There is nothing surer - we have been lied to through various forms of psychological warfare propaganda!
That is how Lucifer attacks our minds through men and women who are complicit to his cause to administer relational seperate and death to humanity.
In this short 9-minute talk Denis Rancourt tells the truth regarding the whole plandemic narrative. It has gone viral on X. According to this scientific expert, he concluded in June 2020 there was NO PANDEMIC whilst the Governments and media were directly lying to the public regarding the events at Wuhan. There was no evidence there was a pathogen that was killing people. The “virus” which caused the disease COVID-19 has never been isolated nor shown to cause illness - and therefore it has never been proven scientifically to exist as a pathogen. There were no extra deaths until the COVID “vaccines” were rolled out in 2021. Denis declares that the “vaccines” are a toxic Military designed, biological weapon distributed by DARPA and the CIA. They are actually gene editing technology that changes our DNA. He also claims there is no global warming. We as a collective, have been lied to on so many fronts.
This is not new information to the consciously aware. Dr David Martin stated this fact as far back as mid 2020. According to David Martin, planning of the Corona virus began in 1965. Martin now claims that we didn’t have a pandemic - we have had a genocide. That is what all God-conscious human beings call it because that is what it is. Click the photo below to watch a recent interview with another conscious Doctor, - Dr. Jane Ruby. As Dr. Ruby says Americans have been lied too by their Congressmen, who are getting paid handsomely by the Swiss-based spiritual mafia MOB, whilst everyone turns a blind eye to the corruption manifesting right before our eyes. Once upon a time, corruption was surreptitious because society frowned upon it. Now it is fully accepted because everyone in the power chain thinks they may as well also gain from it. Corruption is so well embedded in our culture now, that we often fail to see it before our very eyes. Our own egos are unconscious to it and completely unaware of the consequences of it. This is a complete history of the MOB’s attempt to impoverish and kill humanity with a needle, which is just one of their strategies to advance injustice and destroy our liberty.
Dr David Martin confirms that there is a global criminal cartel using mind control tactics to manipulate the minds of the masses.
Remember the definition of iniquity or corruption of heart being the root of the problem, and sin is merely the fruit? Martin here says…. “Wake up people, stop fooling yourself. We debate the leaves on the tree, of what we call this pandemic, but we are not going to the root.” Does this sound familar?
When Dr Martin says he is making an accusation against the offenders, it is a formal charge that someone has committed a crime, it is a specific claim that someone has committed a wrongful or illegal act and implies a strong and more direct assertion of guilt. While an allegation is a claim or charge that has not been proven. An “allegation” is a statement or assertion made by someone, often without concrete evidence, and it may or may not be proven true.
In this video, Dr David Martin spoke in the European Parliament - at the International COVID Summit III 5-3-23 - addressing the weaponisation of nature against humanity with the issue of biological patterns. Don’t miss his comment regarding Pfizer’s first Coronavirus Spike protein patterned in 1990. David mentions the importance of 2002 - 2002, less than one year after the Twin Towers were “dustified” by a laser propelled Direct Energy Weapon (DEW). In this period the true science now shows that Ralph Baric from the University of Carolina patterned an “infectious, replication defective clone” of Coronavirus. This essentially means it is a weapon - a weapon of mass destruction.
I want to put it to you as a conscious human being - that the COVID-19 injections contained within them nanoparticles that are being used as Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) within our bodies. DEW laser beams are being used en masse to energise and destroy natural weather patterns in an attempt to justify the whole global warming narrative. Likewise, nano-sized particles or, nanotechnologies are being empowered as minute DEWs en masse within our bodies.
In this video biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the Covid “vaccine”, biosynthetic AI nanotechnology and 5G link. Karen has a handle on this nanotechnology like no other and backs it all up with verified Patent approvals. Karen has also studied the military definitions of neuroweapons, biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction. If we want to know what is going on, we must start with the U.S. Military, but also the military in other countries. The military, airforce and navy are bidding the will of the MOB in all countries - yes even Russia and China. It is difficult to believe, however this is a global assault on humanity instigated by the spiritual mafia MOB. Every country is now playing the game to varying degrees. Karen’s research verifies Johnathan James’ claims regarding 5G/6G. The functionality of all the MOB’s technology is dependant on the use of 5G/6G. 5G/6G can activate the functionality of lipid nanoparticles that have already been injected under the skin, as well as the execution of lethality [bodily harm] and death.
Karen Kingston says: “Quantum dots and other nanotechnologies are foreign terms to most of us. They are alien concepts difficult for many people to comprehend even exist. Although not well-known, nanotechnologies such as quantum dot, hydrogels, graphene oxide, and single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), have been used in consumer electronic devices, healthcare products, foods & beverage, military neuroweapons, and medical device research and applications for over a decade.”
In regards to Patent WO2020160397 which is the global patent for the mRNA lipid nanoparticle (LNP) vaccines granted by WIPO to Moderna on August 6, 2020, Kingston wrote; “I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.” (emphasis mine)
Karen believes that COVID-19 mRNA 'vaccines' contain mRNA Quantum Dots (QDs). With SARS-CoV-2 ‘Spike proteins’ being smart magnetic hydrogels encapsulated in PEGylated lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). The pegylated LNPs contain magnetic hydrogels and are a smart technology that is perceptive, responsive, and intelligent. Magnetic hydrogels can produce viruses, bacteria, toxins, and biosynthetic organisms and organelles inside the human body. Smart magnetic hydrogels can also send and receive signals through optics and electromagnetic frequencies.
