Are you confused after the 7NEWS Spotlight report regarding Hillsong Church? Well this Substack may bring clarity to your mind, heart and soul. Hopefully it will also resonate with the God consciousness in your spirit. Yes, it is really difficult to let go of a popularly acclaimed religious concept that you have relied on all of your life that is now dying - however there is hope….. however, you may have to read this story in entirety to find it!
We need to consider the allegations of corruption in “the Christian church”. Most Christians would not agree that Hillsong is merely an example of the corruption that goes on behind closed doors in most Christian churches. Hillsong maybe an extreme prototype of corruption, however there is a pattern they all follow, and that pattern is not based on the ethics and power of the real Messiah - and spiritual Saviour - Yeshua haMashiach.
The evidence is damning. The headlines say Brian Houston is turning religion into rock and roll, involving all the attributes of the Corporate culture of sex, money & power, which culminated in getting between the shepherds and their flock. Geoff Bullock along with Darlene Zschech ,a worship leader and singer-songwriter who primarily writes popular praise and worship songs, are both pioneers of the modern worship movement in Australia. Ye ha, it is party time in the church, just like it is “in the world”. However, the sheep are now in disarray - confusion prevails! Liam Bartlett and Tom Tilley reveal all, and the investigation is ground breaking. Is Jesus at the core of it? Well maybe the iniquitous Greek icon Jesus is - but it is my investigative wisdom to prove to you that the real Messiah - and spiritual Saviour - Yeshua haMashiach, is definitely not!
This is corruption from the top of the pyramid, down - all in the name of Jesus. However, we need to ask ourselves. Is this what the church calls “the world”, simply persecuting the believers in the church? That would the reasoning of those attending Hillsong - and that would be the message preached from the pulpit by the Pastors at Hillsong. That is the Pastors who are acting as spiritual mediums or go-betweens between themselves and their congregation. You know, the ones who act as an intermediary or messenger between two sides - God and the one’s He made in His own image. A ‘go-between’ is defined as “one who passes from one to another as an agent or assistant in negotiation or intrigue; one who serves another or others as an intermediary. Someone who takes messages between people who are unable or unwilling to meet one on one.”
The ‘go-between’ in God’s economy is about to die……. we need to learn how to go direct to the Source ourselves! This is the only way to find the Truth…and eternal Life!
What we need to ask is; Is it persecution of those inside the church from those on the outside [outside > in], or is it simply that which is manifesting from the spirit realm into the physical realm [inside > out]?
To answer this question, you may have to register for Seven News Spotlight and watch the full documentary called Hellsong reported by Tom Tilley and Liam Bartlett.
This is corruption at its core. I often think a Pastor often acts as ‘a milkman’ - if you know what that means! Yeshua didn’t come to earth to die on our behalf, overcoming the corruption in our hearts through His resurrection power, then become the overseer of a den of iniquity like the modern day Corporate Churches bathe in. A Pastor or Priest is merely a broker - they are trying to broker a deal with God on our behalf. There is only one problem - God doesn’t play ball in this game of chess. He demands that we connect with Him and entangle ourselves to His Spirit individually.
Geoff Bullock, one of the original music directors and pastors believes Hillsong has run out of ethics. In the early days the idea was to inject life into boring church services with “prayer and pop music” which were both said to be a match made in heaven. But was it heaven, or just mankind’s flesh - the soul force that is seperate from and independent of, God’s Spirit?
There is no personal accountability for the corruption in ones own heart with these Pastors - with Brian Houston himself over time, plus with influence from American Pentecostalism, it became “it is my way or the byway”. So tell me, how is this any different to Aleister Crowley 1875-1947 who was, and still is, famously known as one of the most evil men to have ever existed in the world. Crowley’s motto being ’Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’, which is their one law in totality. Lawlessness leads to chaos and confusion. Lawlessness is also defined as iniquity or corruption of heart. Iniquity has to do with a state of being that is in ‘error’ before the creator God.
In Aleister Crowley’s Law of Thelema, his ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” statement is supplemented by a second, follow up statement: "Love is the law, love under will”. The claim of Lucifians and Satanist is that these two statements must go together so that love acts as a governor that helps regulate our will. Essentially it means free love and sex rules over our freewill and governs the law of the Beast kingdom. It is Lucifer that tempts all humans with lust - just like he tempted Eve, then Adam.
Houston teaches that nobody can touch God’s anointed ones [the Pastors]. He is quoting Psalm 105:15 which says “Do not touch My anointed ones! Do no harm to My prophets!” In context, the Psalmist is referring to kings of foreign countries touching the likes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the land of Canaan. This is not referring to Brian Houston! Yet he maintains he is a protected species.
As the final conclusion suggests, like most Christian Pastors this is total hypocrisy manifested. Brian Houston has taken the Red Pill somewhere along the way and is totally under the influence of the spiritual mafia MOB’s mind control.
