In the last Substack we stated that what we quantum entangle ourselves with spiritually and place our trust in determines and manifests itself in the physical realm. Which Lord/lord we trust in determines whether our spirit is redeemed or unredeemed. We are either owned spiritually by either the Lord God of heaven OR Lord Shiva, also known as Lord Baal or Beelzebub the Lord of the Flies. All of the later lords are driven by the Nordic Vril energy force / Hermetic belief system. This is the energy that is foundational to the belief in ALL false gods.
Most of the eight billion people on planet earth resonate at the frequency of the gods because they function out of their unconscious minds. Brainwashing and mind control occurs automatically within the dark soil of our unconscious mind. And because it is done unconsciously people have no conscious awareness that their minds are being manipulated by dark spiritual entities.
Our next Substack succinctly covers mind control and how the unconscious mind operates without us even being aware of it.
Probably the greatest coverup in history revolves around the secret silence regarding the fact that whatever we believe in, and place our trust in spiritually, ALWAYS manifests itself in this physical realm. That is the reality. That is the “Way’ God designed it and that is the way it will be until God closes up shop here on planet earth and judges everyone’s corrupt, iniquitous hearts - this being the unjust, dark side of humanity that needs God’s light and justice brought into it. This is how the quantum field operates - both the unredeemed, twisted, distorted quantum field that surrounds planet earth out as far as the ionosphere - which is mankind and Satan’s domain - and also God’s pure redeemed quantum field that occupies the rest on the universe.
Pascal Najadi states in this video that there is a dark side to the City of Geneva - and he declares accurately that the snake head is in the Canton of Geneva. This is 100% true. The foundation stone of this dark side resides underground beneath the entrances at CERN. And mankind’s “house of cards” that he talks about is about to collapse!
The man-festation of this dark side is detailed in my eBook Are you con-CERN-ed? which was written in 2022, even before Pascal Najadi made this public declaration.
The spirit realm always manifests itself in the physical realm. There is nothing surer.
The main topic I want to address today is an endeavour to help your unconscious mind awaken to the reality that each one of us has a dark side. That is the consequence of both Adam and Eve’s choice to entangle themselves with the fallen angel, Lucifer. From this came the bloodline of Cain - the first man of war, destruction, murder and death. Canton Cain would be a most apt name to call the Canton of Geneva. CERN is the control nerve centre of all global Intelligence and the planners of wars. Cain’s one act is now big business. The Swiss and the Rothschild Dynasty have provided and armed mercenaries for hundreds of years - since AD1648 in fact.
Cain made the first blood sacrifice of his brother when he murdered Abel and the spirit of death manifested itself. God then cursed Cain and he said to God, “My iniquity [unconscious mind] is greater than I can bear” Genesis 4:13. Cain was then banished from God’s Presence and he was energetically disentangled from God. Cain was the first human to manifest a demonic spirit of hatred and death. This was the onset of silence due to shame and guilt. Like a female’s walk of shame, the morning after the night before! Don’t fall into the trap of judging these needy women who have been sexually charged and energised from a young age by the controlling men in their lives. Shame is a lonely walk - for all of us!
Silence and relational separation are the two greatest signs or manifestations of demonic activity in a person’s life…. and illicit sexual activity is the most common method of distributing these spiritual parasites between individuals. That is why the sexualisation of young people is paramount to the spiritual mafia MOB’s strategy of destroying humanity.
Those who raise concerns about the COVID-19 medical treatment were bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracised, threatened, and fired from their employment. The rise of cancel culture is used to silence those who oppose the fake science and technology and chose to use independent and critical thinking skills. They want to call healthy public discourse, toxic. “The dissenters are silenced, not praised ……” Essentially, if we believe we are sovereign individuals with freedoms and God-given unalienable rights, we will be persecuted.
This shocking reality was foretold in George Orwell’s Fascist novel, ‘1984’.
Adam was the first unredeemed, unrighteous, unregenerate being, and was the instigator of Eve’s sinful and shameful actions. Males are the instigators of manipulation and control and women are the receptacles of that energy. Just like a male electrical plug inserted into a female fitting that generates a flow of energy.
However Cain was the first offspring to manifest that same dark energy. Cain’ heart was impregnated with dark demonic entities of hate toward his brother and towards God. The bloodline of Cain is now manifesting itself again worldwide with the same demonic spirit of pride, hatred and death. However the epicentre is now at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.
This is all detailed in CERN - The Pandora's Box. The “box'“ being a woman’s vulva.
Here is the good news - that dark side which is the rich soil or breeding ground for demonic entities in our lives - can be eliminated through God’s provision of grace and redemption that can be manifested through another bloodline to that of Cain - that of our pure Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach. His redemption process is our only hope to experience LIFE, not DEATH.
