You may think Elon Musk is the saviour of the world or Donald Trump is a prototype of the Persian king Cyrus the Great, being God's anointed - or even the Anti-Christ.
The truth is, both of these men are narcissists and have nothing in common with the creator God. Narcissists are always consumed with spiritual parasites in their brain, spirit, heart, mind and soul.
Narcissism is a self-centred personality style characterised as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one's own needs, often at the expense of others. The concept of excessive selfishness has been recognised throughout history. In ancient Greece, the concept was understood as hubris: overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance. Essentially it is one’s own ego taking precedence and dominating one’s own being.
Those who trust in the likes of these clowns are influenced by hopium, thus are relying on irrational or unwarranted optimism. The term hopium is a fictional drug that describes excessively optimistic thinking or false hopes - it is an imaginary ‘Alternate Reality’ or ‘Augmented Reality’ that changes our mind and the way we think about ourselves, others and God.
AI is Elon Musk’s world - it is a realm that enables him to manifest the demons [or spiritual parasites] in his life. Elon Musk is no doubt energetically quantum entangled to Lucifer. Elon Musk is thought to have channelled Napoleon Bonaparte during his informative, and venerable years. "Like the French Emperor Napoleon, Musk throughout his life has evinced a warlike spirit....." That is the defiant, warlike spirit driving many of us. It is the same spirit driving Switzerland, Geneva, CERN .... and the NWO. Please read First Personalty Profile Of Elon Musk By Friend And Confidant, Niall Ferguson in order to understand the spirit of Lucifer.
Remember this? This is Musk’s logo……
It symbolises the alternative, confused life Musk leads in his mind…….the nature of Lucifer’s spiritual energy is a rebel. Musk exemplifies being a warlike rebel: it means,
To refuse allegiance to and oppose by force an established government or ruling authority [God’s governance of pure justice, morality, virtue and righteousness].
To resist or defy an authority or a generally accepted convention.
To feel or express strong unwillingness or repugnance.
There is a part in each of us that is rebellious and corrupted - it changes our heart’s energy at the quantum level to be compliant to the Beast system!
Channelling someone merely means quantum entangling oneself to a person’s spiritual parasites [entities] that happen to live indefinitely. Our quantum energy field or heart has the ability to fragment through trauma and entertain the energy of other’s dead human souls.
There are no past lives for any human being - only spiritual parasites that we attach ourselves too and reincarnate within us.
Reincarnation is a mythical part of the MOB’s narrative. It is a concept that distorts our True Reality or True Matrix of belief. There are no “past lives” - there is only this one life that we have to account for before our Creator!
Notice that on Bill Gate’s designed computers, ‘Command X’ = delete. That is the MOB and Lucifer’s main message for humanity. X signifies deletion!
Lucifer and his demons are equal too, but at the same time subordinate to Satan [this is symbolised by the two white lines (dualism) embodying the one dark line (evil) on the logo X, moving from bottom right up to top left]. That is how the NWO [represented by the white spectrum] and OWO [represented by the red spectrum] work together to create war and disruption [represented by the blue spectrum] against mankind. Humans are merely pawns in the spiritual mafia MOB’s great game of chess.
However, we were not created to be pawns - we were created in the image of God to be co-creators with our own free-will, sense of freedom and sovereignty.
But now, because we too have disentangled ourselves from God and rebelled against the creator God, we are being infested with spiritual parasites that are living off of their hosts and sucking us dry of life-giving energy.
In order to be FREE spiritually and maintain our essence of being a human being, we must eliminate all spiritual parasites from our being.
This morning Julian Assange posted this on Telegram…. quote….
“Since ancient times, women have been known to have long hair which was not only seen as a symbol of beauty and health, as well as a sign of fertility, and it was also seen as a connection to the divine.
People with long hair have been thought to possess greater insight, intuition, and spiritual awareness. In some cultures, it is believed that those with long hair can communicate with the spirit world and even see into the future.
For example it is widely known that Vrill Society [the Vril Society is an alleged secret society many believe gave birth to the Nazi Party] which widely influenced Hitler, was a secret society mostly made up of clairvoyant women.
