Life is all about WHO we place our TRUST in…….
When we go to our Doctor we place a lot of trust in his/her ability to discern what dis-ease we have. We trust their diagnose and treatment for our ailment. While a trustor creates a trust, the trustee is responsible for managing that which is entrusted to him/her. When we ‘trust’ someone we actually make a formal or informal relational agreement with them. To trust your Doctor is to rely upon or place confidence in them. We often place the trust of our lives in their hands because we perceive them to be a person with trustworthy authority. We are trusting that they will make decisions to transform our dis-ease into ease within our body.
What and who we place our trust in is a huge decision in our lives. That trust in the medical profession and qualified Doctors is now at an all time low with the release of the COVID-19 mRNA nanotechnology which has proven to be nothing more than a military grade bioweapon used to bring personal harm and destruction to our body, soul and spirit.
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. Swearing an oath to the “healing gods” to uphold ethical standards and "First do no harm"? You must be joking! The original oath was written in Ionic Greek, between the fifth and third centuries BC. This is a time in history when communication was carried out with “the gods” in specifically constructed Temples by the original 13 Elite Bloodlines in Italy.
A common denominator in the building of all ancient Temples throughout history was, they were designed to be ‘resonance generators’ with the evoking of evil spirits at particular resonate frequencies embodied through priests or priestess who incited “the gods” of the 2nd heaven. The Temples were not only used for ‘divine’ communication with “the gods”, but also a meeting place where the masses could come to hear the latest news feed and also pay homage to “the gods” by seeking more knowledge.
If this is sounding familar with the modern day internet and social media - you are right! The same 13 Elite Bloodlines control that too! Intel from “the gods” is the essence of the Beast system now manifesting globally. It is designed to corrupt and eliminate the God-given Intel within our DNA, thus eradicating our soul’s God-connection. CERN, Switzerland, the founder of the internet is the epicentre of the modern day ‘resonate generators’, or spiritual portals - it is the modern Tower of Babel.
The Beast system is essentially run and financed by Big Pharma and Lombard private banking based in Geneva, Switzerland. These two institutions have one common denominator. Basel is the home of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, which is pronounced Bâle or Baal in French. It is located right next door to Roche and Novartis which are the two largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.
Roche and its U.S. subsidiary Genentech mass produced the first commercially developed PCR test for SARS Covid-19, ready to be distributed in March 2020. Not surprisingly the wealthiest dynasty in Switzerland, the Oeri-Hoffmann family witnessed immediate record profits since the inception of COVID-19 adding 24% to their company’s net worth in 2020 alone. Even though J. D. Rockefeller instigated the pharmaceutical industry, the Medical-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex is now established in Basel or ‘Baal’. Kary Mullis who invented the PCR test died suddenly in August 2019 just prior to Covid-19 began to supposedly spread in December 2019. Mullis openly declared that “this PCR test was not made to detect any type of infectious disease.” Meanwhile, Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise was planned on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.
Co-incidence? You decide!
It is suffice to say that all “the gods” are subservient to the worship of Baal. The spiritual portal of ‘divine’ communication is what has established Big Pharma at the epicentre of corruption in the world. The book of Revelation18:23 BLB clearly says “For your merchants [a merchant, trader; one on a journey on a ship] were the great ones of the earth [Klaus Schwab, the WEF and worshippers of “the gods”], because by your sorcery [‘pharmakeia’, the root word for pharmacies; the use of medicine, drugs or spells; drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.;"administer drugs”] all the nations were deceived.”
Hospitals have been bribed with huge money incentives to become Nazi death camps (up to US$100k to declare and treat any patient for COVID). Under the Emergency Management Act, doctors and nurses are not legally liable, therefore they are a law unto themselves.
There are a number of precedents for these totalitarian dictates. The 1930s-40s was one of them leading up to and during WW2. However there has come to light a very similar account in a French book, Chroniqves De Geneve or The Chronicles of Geneva written by Francios Benivard in 1867 about ‘The Plague' hitting Geneva in AD 1530. An entire hospital was set up for plague victims alone. The hospital received money from the patients, local merchants and the city Magistrate who gave incentives on a monthly basis. If a patient died without a family, all their inheritance went to the hospital.
However, when the plague subsided, the hospital started loosing money. Therefore the Lombard spiritual mafia MOB got organised, paying the doctors to cut the plague ulcers from the bodies of the dead, dried them and ground them into powder which they spread on door handles in the dead of night [p.91]. They intentionally spread the plague amongst healthy citizens in order to generate more income. This plague in AD1530 is the prototype for how the WHO operates today. The World Health Organisation, also based in Geneva, is now doing exactly the same thing to generate $$$ and power. What is more, they are building the infrastructure for global biosecurity governance.
Like this previously premeditated act of corruption in the Canton of Geneva, the so called virus SARS-CoV-2 (and its mutations) were never a threat to our health. What killed people was the Spike proteins formed from the mRNA “vaccines” and the hospital protocols, enforced worldwide by the WHO in Geneva. The hospitals claim “Our extensive procedures and protocols are designed to keep our patients, visitors and health care workers safe”, yet their protocols are designed to destroy and take lives. The hospitals and staff are then rewarded financially, the same as is described in The Chronicles of Geneva.
The bottom line is, it is not the virus SARS-CoV-2 that is killing people, it is Big Pharma’s laid down protocol in the Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in the form of over-treatment - the use of intensive care ventilators, the administration of the likes of the FDA approved antiviral drug Remdesivir (Veklury), mRNA “vaccines” and high doses of morphine. This is Kate Dalley’s story of how the hospital changed her husband’s viral pneumonia into COVID-19 pneumonia so they could administer their deathly protocol.
Death and destruction is how “the gods” manifest themselves. “The gods” are the root cause of all corruption! Yet they are the spiritual entities Doctors are swearing an oath too in an attempt to uphold ethical standards? This is in no way ethical! The whole medical industry must be joking! No wonder their eugenist designed protocols are designed to rob individuals of the life-force given to us by our creator God.
How can we trust the administers of pharmaceuticals - Doctors and medical staff - ever again? We are in a spiritual war and we need to take our power back. If you desire to know the history and how your enemy operates, do yourself a favour and read Are you con-CERN-ed?.... it is now a life or death situation for everyone.