These LNPs enable the mRNA gene-editing technology to invade the lipid bilayer of cells and then infect, replicate, and produce biosynthetic proteins and other mRNA-sequence-instructed biosynthetic structures in the DNA genome. The primary mRNA functions of QDs are to perform gene-editing directly inside human cells. SARs-CoV-2 cannot enter human cells without these lipid nanoparticles (LNP) acting as a viral vector [a drug-delivery vehicle]. This is the foundation of the graphene QD-based mRNA delivery platform that constitutes mRNA quantum dot AI bioweapons that are parasitic in nature. Therefore, LNPs enable the mRNA gene-editing technology to invade the lipid bilayer of cells and then infect, replicate, and produce biosynthetic proteins and other mRNA-sequence-instructed biosynthetic structures. Also, human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is impossible without this lipid nanoparticle technology (LNP).
In Moderna’s U.S. Patent US 10703789 B2 Modified polynucleotides for the production of secreted proteins it states clearly that contained within the “vaccine” is polymer-based self-assembled nanoparticles or microsponges [hydrogels] that may be fully programmable nanoparticles. That means it is not a vaccine, but contains self-assembling nanotechnology that is used to deliver cargo into the nucleus of the cells. It openly declares that the mRNA nanotechnology contains gels and hydrogels. Hydrogels are a network of polymer chains that are hydrophilic, meaning they are highly absorbent (they can contain over 99% water) natural or synthetic polymers. Polymer maybe used to form sheets [graphene] that re-assemble into nanoparticles. The gels and hydrogels are quantum dots! Quantum dots are a part of the hydrogel family. We are being injected with multi-functional magnetic hydrogels containing graphene that can be remotely activated. In fact, hydrogel is made of graphene oxide lipid nanoparticles.
These magnetic hydrogels in biomedicine contain soft actuators which are synthetically created nanobots. These self-assembling, adaptable, configurable soft actuators are what is causing blood clots in those who have been injected. It is like a stem cell that uses genetic Information from the hydrogels that can regenerate itself. Karen Kingston calls them “biosynthetic AI technology parasites”. WOW! They are parasites in that they need a host to self construct, but at some point they become self actuating and self propelling. Magnetic hydrogels are cited as one of the hottest biomaterials in recent years. “Smart hydrogel is a kind of material that can perceive small physical/chemical stimuli (such as temperature, light, magnetism, pH) and make significant response behaviours. Because of this Intelligence, hydrogel has a fascinating application prospect in tissue engineering, drug-controlled release and soft actuators [those life-like biosynthetic robots]. Especially, as an external stimulus of stimulus-responsive materials, magnetic field has the advantages of instant action, contactless control and easy integration into electronic devices. Therefore, the research and development of smart Magnetic hydrogels has been very active in recent years.”
Remember this fact - we are being injected with multi-functional magnetic hydrogels containing graphene that can be remotely activated. This biosynthetic AI technology are parasites”. They are parasites in that they need a host to self construct, but at some point they become self actuating and self propelling.
This is yet another form of spiritual manifestation in the physical, material realm. In the near future we will explore the theory that our bodies have become a fertile garden for spiritual parasites that when expressed physically as a symptom cause, disease and destruction to our bodies.
That is what is being pumped into our bodies!
50% on the population in Western society have zero critical thinking skills - that means they were totally unconscious prior to being vaccinated. How now? These “vaccines” are having a catastrophic affect on our spirits minds, hearts, souls and bodies…… and the way we think!
Lucifer’s role is to entice individuals into his spiritual kingdom - to woo, lure, invite, persuade and appeal to our lustfulness and our egos, and seduce us into actioning “the sins of our flesh”. This is the point at which the iniquity in our heart becomes uncontrollable and we manifest emotionally the demonic entities unconsciously, often without even being aware of it. These are the spiritual parasites manifesting, displaying and revealing themselves uncontrollably….. that is when our dark Satanic energy is revealed. This is when the spiritual root becomes the fruit that destroys us. Satan’s Vril energy is catastrophic and ruinous to human life.
The spiritual mafia MOB hates and despises humanity and seeks to destroy it because the one they worship, Satan and Lucifer, hate and despise God and all of His creation which includes those made in His image, humanity.
We are being energetically traumatised and abused so that we end up hating God and hating humanity too - maybe we should revisit and watch George Orwell’s movie 1984 - notice that the Beast system demands we show love towards Lucifer, not hate him - otherwise we are traumatised to the point of death. We are all caught in this phycological game of chess to bring in the spiritual mafia MOB’s NWO - the complete allegiance to and love of Lucifer.
Or …… resist and love God unconditionally instead.
That is the bottom line…..
There is no more to say - Is there? We all know this to be true - we just don’t want to face it because we are on the run from a loving spiritual Father and our shame prevents us from facing Him and communicating with Him! Therefore, we prefer to try to hide in the shadows and put blinkers on so we don’t have to see with two eyes!
And as a consequence, we watch our kids get abused and sexualised so they too can be traumatised and made unconscious….. as an affect, we are 8 billion individuals, all looking for answers, but not knowing where to look!