They claimed to have kept their hair long in order to act as an antenna to telepathically channel communication with extraterrestrial civilizations.
The real reason why hair is so powerful is because of the key mineral found in hair called Silica, which is one of the main compositions of Quartz crystal. It acts as an antenna that's able to transmit and receive frequencies.”
It is interesting that nanomedicine has stabilised silica nanoparticles in hydrogels for the purpose of injecting silica into our bodies within the mRNA cocktail.
These clairvoyant women with long hair, whose belief system entitled them to the hidden knowledge of The Lost Civilization of Atlantis have been prominent in creating the future of mankind - and it is dark and it ain’t real pretty. “Our knowledge of the world’s most famous lost continent comes from the work of one man – Plato”. The great Greek philosopher was the singular source of all information about the ill-fated island race and whilst experts write longwinded theses about the age and position of Atlantis, nobody is entirely sure that Plato did not just invent the Atlantean people as an allegory for what happens when a civilisation over-reaches itself. Despite this, the hunt for Atlantis is as fierce as ever.
Likewise, CERN and our civilisation it fast approaching the point of no return in over-reaching itself.
Plato lived in Greece between BC428 and BC348, and revealed the story of Atlantis in his dialogues ‘Timaeus’ and ‘Critias’. Many of Plato’s fables were fictional creations used to illustrate a point, but the history of Atlantis was repeatedly stated as fact.
This was an age of intense fallen angel and demonic activity. It was a time when the Nephilim giants or fallen ones ruled the lands. This is what the spiritual mafia MOB is trying to replicate today.
When the Israelites approached the Promised Land after spending 40 years in the wilderness, because of their rebellious and corrupted hearts, God instructed them to erase the giants from the face of the earth - because God knew what these imposters would do to His Royal bloodline. Of course, the Israelites did not listen to God and instead intermarried and that crossbreeding polluted their own spirits, hearts, souls and minds.
The myth of Vril was quickly co-opted by the same Victorian mystics who inspired it, then passed the secret information down into the hands of nativist German cults. One of them, the German based Thule Society, openly backed Hitler and the Nazis.
It is worth noting that the spiritual mafia MOB based at CERN, Switzerland come from bloodline that were formed in Italy during this very same period of time….. between 428 and 348 BC. Interesting! As outlined clearly in my eBook…..
….. the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines that still run the Vatican and all secret societies, was founded by 4 families that were Egyptian, or Ptolemaic, Pharaonic Bloodlines and 9 families that were Persian, Zoroastrian Bloodlines during this same period of time [approximately 428 - 348 BC] to capture the balance of power from Greece.
They did succeed….. then set about detailing longterm plans to capture the world.
That is about to happen…….. it is the FINAL SOLUTION. The NWO plan is as old as Egyptian Hermetism and the hidden Babylonian occult beliefs.
The 4 families [4 is a famous occult number] that were Egyptian, or Ptolemaic, Pharaonic Bloodlines were from an Hermetic belief background. Hermeticism or Hermetism is a philosophical and religious system based on the purported teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (a Hellenistic conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth ). When the Romans adopted aspects of the Ancient Greek belief system, Hermes's was renamed, Mercury. Family Zeus and Maia are the parents of Hermes. All the children of Zeus are his siblings, but Hermes has a special younger-brotherly relationship with the god Apollo. Hermes ( / ˈhɜːrmiːz /; Greek: Ἑρμῆς) is an Olympian deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology considered the herald of the gods.
Note well, that the modern day spiritual mafia MOB originated from the 13 Elite Papal Bloodlines formed in this period of Plato’s existence. The engrounded belief system of the Egyptian bloodlines was Hermetic. This has not changed right down through the centuries because at its foundation is the worship of Lucifer and Satan.
