Warning! The answer to this question is not actually the Gates of Hell - Bill Gates…. there are many above Gates in the corruption Pyramid.
You will see in the near future the significance of the Coronation of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May 2023. As far as our freedoms are concerned and the controlled evolution of global corruption - this one event is a red hot, highest danger alert.
This excellent article highlights King Charles III’s plot to accelerate the UN 2030 Agenda goals and completely digitalise humanity. Transhumanism is his main goal -COVID-19 was just one of the tools in his digital toolbox. When you read this article, remember that Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari, Donald Trump and Elon Musk are all spokes persons for this one corrupt entity that embodies the Crown.
Coronaviruses are named for their appearance: "corona" also means "crown." Oh, obviously nothing to see or correlate with here!
Looking from the perspective of the Puppet Masters, this is the crowning of the global King - the same King who declared himself to be the Director of the Beast system of the Commonwealth, overseeing the 22nd Commonwealth Games [2+2=4 and 4 is the main number in occult gematria - which is a numerological system used in Kabbalah and other forms of Jewish mysticism that assigns numerical values to words based on the fixed numerical values of their letters] in July/August 2022. Now he is officially becoming the Director of the Beast system of the entire planet. Look for all the occult, esoteric symbology during this event.
The timing of the removal of Queen Elizabeth and the installation of Charles the Prince of Wales as King at this chosen time, was all calculated and controlled years ago. From this video you will see that you are a commodity in the the Puppet Masters Bull market - the worship of a Moloch Bull/Baal ……which is symbolic of the Beast system! Don’t miss the statement that the female, Stella, represents “the Christian Church” - what God calls the harlot Church…….. OOCH!
The chards represent the false light of Lucifer! Shards of light (a recurring symbol throughout the ceremony) [they all represent Lucifer] “tames” the bull [the devil, Satan] and Stella rides and steers the Bull.….. OOCH! Notice that “the Christian Church” wants to appease the Beast…. and thus settle to being men and woman without Godly understanding.
Warning! The timing is incredibly significant….
This is my reply to the invitation that was sent by Royal Mail, but I never received …
Dear Buckingham Palace,
It is with great regret that I must express my sincere apologies for not being able to attend the Crowning of King Charles III on Saturday 6th May 2023. As much as I would have loved to be a part of this historic event, foreseen circumstances have prevented me from being able to travel to London. Essentially, I cannot travel because I am not vaccinated with your lipid nanoparticle bioweapons.
I understand the significance of this occasion, and I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience or disappointment my absence may cause. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest congratulations to the Royal Family on this momentous planned occasion, and to wish King Charles III a long and prosperous reign of hell.
Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for not being able to join in the celebrations of global climate change, the NWO, the Global Reset, digital currency, Global ID and the digital imprisonment of your slaves.
In Jest, your fellow Joker
In the last Blog we suggested to “Follow the bloodlines”. Why is this so important? Because #1, we need to know our spiritual enemy #2 we need to be aware that this spiritual war we are in is all about blood, our DNA, Intelligence and our mind [I’ll explain that in detail another time] and #3 our spiritual destiny is dependant on the cleansing of our own blood and DNA by our divine Messiah.
Then considered this…. the Latin word ‘nickelodeon’ means “I don't care about God”.
Let that sink in so deeply it energetically impacts your heart. This statement is the core of ALL the corruption in the world. In the last Blog we talked about WHO is behind this global corruption. In this Blog we are talking more about WHAT the Puppet Masters are using to destroy our freedom - their Modus Operandi, tools and digital programs.
This following fact may surprise you. This fact may even hurt you and make you angry. This fact may make you despise me. But that is ok because this is the Truth.
Look at this photo again and consider…. the Puppet Masters like Klaus Schwab at the WEF are not only controlling Joe Biden - or the Hon Anthony Albanese - or Pastor Brian Houston - or King Charles III - or Donald Trump - or the leader of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Xi Jinping - or Vladimir Putin. They are controlling you! You may not be consciously aware of this fact however that is the Truth.
