for their commander and chiefs in Geneva, Switzerland. Or for Australians, the German/Swiss Wagners bloodline is even closer to home. Think about Australia’s first quarantine centre, called Wellcamp, near Toowoomba, QLD. A regional COVID-19 quarantine facility was built on privately-owned land at the Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport, operated by the Wagner family. This Wagner family have been in business in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, since 1896 when John Henry Wagner first established the stone masonry business JH Wagner & Sons which continues to this day. In 1989 Henry Wagner and sons John, Denis, Neill and Joe established the construction materials and infrastructure company Wagners in Toowoomba, Australia.
Btw….. any Corporation or organisation that has ‘Well’ as a prefix is more than likely 180°removed from making you a well-being and will result in illness, suffering, misery and a digital prison. Or involve genocide and eugenics. Like the Wellcome Trust which is a charitable foundation based in London, United Kingdom, “focusing on 4 areas: mental health, infectious diseases, the health impacts of climate change, and supporting discovery research and science-backed solutions to health crises”.... Really? Former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is the chair of the UK based Wellcome Trust. Under their control is Wellcome Leap which is lead by former director of the Pentagon’s DARPA, Regina Dugan and is focused on mind control strategies for enslaving children through subtle ritualist abuse.
Meanwhile, after growing up in Nazi Germany and establishing a successful business there, Joseph Wagner in 1971 started ‘J. Wagner AG’ in the Alpine Rhine Valley in Altstätten, Switzerland. This Swiss subsidiary was latter named ‘Wagner International AG’.
Let Joseph Wagner tell his own story in this eBook
On p.63 under the title ‘From Lake Constance (Switzerland) to the far corners of the globe’, Wagner himself states…..“Beyond Europe, Wagner also had operations in Australia as early as 1977”.
As soon as you hear the word ‘philanthropist’, that is a give away. Joseph Wagner sees himself as one who is actuated by a philanthropic spirit. That spirit is 180°removed from that which promotes human welfare by giving money and time to help others - that spirit is actually eugenic in essence.
There is therefore no need to say anymore…..
The Wagner bloodline is a Nazi believing, Satanic, occult administrator of death and destruction. The physical manifestation of their belief system and the Nordic Vril energy is what has enabled this bloodline to build a Nazi concentration camp - in the waiting - in Toowoomba, Australia - right before our eyes.
And nobody can see it………. because the majority has been wooed into a deep spiritual and energetic sleep by this Nordic Vril energy that is controlling the whole world………
And this very fact has enabled the FINAL SOLUTION for mankind……
This is evidenced based Truth….
You, as an individual can end the war within so very easily.
However, it will come at a cost…. the cost is you returning to the only One who can redeem your spirit, mind, heart and soul. There is only one “Way” to reveal the Truth ……