One of the foundational Hermetics is the principle of mentalism - "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." - The Kybalion which was originally published in 1908 by "Three Initiates". The principle of mentalism [Kabbalah] states that the universe is akin to a mental projection. This is like manifestation 101 [Eckhart Tolle, Neville Goddard, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Law of Attraction books all acclaim this] which is all about using your thoughts to shape your reality. For anything to be created, a thought must precede it. Manifestation is about creating a vision for the future, putting energy and intention into making that vision a reality, and then aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions accordingly. To manifest something means to make your dreams, goals, and aspirations a reality by believing you can achieve them. The idea is that by believing you can do something and focusing your thoughts and energy in that direction, you can actually make it happen.
Whist this is in partly true [error is always part truth, part lie because that is the essence of Lucifer, duality and iniquity], it is the spiritual energy sort whilst doing this that matters.
The ‘Law of Attraction’ is a counterfeit, distorted energy pertaining to God’s creative ability to create from the Word, Yeshua haMashiach.
This Hermetic or Kabbala energy is corrupted by Lucifer. Therefore this corrupted energy allows people to supposedly get want they want and makes them feel entitled to anything.
This is not the creator God’s way of provision and ultimately leads to digital imprisonment of one’s soul.
The Secret of Vril is a great article that outlines this occult belief system that has now taken over the world. Donald Marshall is a clone of the Illuminati, Freemasons and Scientologists. He is an ex-Illuminati insider, who speaks out and exposes the truth about the New World Order. He tells the truth about the perversity and depravity of the spiritual mafia MOB. Their belief system can now be called Technocratic Nazism because it is global Nazism encoded with AI. Donald Marshall claims that there is a secret that has been kept by members of the Illuminati for more than 70 years, a secret of such great importance, as to effect the lives of every man, woman and child on the face of the planet.
70 years from 2023 = 1953. The year I was born. The year DNA was apparently discovered. The year CERN come into being. The year the Celts of Wales embedded the red Dragon [Satan] into their national flag - which is truely significant.
“Following the end of World War I, where, in 1923, Hitler was named the leader of the new Nazi party. Following a failed attempt to overthrow the federal government, Hitler was arrested for treason. While awaiting trial in Landsberg prison, he read Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel: Vril: The Power of the Coming Race about a master-race of beings who call themselves the Vril-ya. They claim to be the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis, with access to an extraordinary force called Vril, an unlimited source of energy that supplies all their needs and can be controlled at will. Hitler believed the novel to be true and once made Chancellor of Germany, he would send teams of spelunkers into caves and mines all over Europe searching for the Vril-ya…..”
Vril believers trust the occult’s “truth” which accounts for a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called "Vril", the name of which is a shortened version of "virile". For white witches it is a controllable form of energy that they can quantum entangle themselves with. Hermetics describes this energy as a "life-giving elixir".
As Donald Marshall says: “The lizards from Atlantis were carnivorous and preferred to consume fresh human flesh. He claims that for centuries, royalty, powerful heads of state and trusted religious leaders around the world have kept a secret pact with the malevolent lizards.” Marshall goes on to say, “World leaders would receive valuable resources buried deep within the planet, such as gemstones, gold and other minerals and, in exchange, these leaders would conceal all evidence of the Vril from the surface population, so no one would learn of their existence. In addition to helping them hide, Vril lizards required that they be provided with a steady supply of humans to consume.”
Marshall says “that keeping the Secret of Vril not only refers to hiding the lizards and denying their existence, but also refers to an even bigger secret. Being a parasitic race, Vril lizards have the unique biological ability to invade the human body, take over the brain, and by accessing their memories, they can look, act and seem human in every way. After a period of recovery, the human is able to return to its normal activities, except the brain is now under the complete control of the Vril parasite.”
This is exactly what the mRNA injects and the coming SMART Patch is designed to do.
Marshall warns us that “we’ve already been invaded by these aliens, we just don’t know it.”
Now listen closely to this………… this has been my understand for years now…..
Marshall explains that Vril lizards are essentially parasites, and like all parasites, have a biological drive to invade, dominate and take over. Marshall refers to this biological takeover as “body-snatching” and explains that the human victim spiritually dies once the Vril lizard takes over.
Note: when a demonic entity takes over the brain and comes under the complete control of the Vril parasite, it transforms our mind to hate our natural fathers and our spiritual creator God.