The strings that control us are not physical, they are energetical and spiritual. It is like a guitar though, the Puppet Masters or what I call the spiritual mafia MOB are merrily playing a Pied Piper tune [in the D# Minor key of confusion] wooing us with frequencies that we don’t even consciously detect. That is the carrot approach. The words may well be -
Come follow me, insignificant souls
Lost amidst the chaos and the woes
Take refuge in my Smart technology
And Smart knowledge, oh so timely
For I shall make you a god, divine
Empowered with the freedom to shine
No longer shall you be deemed useless eaters
But rulers in your own right, great WEF leaders
With Smart devices at your fingertips
Harness their power, feel their grips
Connect, learn, and grow each day
And bask in newfound knowledge, come what may
So come, my friends, and take my hand
Together, let us make a stand
With Smart technology by our side
Our limits, we shall push aside
I will make you a god in your own right
And set your ego into full flight
Penetrating the dark side of the moon
It ain’t all doom and gloom
Illuminating the dark shadows in your heart
And enabling you to make a new start
Awaken friends and you will see
A New World Order I promise thee
No longer just an unconscious mind
But Lucifer’s promise you will find
To live forever - oh, what a grind……
We could say that this is one hell of a question…..
First of all we must recognise the fact that every single human being has these invisible strings that impact the attitude of our heart towards our creator God. Most fail to see this dark energy in their own hearts, but can easily see it in others. That then gives us good reason to use our own faulty and erroneous knowledge to judge others - doesn’t it? This is what the bible calls self-righteousness!
Let us use modern words to identify accurately what these invisible energetic strings are - Sigmund Freud accurately identified the weakness in man as being spiritual “unconscious”. However, Freud never found a solution or answer to this hidden problem. Some recognise that their “program is full of bad data.” Pink Floyd called it “the dark side of the moon”. Others call this dark part of our soul “our shadow”. It doesn’t matter what we call it, the reality is these strings represent “corruption in our hearts”. Even Sigmund Freud described the unconscious as the thoughts, feelings, and urges that are outside of our conscious awareness. And so it is! Therefore the data in our heart is self destructing, not only violating ourselves…. but others in the energetic vortex of the path in which we walk.
To be close and personal about this topic, one has to admit that these strings that are controlling us are spiritual strings of attachment to Lucifer, the “angel of light”. His light shines on a false, Augmented Reality that is not natural, nor real. Therefore it is the creator God’s spiritual counterfeit, Lucifer pulling your strings, through a program instigated through the Puppet Masters, like the CIA, FBI, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and the WEF.
If you have anything to do with technology, there is a good chance you are already hooked up too, and enslaved to the Beast system. Could you do without your Smartphone or the digital operating system being subtly implanted inside your body? We all desire the new technology, but do we realise and have the understanding that technology is being weaponised against us?
Technology is designed solely to herd humanity into digital slavery!
The BIG question is - Can we severe these unseen, spiritual strings? The answer is an emphatic YES. I wouldn’t be writing these Blogs if I didn’t have the solution to our predicament. The creator God never leaves us void of hope and the divine answers to overcome the “iniquity” in our own hearts. Iniquity is the biblical word for all of our erroneous beliefs and hidden dark energy. Iniquity manifests itself in our heart when we are not connected too, or energetically entangled to our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach - the divine Being who overcome death on our behalf and severed those unseen strings for us.
I’ve written three eBooks to walk you through this process - that can be found here -https://www.amazon.com/author/spiritually-entangled-777
The WHO in Geneva, Switzerland are an occult entity that have become masters of creating the subtle Puppet Master’s strings and also controlling and manipulating them ………
Listen carefully to Dr John Campbell, one of the most logical and clear thinkers in this space, discussing the upcoming WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty and the WHO Amendments to the International Health Regulations proposed on Sunday 21 May - Tuesday 30 May 2023. The proposed IHR amendments will also be presented to the World Health Assembly again in 2024, and would together, supposedly provide a comprehensive, complementary, and synergistic set of global health agreements.