The global megachurch issued a statement in response to Sunday night’s program including - “Our vision to reach and impact the world with the good news of Jesus Christ is our driving force.”
Some of the adjectives used in this interview that are an affect of iniquity, or corruption of heart are shameless, coverup, wearing a mask, veneer and tainted. Both Brian Houston and Hillsong are manifesting all of these.
This observation I had whilst watching Hellsong is a matter of interest only! Do you believe in coincidences? Well how’s this? From my study of CERN and how Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs] operate. [DEWs are used by the MOB constantly to disturb weather patterns, create weather catastrophes like floods, starting fires and instigating earthquakes. It is called GeoEngineering. Australia is subject to hundreds of DEW attacks each winter and fire season].
There is now irrefutable evidence that the Twin Towers were intentionally demolished by a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Anthony Patch, an absolute genius on how modern technology impacts our lives, believes the source of the DEW was a ring based Synchrotron Particle Accelerator, located nearby at the Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island NY, a distance of just 66 miles from Manhattan. The DEW uses a magnetic gate to release accelerated particles into straight, directed beamlines. Affectively, the trajectory of accelerated particles are a source of disrupted 'light' or high ‘Luminosity’. At the end of the beam line, the gate is opened and the particles and the energy combined are released. When particles are accelerated, their mass is also increased, thus gaining energy which gives it a component of Kinetic energy. The result is destruction! Engineers who analysed the rubble, found nanothermite particles had been mixed into the original pouring of concrete during the construction of the Towers which began back in 1968, 33 years before the event. (Selah) This nanothermite was triggered by the DEW beams on 9/11 2001. This maybe viewed as conjecture however knowing how the the elite [the MOB from Geneva, Switzerland] operate and their long term planning, this is truely a possibility.
However, the following information is not conjecture! Dr Judy Wood is a Forensic Engineering Scientist, a structural engineer with degrees in Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics with 35 years of experience in this specialised field of forensic investigation. She spent 10 years investigating and compiling forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the seven buildings in Manhattan, that included the 1,368 feet (417 m) Twin Towers. Her book “Where Did the Towers Go” provides the only scientific investigation into the events of 9/11 in the public domain. Every other investigation and public inquiry has been a coverup of the sacrificial ceremony and the obvious crime against humanity. None of the evidence published in her book has been, or can be refuted. Such evidence cannot be refuted, it can only be covered up by those who own the media so an unexpecting public is blinded to the truth.
The best way to energetically describe 9/11 is a disruption that set the foundation for more chaos and anarchy in the world. Yes, it was the beginning of a Revolution. The ‘fight against terrorism’ was a complete false flag. Meanwhile, Dr Wood’s investigation is the antithesis of the word disruptive; it is the work of a peaceful moderator. She is a person of moral integrity. That is why I trust her work. Yet, the MOB continually use the Hegelian Dialectic to create these disruptions.
Dr Wood calls the events behind 9/11 the “Dawn of a New Age”, given that technology can now make physical matter just evaporate, disappear and turn into dust in midair. Evidence dictates that man now has in his hands, the technology to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter. This adds credence to Albert Pike’s prophecy that the dawn of the NWO would begin with an act of aggression against mankind. Evidence shows that the Towers did not burn up or slam to the ground, but turned into dust in midair.
Take time to research this investigation of the 9/11 “Dustification” because it has huge significance to our future as free and independent human beings. The reality is, 9/11 began the collapse of democracy, as we know it, and the slow introduction of a fascist, Technocratic system where the majority will be marginalised and treated like serfs. We will soon discover how all of this is interconnected to a Masterplan initiated by THE FORCE to introduce Transhumanism exclusively.
“Dustification” is described by Dr Judy Wood as “the process of turning a solid structure into powder or dust”. This process is an alchemist scientist’s delight! Dr Wood claims that the Twin Towers did not collapse under their own weight, since the resultant 1.25 million tons of debris was literally pulverised into dust, in midair, before sinking vertically to the ground. Fifteen minutes after the “Dustification” event, there were clear blue skies and literally very little rubble to be found at ground level. Her study of the irrefutable evidence lead her to conclude that the seven Towers in Manhattan on 9/11, 2001 disintegrated due to a well planned, and orchestrated demolition, with the use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).
Dr Judy Wood after 10 years of professional investigative study states: “He who controls the energy, controls the people”. Dick Cheney and the Neocons [Neoconservatives] certainly knew that! Dr. Wood claims that Nicola Tesla’s electrical Scalar energy technology was used in the DEWs on 9/11.
Johnny Vedmore from Unlimited Hangout reports: “On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab [WEF] sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and close associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families. Together, the two men watched one of the most impactful events of the next twenty years unfold as planes struck the World Trade Center buildings. Now, two decades on, Klaus Schwab again sits in a front row seat of yet another generation-defining moment in modern human history.”
