We concluded the last Blog claiming that the fragmentation of our mind was a world-wide disease and possibly the greatest coverup in the history of mankind!
What was your emotional reaction to this statement? If you reacted in any way it could possibly mean that this statement is true for you and you are being demonically influenced in some way.
Why do you think social media, the entertainment industry and now nearly every aspect of our lives are embedded with influencers? The reason these narcissistic influencers are paid lots of money to exert power over you is so they can become subtle controllers of your mind. Influencers appeal to one’s ego - one’s unredeemed wants, desires, carnal passions and instant satisfaction and gratification - our unconscious self image. They say four of the seven deadly sins (envy, gluttony, greed, and lust) are centred around unredeemed desire.
Men, listen well in regard to sexual lust and greed; women to vanity, entitlement and the need to be seen. All unredeemed desire is a weakness [iniquity of heart] that manifests from the hidden need for instant gratification. This subtle energy that relates to self image, as opposed to being rooted in and entangled to God’s image, is the foundation of the spiritual mafia MOB’s Beast system. By complying - even unknowingly or unconsciously, we essentially grant them the spiritual authority to digitally enslave us. That statement is the absolute Truth……….Narcissistic influencers are actually marketing spiritual demons to you because you are deemed a commodity. To the spiritual mafia MOB, you have no value - you are perceived as a nothing. As the NWO prophet, Yuval Noah Harari so boldly declares “you are a useless eater”. Consider Harari’s destructive words: “Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept and legitimise total biometric surveillance. In order to stop this pandemic we need not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what is happening under the skin.” "We are acquiring divine power of creation and destruction. We are really upgrading humans into gods. We are acquiring the power to re-engineer life. Humans are now hackable animals. The idea that humans have a soul and free will.... that's over. All this idea of Jesus being the Son of God and rising from the dead, that's fake news.” “The rise of AI will make humans essentially useless and powerless…..”
This is blatant demonic communication using words of destruction - the direct manifestation of demons in our physical realm often comes through the power of words. This is the root of gaslighting [defined as the psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator]. The MOB knows that words have great power over people’s minds.
What does our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach - the true Messiah have to say about demons? What does the only divine being to have ever walked this earth have say about the reality of demons? “After sunset, all those who had people sick with various diseases brought them to Yeshua, and he put his hands on each one of them and healed them; also demons came out of many, crying, “You are the Son of God!” But, rebuking them, he did not permit them to say that they knew he was the Messiah.” Luke 4:41 CJB
We humans find it difficult to trust in the unseen world. We tend to only trust that which is manifested physically - we reason that it must have “scientific evidence” if it is seen - not understanding that the foundation of modern science is spiritual alchemy and therefore also fake. The real Messiah, Yeshua the Son of God has already revealed Himself to mankind - therefore if one comes to us claiming he is “Jesus” or “Christ Consciousness” - we can be sure it is a false, demonically influenced counterfeit Christ - the manifestation of an anti-Christ.
Therefore, Yeshua, the divine Son of God - God’s perfect template of God Himself, whilst manifesting as a divine man drove out demons from human being’s bodies - and thus they were healed. In the spirit realm, that is as true today as it was 2,000 years ago. These quantum sized entities that should be classified as “spiritual parasites” are bringing disease to your body. Demons are spiritual entities of destruction and bring dis-ease and death to humanity.
Now the MOB is pumping graphene oxide into our bodies that will form billions of quantum sized robots that they can manoeuvre and thus control us via 5G micro-waves with from outside the body.
Selah - think about that - meditate on this Truth.
In order to understand demons, we need spiritual discernment, Godly wisdom and understanding. Notice - we are not seeking knowledge here. Worldly knowledge is dualistic in nature and detrimental to our wellbeing. In fact, the worldly “tree of knowledge” is riddled with demonic influence. Therefore, our preschools, all schools, universities and all academia are riddled with demonic influence - and humans have become the mediums for their intensifying activity.
Notice and observe that these demons described in the scripture above were driven out by a Person - a perfect living Being whose name was/is Yeshua. The demons have no choice but to obey this divine Man’s authority. They fled at the command of His Words - because is the spiritual Word of Life. Christians, please note that Yeshua never, ever prayed for anyone - no, He commanded - and the demons obeyed. That is how spiritual authority should work. The good news is - when we are spiritually positioned in Yeshua’s authority, the spiritual parasites must leave our own body. That is what Godly spiritual redemption does. It frees us from the digital prison we all find ourselves subject to.
