You may find this information overwhelming - I get it! However if you consider a clock representing the time since the fall of mankind, we are presently at 11:59, 59 seconds and 59 milliseconds…… we are literally out of time. Therefore it is important that you at least consider the Truth from our creator God’s perspective right now.
We are literally on the doorstep of what the bible calls the Tribulation period - mankind has sunk their own supposedly indestructible Titanic and as a collective, we are taking on water. You are blessed enough to see history unfolding right before our eyes.
As an individual, this will either destroy us through fear or we can celebrate with joy in the fact that our Saviour, the resurrected Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach is soon coming to save us and reestablish justice on earth. He is our lifeboat within which we must establish ourselves spiritually. Yes, our lifeboat is a spiritual lifeboat - not a physical one. Set aside what you are observing physically - this is a spiritual war we are in.
Very soon everyone will be forced to administer to themselves a Micro-needle Array(MNA) Patch that has a unique identifier (ID) within it. Many who are already vaccinated are now classified as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) who, according to the MOB, have no legal grounds “to be” a genuine human being. So let’s assume that you are now aware that these old fashion needle injections, or the coming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch contain spike proteins’ that are smart magnetic hydrogels encapsulated in PEGylated lipid nanoparticles containing biotech chimeric entities with “biosynthetic AI technology parasites”.
The forthcoming digital ID will tag human beings like cattle, with the coming Smart Micro Needle Array Patch (MNA) connecting us to the 5G/6G network for personal surveillance.
Dr. Robert Redfield, an American virologist who served as head of the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the U.S. from 2018 to 2021 has just told us all that the next pandemic will be a gain-of-function bioweapon that's FAR WORSE than Covid. He calls the coming Disease X the “GREAT PANDEMIC”.……. Notice that he openly admits that these viruses come from gain-of-function research in a laboratory and the next pandemic will come “from gain-of-function research or intentional bioterrorism”- yes they are manmade viruses designed to kill you and me. Meanwhile Dr. Paul Cottrell reveals exactly what that chimeric bioweapon is going to consist of: HIV + SARS + H5N1. Essentially "aerosolised HIV" or "respiratory-spread HIV." This is what Ralph Baric and the US DoD have been working on for decades.
The whole Beast system is predicated on evolution and now a switch to evolution by intelligent design. The whole notion associated with this theory is insane and absolutely ridiculous. So what does mRNA do? Well let’s ask the experts - Moderna - which are one of the leading Bill Gates Foundation, financed research companies that developed the mRNA COVID19 vaccine! Notice the company name is Mod-e-RNA which is symbolic for modified RNA. Nice touch Bill! The problem for us is, it effectively opens the “Gates” of hell, an occult spiritual PORTAL for all those who have already chosen to be injected or will choose to apply the upcoming Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch.
Not only does the newly synthesised DNA self-replicate and control the bodies’ organs and functions, but the Quantum dots (QDs) are also self-replicating. Therefore it is not just those QDs that are delivered with the Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch, since they are coded to also have a life of their own and will soon begin to takeover as an AI infestation within the body. That in itself, could cause real problems for the health of those who apply the Patch.
This is an excellent video on - formatting and packaging of the DNA and the proper regulation of the genes. This maybe where the unseen, immaterial, magnetic Scalar Wave is used by the Intelligent Designer to transfer Information both in the regulatory process within the cells and between the individual cells.
It just astounds me that the MOB can make up a fairytale they labelled “evolution” and everyone foolishly believes it. “Evolution” is an occult, alchemy based science that is so weird, wild and fanciful that it is beyond logic thought. Now the design of cellular complexity has been raped by these alchemic scientist and are taking the regulation of God’s Information and re-regulating it according to Lucifer’s regulation of his own intelligence. This is the foundation of the global CIA based within CERN.
As geneticist Dr. Georgia Purdom says in this video, it all comes down to a heart issue - for all of us!