These Vril spiritual parasites form the foundation of all narcissism and the false image or reflection of self and one’s own ego - whether they be male or female.
Spiritual parasites are what is causing ALL dis-ease, human disruption, destruction and death. This is what the pharmaceutical corporations are cashing in on - there is a lot of money to be made from this icon and this con. Dr. Robert O. Young in his excellent book ‘The pH Miracle’ says “There is only one “disease”… And that one disease is acidosis.” The body was created to be alkaline whilst spiritual parasites, manmade GMOs and the MOB’s nanotechnology makes our body acidic and toxic, destroying the flow of oxygen O2 in our bloodstream and within the interstitial body fluids of the Interstitium organ - the largest organ in the body.
This spiritual quagmire makes a perfect bed of morass soil for bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould [mold] - and of course disease. However, all of these are the physical manifestation of the Vril spiritual parasites.
Dr. Robert O. Young says "Parasites are like flies - they do not create the garbage they migrate to the garbage." - the garbage is the corruption or iniquity we hold in our hearts as a result of our spirit being separated from God’s Spirit.
Marshall says that “with the help of the Illuminati, body-snatching Vril lizards have infiltrated all levels of society and hold positions of power all over the world. This is done in order to remove key people and replace them with Vril hosts. Marshall states that Vril hosts can be found everywhere, in all levels of government, business, banking, military, law enforcement, journalism, media and entertainment.”
Marshall asserts that Vril lizards often infiltrate human societies by targeting individuals in the ruling class, royalty or priesthood. Once they are in positions of power, Vril lizards attempt to convince the humans to worship them as either gods or demons; something to be feared and obeyed without question. As gods, Vril lizards would demand human sacrifices as a show of loyalty and devotion.
As demons, Vril lizards are deeply feared. And since there is no way to detect the presence of a Vril host, except with an MRI scan of the brain, most members of the Illuminati MOB pretend to like the lizards and are friendly to Vril hosts, since no one is ever certain if they are talking to a host or human.
In the 1940’s, a secret pact was forged between the Nazis and the lizards making them mutual allies. Conditions of the pact required directing tremendous resources to assist the Vril lizards, including the building of deep, underground Military bases worldwide. This would allow the lizards a way to interact directly with humans which, in turn, would permit the massive, government sponsored bodysnatching so prevalent around the world today.
If we can assume that all this is true, that bodysnatching malevolent lizards have infiltrated human society and are replacing us, one by one, without raising any alarm, one might ask: Wouldn’t someone try to tell people and save humanity?
As long ago as the 1940’s the Vril lizards taught the MOB how to clone humans. The fear of this is is the reason the global media and Corporations cover this up. Millions of people are compromised and feel threatened by these false, weak little spiritual parasites. It is the weak perverted and distorted humans that actually commit all the atrocities.
There is nothing to fear if we know how to eradicate spiritual parasites from our being and we seek the protection of being fully covered with the blood of our Saviour, Yeshua HaMashiach.
I highly recommend you read this article in its entirety….. because this is the absolute truth about the operation of the Beast system!
Now, getting back to the statement about “clairvoyant women and the key mineral found in hair called Silica, which is one of the main compositions of Quartz crystal. It acts as an antenna that's able to transmit and receive frequencies.”
Women have be blessed with the unique ability to read and engage with the energy that defines the spiritual realm at the quantum level - even more accurately than men. A woman’s mind is often described as being a TV monitor, as she is able to see visions pertaining to the energetic realm very clearly. However, like a TV, it matters what channel she is tuned into spiritually that determines the signal, content and the picture quality. Most of their intuition skills are linked, not to God’s Holy Spirit, but to the corrupted energy associated with the demonic Vril lizards and their common spirit of Hermes, Aphrodite, Artemis, Diana, Gaia, Hella, Iris, Minerva, Rhea, Themis, Venus, Jezebel and Semiramis.
Remember the first person to fall to the deceptive lies of Lucifer was Eve. She quantum entangled herself to Lucifer, spiritually and maybe even physically. Now that is a bold statement, however, in God’ Ways we can determine the beginning from the end. And that is the same spirit that is predominant today. Therefore, many woman have been mind controlled and therefore programmed at an early age to hate their fathers, hate men and therefore hate God.