The digital world is a manifestation of the demonic realm. That maybe a severe blow to our ego and our own tendency towards narcissism. Narcissism is merely the manifestation of a being who is disconnected from, and energetically disentangled from the Living God.
When those people close to us flip personalities unexpectedly, we can be sure it is dualistic and demonic in nature. This understanding may help us feel compassion for them and pray that that area of their life maybe redeemed spiritually. This will turn their own fake ‘Augmented Reality’ back into who they really are - their true character and personality will arise again - just like the spiritual resurrection of our Saviour, Yeshua.
I want to mention something very important. People say to me: “Why do you worship and acknowledge Yeshua, and not Jesus Christ as our Messiah?” The answer should now begin to be obvious - our spiritual Saviour chose to manifest Himself to us as a Jew. He came to us through the Jewish bloodline. If you know anything about the spiritual mafia MOB, you will be aware of how important blood is to them, and the protection of their own bloodlines. Maintaining their bloodlines is everything to the MOB - so are the names associated with those bloodlines. The spiritual mafia MOB bloodlines are merely a counterfeit of Yeshua’s bloodline. That counterfeit perception of theirs is fake - in fact it is a complete illusion.
The spirit Being Yeshua is not fake He is so very, very real. The risen Messiah is alive and well. However, if we are serious about engaging with Him spiritually, and entangle with His spiritual authority, we too need to channel Him spiritually by the name He identifies with - Yeshua.
The spiritual mafia MOB are resurrecting the Greek system - the corporate Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) that are now ruling over our governments, the global religion called Dataism, the consenting religion called Christianity, and the gateway or portal to the underworld, Apollyon, are all Greek concepts. And they are all demonically inspired - humans unconsciously spiritually entangling themselves with Lucifer’s demonic matrix!
We need to deny the consent to this spiritual hoax and rape of our hearts and souls.
In God’s spiritual kingdom - the 3rd heaven - names are really, really important. A name in Jewish culture and in God’s economy are more than a label assigned to a body, they carry deeper spiritual meaning and significance. Often a biblical name would be based on a person’s character and also destiny. A name was in fact prophetic - it described a person’s unseen energy - the realm of one’s heart as seen from the unseen quantum field.
Our spiritual Saviour physically entered this spacetime continuum as an Israelite …. coming from a Jewish bloodline. We didn’t plan that - God did - so we have to accept that fact. There are several definitions of Yeshua that can be found in Hebrew and Aramaic biblical text, taken from the Hebrew verb, yasha, that means “to deliver, save, or rescue”, and is also stated as “Yehoshua.” Pronunciation of “Yeshua,” in Hebrew, can be read this way: “Yod,” “Shin,” “Vav,” “Ayin.” In Aramaic, the term, “Yeshu,” was transliterated from the Hebrew term of Yeshua, pronounced as “Yeh-shoo,” and missing the “a.” Greek translations have “Yeshua” listed as Yesous, among first century Greeks, of which the name, Jesus, is derived. Ancient Israelite scriptures predicted that their coming Messiah would come and reveal Himself through the Tribe of Judah, the bloodline through which royal Kingship would pass. Amongst the early ancestors listed in Yeshua’s bloodline is Judah, son of Jacob.
Regardless of this clear prophecy, the Jews crucified their own Saviour! Would you believe it? Well you should, because that is more than likely that you too crucify Yeshua every moment of every day. We crucify Him over and over by not energetically entangling ourselves to His Spirit - His free offer of redemption. Thus we render what He did on our behalf, null and void. Our spirit is only too happy to reject His Holy Spirit - that is what creates our energetic world of ego and the subtle energy of narcissism.
Narcissism is all about self image - how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive others and how we perceive God! The word ‘narcissism’ gets tossed around a lot in our selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven culture, often to describe someone who seems excessively vain or full of themselves. This adequately describes our influencers - you know, the corrupted influencers of power, sex and money - and the trading of our own souls!
It should be emphasised that the bloodline of Jacob came from two wives - Rachel and Leaha. Rachel represented physical beauty, charm, outward appearance, vanity, image and essentially narcissism. Rachel was a typically beautiful appearing influencer of her day. She looked good on the outside, but inside her heart she represented a worm ridden, synthetic GMO apple - rotten inside. Whereas God saw that Leaha’s heart was pure - Leaha’s intentions were ethical, honourable, fair, righteous and just. God therefore chose Leaha, the lesser physically desirable person to represent the bloodline through whom the Messiah, Yeshua would come into the world via divine impregnation.