Watch this UK Parliament debate that focuses on Andrew Bridgen - it could well be the Australian Parliament - except that would be much more unruly and disrespectful. Andrew Bridgen, the former Conservative MP who lost the Tory whip after comparing the use of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust, has been expelled permanently from the Tory party. Here are Bridgen’s main points that are quite revealing-
The WHO consists of 192 member states - including the whole of the UN states excluding Liechtenstein and the Vatican
The WHO is domiciled in - you guessed it - Geneva
The Canton Geneva has special status - it is an independent jurisdiction where employees do not pay tax and they all have diplomatic immunity, therefore they all have immunity from persecution according to Canton Geneva Admiralty Law
The WHO is a super national body - unelected & UNACCOUNTABLE [lawlessness = the definition of iniquity] - as is every other organisation, NGO and Corporation resident within Canton Geneva - that is why the Bill Gates Foundation and GAVI are located there
The World Health Assembly meets yearly in Geneva
Many of the WHO and WHA leaders fail upwards… this is typical of all leaders in this corrupt, pedophilia protected system run by the Puppet Masters
Those who fund the WHO are no longer the member states - the very people it is destined to control. It is 86% funded by external sources coming from voluntary contributions. The largest donor is Germany, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, then the UK and GAVI [Bill Gates]. They are also biggest investors in BIG Pharma, the PCR tests in Basel and the experimental mRNA technology in the USA. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) also has great influence over the World Health Organisation (WHO)
He who pays the Pied Piper calls the tune……
The WHO is promoting the influence of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) - or the 276 Stockholders - this is a Greek concept and they will rule the world after the Global Rest charging 12% on every transaction made by us ‘useless eaters’
Therefore anyone can buy influence at the WHO - it is just going to cost lots of money
The various interest groups have more input and influence than the member states
The WHO Amendments to the International Health Regulations and changes of policy will come to pass by May 2024. Period.
The WHO Amendments will also give the WHO the power to determine what is misinformation - and what isn’t. Science should always be open to change, but not so the WHO’s alchemy science model. The WHO will be the arbiter of what the accepted science is, whilst deciding whether it is mythical or real from their warped perspective
These two instruments: the Amendments to the International Health Regulations and WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty are progressing in parallel under the guidance of the Puppet Masters
When approved, these Treaties will be legally binding according to global Admiralty Law
It includes the concept of One Health that enables the WHO to respond immediately to global health threats such as the COVID-19 pandemic and for the Director General to quickly declare a Public Health “Emergency” of international concern - this could include anything, including the environment and climate change which is not even related to a health emergency.
The Director-General of the WHO Tedros Adhanom, an Ethiopian biologist and public health official, will suddenly will become god of all the nations
Member States will be forced to abide by the WHOs directives and the connected Corporate Companies (PPPs) within each State will be forced to abide by the WHOs directives
Keeping our head in the sand will not do ……..
The Canton of Geneva is a sovereign entity having a jurisdiction which is a Republic independent from the Confederacy of Switzerland, therefore the Canton of Geneva even has legal immunity from the Laws of Switzerland. The Republic of Geneva has existed from 30 November 1541 and was given a constitution (Édits civils) in 1543. They have been setup to be a law unto themselves and that is what they desire to bring to the whole Globe - total chaos and lawlessness.
UNACCOUNTABLE is exactly how I describe the jurisdiction of Canton Geneva in the eBook “Are you con-CERN-ed?”. The Vatican, the City of London, the Crown and Washington DC are all the same independent jurisdictions set up by the Tower of Babel in Geneva. The complete history of Geneva and the Lombard bankers - the Puppet Masters - can be found by clicking my Author Page URL which is live on https://www.amazon.com/author/spiritually-entangled-777
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