Random chance or design? Really…. it is a pretty easy option to work out! Did the building of your house just happen by random chance or was it designed by an architect? What would it look like if it was built by random chance? And yet everything to do with the internet and Quantum Computers is based on geomancy divination and random number generation that taps into our random thinking, unconscious minds - and we don’t see it!
All of this confirms the foundational thesis of my eBooks that all matter is a manifestation of that which is occurring in the unseen, energetic quantum realm -which is preceded by the spirit realm. That is why we always manifest that which is in our own hearts. Epigenetics - remember?
We either have corrupted hearts full of iniquity that gives a foundation for spiritual entitles called parasites - OR we have pure, righteous hearts that comes from a higher dimension. We certainly cannot produce it or reproduce the later in our own strength. Neither can we will it to be so! However we can imagine it to be so - and then ask God to apply it on our own behalf.
Now we are talking!!
I wrote this section back in 2022 - please note that the majority of the links I used then have now been blocked - especially regarding the Sentient World System (SWS) which is a "synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information". “The goal of the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) is to build a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends.”
The MNA Patch will deliver a whole host of technologies, not just a simple vaccine. What the MOB really want to deliver into everyone's bloodstream, thus into every cell in the body and brain, is a controllable platform they label messenger RNA (mRNA). The ultimate goal is to surreptitiously modify our DNA via an artificial, in silico mRNA. This whole operation is put in place as a command and control system of each human body and mind, masterminded by Lucifer on behalf of the anti-Christ. Because all of this technology is coalescing at one time, we are boldly announcing that there is enough evidence now to declare that the MNA Patch will be the delivery system of the “mark of the Beast” as described in Revelations 13.
Essentially, you will not be able to trade or buy and sell even basic food items within the Beast system without it! That is the plan we, as a hive mind, have been spiritually aiding and abetting [the legal term aiding and abetting refers to a person’s action to help, support, or approve of someone else’s illegal act] for years - through unconscious consent.
This inconspicuous, and painless Micro Needle Array (MNA) Patch will 1. when the Patch is applied onto the skin, the microneedles quickly dissolve and deliver the medication just under the skin. 2. part of the MNA system delivers Quantum Dots (QDs) which are embedded with Lucerifase, the luminous material that will be detectable with near-infrared light 3. the released Quantum Dots also deliver messenger RNA (mRNA) into the bloodstream 4. it releases a hydrogel that, when combined with the magnetic nanoparticles (NPs), they act like minute robots that will be able to enter the cell’s nucleus, changing the DNA permanently 5. the hydrogel, combined with the QD’s, functions as a biosensor that will monitor, receive and transfer information 6. this biosensor system will automatically connect individuals to the global blockchain, in the technological hive mind 7. it provides proof of vaccination 8. this is the interface for AI and the IoT’s that will connect us to the Quantum Computer global network (SWS) 9. it will be the only form of global identification; ID2020 - the MNA Patch will be a platform for our global “Digital Identity”10. the mRNA, once established in our cell’s nucleus, will trigger a replication process that produces a new, artificial DNA sequence, that rewrites the original host DNA code, thus changing the human genome 11. the MNA patch will change the original God-given DNA of an individual, marking their allegiance to the Beast system 12. it will transform our spirits to align them to the spirit of Lucifer 13. they will become a computer program aligned with the Sentient World System (SWS), making their lives become like totally controlled robots and hell on earth.
This MNA patch is the interface for connection to the Quantum Computer global network. The COVID19 scenario was developed entirely by AI and simulated by the Sentient World System (SWS) before it was ever released - as is everything the spiritual mafia MOB does. Everything is planned and controlled ahead of time and the timing is perfected by Quantum Computers.
The SWS is a biological, surveillance and control system. Essentially the MNA Patch will deliver into the body disruptive technology that is in fact billions of quantum sized laser styled Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs), that the MOB can manoeuvre around within our body at speed, in order to control our minds via 5G/6G electromagnetic energy.
