
Corruption in the Religious System

We Have Been Setup Part 2

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

Before you lynch me for heresy allow me to reveal to you the truth. The faith you profess to believe in may well be a counterfeit of the "the genuine article”! All religion has been designed as a spiritual trap for us to fall into. The problem is…. most of us don’t know it or are consciously aware of it.… the lure has been so subtle.

As an investigative journalist, I love to cross the traditional boundaries in order to find the truth… so here we are….

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self evident.” Arthur Schopenhauser 1788-1860

We have all been setup for failure! Christians in general seem to have great trouble in accepting that they too could be deceived. In their mind, Christians tend to divide themselves into “us”, the protected, saved ones… whilst the “others” are the lost sheep!

According to the narrative in their belief system, they think they are redeemed and therefore beyond the possibility of being deceived. Therefore they argue in their own mind that they don’t have to acknowledge or fight global corruption because they will be whipped away into some Alice in Wonderland, Great Awakening, mythical “Rapture” and be troubled no more, forever. 

So subtle is the counterfeit, followers of Jesus Christ don’t even know that they are the number one target of the spiritual mafia MOB mind control program. 

The word counterfeit means: “a fraudulent imitation of something else”: “made to look like the original of something, usually for dishonest or illegal purposes": "copied exactly in order to make someone believe that the copy is the original": “something likely to be mistaken for something of higher value”. Who we trust and who we place value in is extremely important if we are going to maintain clarity of mind. Here are some synonyms you may relate too. ‘SIMULATE’ suggests a close imitation of the appearance of something. ‘PRETEND’ implies an overt and sustained false appearance. ‘SHAM’ implies an obvious falseness that fools only the gullible.


Consider this video above; the first half is the Satanist funeral of the US President Lyndon B. Johnson’s wife "Lady Bird” in 2007. It is said that Johnson and the Bush dynasty commissioned the assassination of JFK. Her funeral was a celebration to their “god” Lucifer. The second half is filmed inside the Vatican Snake Room which refers to the Paul VI Audience Hall in the Vatican. The priests are singing to Lucifer, stating quite succinctly that Christ is Lucifer’s son

This is now rapidly becoming a mainstream belief…….. with the spiritual mafia MOB bloodline, disrespectfully believing that it has both the holy blood of Jesus Christ and the blood (or seed) of Satan in its bloodline. 

How on earth could that be? UNLESS….. of course it is true……and that this counterfeit was designed by the spiritual mafia MOB just after the resurrection of Yeshua haMashiach and the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit. The iconic ‘Jesus Christ’ became the Gentile’s god of religious endeavour. The name ‘Jesus Christ’ is in no way Jewish.

Lord Yeshua said whilst on earth that the Gentiles should be grafted into the original Jewish belief system called the “Way”…. he didn’t say to rip out the spiritual tree and start a manmade, New World Order church…. which is exactly what happened.

Constantine’s AD 313 agreement to treat Christians benevolently within the Roman Empire created a virtual reality or thesis which is in reality a theory that was put forward as a premise to be proved. Christians have been endeavouring to prove its reality ever since. The problem is, the Gentile icon of ‘Jesus Christ’ never died on a cross, Jesus Christ never was raised from the dead, Jesus Christ was never divine, Jesus Christ was never divinely connected to God the Father and Jesus Christ is not our Saviour. However, the Jewish Yeshua haMashiach was….. and still is. Lord Yeshua is our Messiah and our Saviour.

A virtual reality (VR) is capable of creating a powerful, perceptual illusion of that which is real. It is often an artificial reality that is not genuine. Think about it! If we go through the Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach, we have the ability to walk with and talk with God the Father. The creator God is not entertaining or communicating with those who follow a fake, manmade entity. The character, ‘Jesus Christ’ is a Gentile myth that has been created by the spiritual mafia MOB to divert our attention away from experiencing the real deal. No wonder 90% of Christians chose to be vaccinated with the venom of the Serpent. Pope Francis endorsed it, so did the majority of Christian Pastors - however, the creator God never did!

The biggest spiritual coup in history involves the spiritual mafia MOB’s design to take your personal pursuit of salvation off course. It all began the moment they discovered our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach had overcome the affects of their Kabbalah religion of death and destruction…. and resurrectional Life became a Reality. Where is ends depends on you!

In my ebook Beelzebub - Descartes’ Demons I went into great detail as to what a virtual reality is, and how they are formed by the spiritual mafia MOB. The religion called Christianity is a virtual reality that has successfully twisted and distorted our belief system…. and successfully evangelised to the world through the portal of America. It was all planned that way!

Thank you for reading Graeme’s Substack. This post is public so feel free to share it.


The thesis created by the spiritual mafia MOB is the religion, Christianity. The antithesis of Christianity is the satanic symbol of Baphomet. The predetermined solution is the pure worship of Lucifer. The first ever Jesuit Pope is now bringing that to fruition.

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