Now, lets’ backtrack to the story at hand. Back in Australia, the charities watchdog are presently reviewing allegations made in parliament that Hillsong church misused the donations of its members. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie alleged Hillsong broke financial laws in Australia and around the world. Wilkie has used parliamentary privilege to accuse Hillsong church of breaking financial laws in Australia and around the world relating to "fraud, money laundering and tax evasion”. Mr Wilkie claimed the church money was spent on "the kind of shopping that would embarrass a Kardashian.”
But… how’s this - my ears pricked up as soon as I heard Spotlight’s reporter, Liam Bartlett mention Long Island NY. The reason I went to great length to tell you about the Brookhaven National Laboratory [formally established in 1947, it is the first and original Synchrotron to be established in the USA - the technology copies that of CERN in Geneva]. The Brookhaven National Laboratory is located on Long Island NY. Guess what, the Church Unleashed referred to in the Hellsong report is also located on Long Island NY. Humour me for a moment please - but what are the chances that the Church Unleashed that Brian Houston preached at recently, boldly declaring that he was protected by the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit, is located directly in line with a line drawn between the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the site where the Twin Towers in Manhattan, NY were located. The alignment is exact! I couldn’t have made this plot up even if I was writing a novel!
So you may say, “So what? Big deal!”. Well it is all to do with energy - in this case, dark energy. Shamans have used Ley-Lines for years, using the electromagnetic energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits of “the gods”. It is generally accepted that there is a Ley-Line running between Asheville NC [the home of Freemasonry evangelist Billy Graham btw] through Washington DC - NY - Boston [where the Mayflower initially landed] - Stonehenge - the City of London [from where the Mayflower departed in 1620].
Therefore, my question is - Washington DC is a specifically, Freemasonry designed city, located on 66 square miles of land, created as an independent Corporation and located right on the Ley-Line linking to the City of London. What are the chances of that happening without the precise planing of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva?
Do you think it co-incidence that Washington DC, the City of London, the Vatican and the Canton of Geneva are all independent jurisdictions operating above the law - i.e. in lawlessness and being answerable to NO ONE? Remember, the MOB’s only law is ”Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”! This is the foremost and main law of Lucifer. In context, this is exactly what Pastor Brian Houston is doing!
Likewise, I ask - What are the chances of the Church Unleashed being in a direct line between the first Synchrotron to be established in the USA and the Twin Towers in Manhattan NY, without the precise planing of the spiritual mafia MOB in Geneva?
The biggest and most important question to be asked is - what spiritual energy is the Church Unleashed tapping into in order to - 1. be located right in the path of the DEW that took down the Twin Towers and 2. entertain a Pastor, Brian Houston who took the liberty to take the bible right out of context when preaching, in order to justify his own corrupted actions? All in the name of: you guessed it - JESUS! But who really is this JESUS?
It is all about the image. It is all about the show! Precisely…..there is something happening in the spirit realm for sure - but is sure ain’t wholesome, ethical, righteous and Godly.
I therefore conclude that Tom Tilley and Liam Bartlett’s report on 7News Spotlight is fair, just and correct. Deception begins in our mind and that is true too for Brian Houston. His actions are a complete perversion of the Truth. These cowards quote “For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret” as a defensive weapon to keep their own iniquitous deeds hidden under cover, and then victim blame to protect themselves. However they refuse to quote - “What you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the daylight.” And so it is! This is the time of Revelation - the Revelation of our Messiah, Yeshua haMashiach. He will not be mocked or be an artificially manmade god…….
These Pastors have become psychopathic, sexual predators because they have probably never ever experienced God’s Truth or His glory and goodness. Therefore Brian Houston is neither anointed nor protected by the living God. He is merely a snake hiding in the savannah of life.
Light always overcomes the dark….. and so it does, and so it will! Piper Cameron, the main witness stated “I don’t think Jesus is at the core of it”. I would personally conclude that the creator God, His divinely presented Son, Yeshua the Lord of the universe and God’s Holy Spirit who was released after Yeshua’s resurrection - were definitely not. This behaviour is not in line with His perfect character.
If this makes you sick in the stomach - and it should - please don’t through the baby out with the bath water and blame God. He is not in this at all……………. this is just one little victory for the spiritual mafia MOB! This form of mind control is meticulously planned and implemented. It is NOT the power of God, it is the power of Lucifer, the deceiver who is also about to be exposed. The glory of God is in no way present in this story line.
For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God ; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? We all wait with abated breathe - but the verdict of the judgement is self evident.
The creator God is done with these spiritual snakes [serpents], who take advantage of the unsuspecting - so are we! If you get to read this Piper Cameron, don’t give up! Trust only in God, not man.
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