Not many choose to go down that route which is called the only ‘Way’, however more and more are choosing to take their heads out of the sand and awaken to a fresh Matrix of belief and trust in God. This requires a choice of our will to plug into and resonate with the pure natural energy of God’s own Matrix. This is the only place to find sanity and clarity of mind as demonic spirits are eliminated from our lives. This is the only place to find God-consciousness and clear awareness which eliminates the confusion surrounding Satan’s matrix of Hollywood and Disney’s, fanciful belief.
This twisted, distorted energy matrix we live in is but a malformed, warped reflection or mirror image of God’s True pure, unadulterated Matrix.
Due to the introduction of synthetic biology into our foods, beverages, cosmetics, medical supplies, prescriptions, and specifically ‘vaccines’ men, women, and children are having to deal with the effects that these biosynthetic organisms (i.e. the ‘spike proteins’) are having on our immune systems.
My own brother has now been diagnosed with Stage 4 “turbo” cancer after suffering from Shingles for the last eight months and with no medical, pharmaceutical or Doctor advise willing to admit that the mandated vaccines put his cancer into overdrive - and they even failed to diagnose the Shingles as a sign that his immune system was destroyed by the COVID-19 injections. The ‘spike proteins’ that were distributed right throughout the body is what is destroying the immune system.
I am tired of watching the masses ignore evil in this Beast system, keeping their head in the sand due to the fear of the ramifications if they speak up. The only thing preventing individuals from speaking up is the unconscious energy or the dark side within their own heart that is preventing them from seeing clearly and consciously. This dark side of humanity is where the “sins of the flesh” manifest.
Our unconscious state of mind prevents us from seeing the spiritual parasites or demons sucking our life energy dry within our own being. Sure, we are all good at seeing everyone else’s demons and weaknesses, but we refuse to believe that we too have a dark side. Especially Christians! They have been taught that they are free of demonic activity - this is probably the greatest deceptive lie of all.
Click on this photo to watch this important video…..
Pascal Najadi is a retired investment banker and the son of Hussain Najadi who was a co-founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) along side the Nazi, Klaus Schwab. Hussain Najadi was an international banker born in Bahrain to parents of Persian origin. He was assassinated in 2013 by a gunman who was arrested and sentenced to death in 2015.
His father left Klaus Schwab’s WEF organisation out of disgust in the early 1980s and now Pascal speaks out strongly against the globalist organisation after he took the vaccination out of trust for his own Swiss government. Now he says, “I call on the Swiss authorities and security to arrest those people immediately.”
The law of cause and affect is a God-given law - it is not a manmade law. Therefore, this law will remain in affect until the end of time. The Buddhists and Hindus call it karma. God’s justice will prevail on planet earth and God’s righteousness will be reestablished - God’s ‘Way’.
“Fascism is when a minority elevates themselves above the law and above the people.” This is a very accurate description of what is now transpiring globally. The energy behind this is both the Pharaonic Hermetic belief system and the Nordic Vril energy force. Both of these great deceptions converge at CERN, Switzerland within the precinct of the ancient Roman grounds at Saint-Genis-Pouilly, France that was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. Abaddon/Apollyon is the ruler of the Abyss and the king of this demonic locust plague that has now consumed the earth. Abaddon/Apollyon is often used as another name for Satan. This is the location of CERN which is literally ruled by the forces of Hell…….
“You are my enemy, my nemesis. Our end will mark the devastation of the planet. This is my final demand. I am the Angel of the Bottomless Abyss, I am the one who opens all doors. I am light [Lucifer] and darkness [Satan], the beginning and the end.”— Abaddon to Michael.
Abaddon is the fallen cherub that was tempted to fall from God’s provision of grace in the 3rd heaven and became the Archdemon that rules the Abyss. Lucifer and his rebel angels were banished after the War in Heaven.
Satan is the clone and manifestation of Lucifer. When Lucifer (white), the angel of light manifests physically in this world, he takes on all the characteristics of Satan (black).
CERN is mankind’s attempt to rebuild the Tower of Babel…… it will fail…. however it will not be mankind that brings it down, it will be God Himself. That is where we are headed right now.
For those of you who are interested in the accuracy of Pascal Najadi’s account of Trumps Executive Order, go to It was renewed on September 12, 2023 and signed by this mysterious, fake “President”, the clone of JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.
I personally will not comply to this evil intent to eliminate humanity through their program of eugenics.
I too am committed to Cutting Off The Head Of The Snake! This is my life’s purpose.