Be aware also that the words “Jesus Christ” first became popular amongst the first century Greek influencers of their day. Christianity was institutionalised - literally - by the Roman Emperor Constantine who had a flight into spiritual fantasy - an epiphany - in AD 212. Just like CERN is built over an ancient Roman Temple that was dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, which is a gateway or portal to the underworld [the Greek name Apollyon, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”], so too Christianity was instituted to worship the Greek god Apollyon …... or Lucifer ….. or the Greek icon Jesus Christ. All of them are an epiphany of the Real spiritual experience we can choose to have.
The majority of Christians have a fake belief system and therefore Christianity is a fake religion. It too is an illusion that is a part of the world’s Beast system. If Christianity wasn’t an apostate religion, then Christians would have all the attributes, power and authority of the risen Lord who destroyed death and the destruction that is caused by demonic activity - on our behalf.
God knows that we unredeemed human beings do not have the solution to overcoming the fragmentation of our souls or the spiritual ascendancy of demonic activity in our lives. The only way to get rid of the flies [spiritual parasites] is to get rid of the rubbish [iniquity or corruption of heart]. That is what Yeshua secured on our behalf. He eradicated death and destruction - the very thing the spiritual mafia MOB are calling forth and conjuring up with advanced technology within the confines of the demonic spiritual portal at CERN, Switzerland.
I want to be clear here - I was involved in the Christian church for a good twenty years. As a result of that experience, sadly I personally know very few Christians who are not infested with demonic entities. Yeshua Himself said, “Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” Matthew 7:21-23
What does it mean “you workers of iniquity”? Christians rarely workout their commercialised, instant gratification version of “salvation” because they are not taught how to deal with the dark subtle energy of iniquity in their own hearts. That is why they appear so self-righteous - just like the religious Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees who crucified Yeshua 1,993 years ago. I call Christianity “Christos-Masonry”, because it is a mixture of Christianity and Freemasonry - it is essentially just another pagan religion.
Here is why! Christianity attacks the sin in a person’s life. Whereas Yeshua, dealt with the energetic root cause, that generates and manifests the sin in people’s lives. Iniquity is the root cause of all ‘narcissistic’ traits. In the last Blog I listed some of the more evident forms of iniquity like trauma, shame, lust, fear, grief, denial, judgement and injustice, which are all unseen energies and the rich soil in which demonic parasites live and feed off. Iniquity is the root and sin is the fruit of the famous dualistic tree of knowledge.
The Christian teaches that sin and iniquity are one and the same thing, whereas they are totally different. Iniquity in our energetic heart is a subtle unseen force that is a part of the dark quantum field. Iniquity is a subtle deception that distorts, twists, perverts and puts a spin on the energy field that governs our being. In effect it is an unseen “error” in our moral compass that usually goes undetected. In other words - we are unconscious of the dark imprints that impact our hearts. Sin then is the physical manifestation of that iniquity in our heart.
Therefore sin is not out greatest enemy - iniquity is.
It is the same principle when we go to the Big Pharma slaves we so respectfully call Doctors. They have no regard for us or a real desire to make us well - that would run against the grain of their corporate, money making model of doing business. So they fight the symptoms of our disease with artificial drugs and ignore the root cause of the disease - the reason why we have disease is in our body in the first place.
In principle we normally go to the church and beseech those we so respectfully call Priests or Pastors. They have no regard for us or a real desire to make us well. They are more concerned about operating as a corporation and making money at our expense. So they fight the symptoms of our spiritual disease which they label sin and ignore the root cause of the disease - the iniquity in our heart and why it is there in our heart in the first place.
The root iniquity in the worldly operation of Big Pharma medicine and Christianity is corporate usury.
In 40 years, this teaching by Pastor Craig Hill is the only teaching of any significance I have heard in the church system that addresses the topic of iniquity. Yet the bible is absolutely clear that transgressions, iniquity and sin all exist and they are totally different beasts. It is just that iniquity is easier to coverup whilst sin is more obvious. All corruption in this world flows outward from the iniquity in our hearts.
With this understanding, we are now more prepared to watch and analyse Teal Swan’s excellent video labelled “Do Demon’s Exist”. We will debate that in the next Blog….