However, some traumatised women today believe that woman begot men and they are therefore judging themselves to superior to men. This is the belief system of the Vril lizards and the Egyptian icon Hermes Trismegistus. It is a definite example of human entitlement and narcissism at play.
Many men also worship the Vril lizards through secret societies like Freemasonry and the Octagon in Switzerland. Men are known to abuse women and fragment their minds - that is how they become clairvoyants and see visions of Vril spiritual energy.
It normally comes from someone who has been abused and traumatised with mind control tactics when they are young, and those spiritual parasites who impact their host and make them hate their fathers, hate men in general and thus they refuse to display any allegiance to a male God because of their past traumatic experiences.
One cannot blame them! However, if they desire to be truly free, they themselves have to free themselves of the spiritual parasites that impact their mind and their thinking.
There is not other Way other than spiritually entangling ourselves to the male Saviour of the world, Yeshua HaMashiach. Then they would truly be a psychic force of Truth, justice and righteosuness.
The main take home point is this - millions of do gooders - often clairvoyant women - and male white hats - believe they have been saved by the energy of Hermes, Kabbalah and their associated Vril lizards. They believe that they have been transformed and are responsible for transforming others to expereince what they are claiming will be the creation of ‘The Great Awakening’ for humanity. That ‘Great Awakening’ is the physical manifestation of Vril into the dreamed Lost Civilization of Atlantis.
It is a myth created by the MOB. However many of these clairvoyant women use their knowledge to, on one hand, fight against the MOB objectives for world domination and the establishment of a technocratic totalitarianism dictatorship, whilst on the other hand believe in a mythical creation of ‘The Great Awakening’. Ying and yang…. black and white is a philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces. It is the main concept of dualism…… and the one ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’. It is the one and same spirit. In other words, the energy the MOB is using to create their technocratic totalitarianism dictatorship, is the very same energy the clairvoyant women are using to create their mythical ‘Great Awakening’.
They are both myths - deception and lies created by Lucifer. The clairvoyant women’s belief system is associated with the Egyptian Hermes Trismegistus …… it is exactly the same energy that the spiritual mafia MOB used back when they formed in Plato’s era approximately 428 - 348 BC.
It is the exact same energy used today by the spiritual mafia MOB.
All the MOB has done is establish a Hegelian Dialectic scenario where two opposing forces are used to bring about one predetermined solution. The FINAL SOLUTION. This is the oldest trick in the secret society handbook. The spiritual mafia MOB from Geneva create numerous scenarios of dualistic opposition to form a Hegelian Dialectic to instigate a Problem > Reaction > Solution OR Thesis > Anti-thesis > Synthesis scenario. Another way of looking at it is: Thesis = action, action provokes reaction, which leads to the predetermined solution.
This is Lucifer’s main method of deception…….
Remember that God is not “The Force” so many tap into. God’s Holy Spirit is independent of this corrupted energy field.
Lastly, …..”When the Romans adopted aspects of the Ancient Greek belief system, Hermes's was renamed, Mercury.”
Remember this video?
Consider this - if a 10MW laser beam can melt aluminium wheels in Maui and the Chinese CCP has 70GW lasers in earth’s orbit right now, how is Elon Musk’s satellites implicated in all of this disruption to mankind?
Now listen to this - the heat was/is so intense coming from these lasers it turns aluminium into Mercury.
There are traces of aluminium within the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and the forth coming Micro Needle Array Patch. Mercury poisoning if fatal.
And it all comes back to the spiritual realm, the Secret of Vril and spiritual parasites transforming our brains, impacting our minds, beliefs and the way we think.
Yes, what we believe and think does impact our environment and what information passes into the nucleus of our cells, thus impacting and changing our DNA.
Likewise, a pure spirit, embedded with the pure energy of Yeshua, also determines our environment and what information passes into the nucleus of our cells and impacts our DNA.
The Lord has given you eyes to see Graeme. I always look forward to hearing your thoughts. Excellent post. 🙏👍