If you are wondering what the motive behind the Global Warming phenomena is, consider the fact that Quantum Computers not only simulate human behaviour, but they are also networked and “daisy chained’’ together to simulate the planet’s behaviour. The extension of the global Sentient World System (SWS) is the Digital Twin Earth. “Digital Twin Earth will help visualize, monitor, and forecast natural and human activity on the planet. The model will be able to monitor the health of the planet, perform simulations of Earth’s interconnected system with human behaviour (AI), and support the field of sustainable development (UN2030), therefore, reinforcing Europe’s efforts for a better environment in order to respond to the urgent challenges and targets addressed by the Green Deal.” The digital twin is a digital replica of our planet, mimicking Earth's behaviour.
In this article, Digital Twin Earth, they openly declare that this is a disruptive technology that plans for the future changes of our world…..building on their experience in big data, data mining and pattern recognition. The digital twin is the ‘hive’ mind: a virtual digital binary techno-pagan environment that humans will be immersed in, with their minds entangled to centralised Quantum Computers. This is driven by Artificial Intelligence. AI systems learnt by observing, then mathematically emulating human behaviour. Humans will be plugged into a virtual reality environment full of Smart toys, whilst living in a Smart city. A matrix of the mind; void of freewill.
Where does the MOB get such a weird name as Digital Twin Earth? Stephanie Moran’s book, “The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace” gives us the answer, saying: “This paper will be tracing the Damballah double snake of virtual reality. Its twin ancestry in Paganism and Vodun, through its coding and its rituals. This doubling is inherent to cyberspace’s binary DNA.”
“The Damballah double snake of virtual reality” ….. Right! The gods of virtual reality are the Serpents, Lucifer and Satan - the gods of all dualistic religions
9/11 - the disruptive technology [a laser styled Direct Energy Weapon] was used to destroy the Twin Towers!
Do you get it? Everything is doubled in the occult. One is a reflection of the other - black and white, yin and yang - which is “a Chinese philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces”. Remember - all of these are human made concepts that take us away, and off course from God’s true Reality.
This is the fruit of the poisoned tree of spiritual parasites! It is literally the manifestation of duality. The tree of ‘the knowledge of good and evil’, or the one spiritual tree consisting of twin paths - ’light’[Lucifer] and ‘darkness’[ Satan]. This is the infrastructure by which the anti-Christ can connect every human to this virtual reality. Each individual is represented in the software as a node, and each person is allocated a digital twin or avatar. The digital twin or avatar being a demonic spiritual entity - a dark shadow, if you will!
Also consider that the MOB also has a Digital Twin entity of yourself…… an avatar…… a digital clone of who you really are.
I personally have friends who are presently working with the latest technology drones to capture data to create a Digital Twin of every commercial building in Australia…. all in the name of your “safety” and “security” of course!
This is not fantasy….. this is the Truth.
Now if that doesn’t make you sit up and take notice…. then I give up trying to expand your conscious awareness.
Really….. this is serious SH*T - and it is happen right before our eyes!
Just yesterday they were erecting towers with live cameras on top about every 5km along the freeway.
And you are happy to turn a blind eye and spiritually sleep right through this…….??
"I read to the end of the Book".... I love that! There is nothing to fear. Fear is the #1 motivator of the MOB to spiritually draft the sheep from the goats. Also a good call on the internet. That can, and will be cut off from those how are perceived as dissidence, very soon. The lifespan of this Blog is limited - I'm fully aware of that! Thanks for sharing!
🎯🙏 We are close to historic changes & time is short but there's nothing to fear, I read to the end of the Book.
A word of advice from personal experience. The internet is not forever & I have learned to copy & archive important information, videos, screens hots, documents etc. on an isolated "virgin" computer w extra external hard drive backup. Nothing I find relevant disappears unless I choose so. What can't be downloaded but only viewed can simply be filmed with another device, then stored with only a small drop in quality.