In THE CORBETT REPORT, Oct 22, 2023, James Corbett states….
“I often get asked about an image I've had cause to include in several of my articles over the years. It depicts a television camera capturing a knife attack in such a way as to completely flip the reality of who is attacking and who is being attacked.
In case you haven't seen it before, here it is:
I would happily credit whoever created this image, but I can't. It's been floating around on the internet for decades now and I've never once seen it credited to a particular artist. It has, however, been posted and re-posted so much that it's generated its own lore at this point.
Some say that the cameraman framed both of them.
Others insist there's a gun pointed at the cameraman's head, just outside the frame of the picture.
Whatever the case, it's easy to see why the image has generated so much interest over the decades (and continues to do so, judging from the feedback in my inbox). It's because it perfectly encapsulates a point that I will now spend thousands of words elaborating: context is everything.
If you have already internalized this point and you understand how this insight has been weaponized by the powers that shouldn't be, great! But here's another point to consider: we can use this insight about the importance of context to our own advantage.”
How? Allow me to explain in my own words….
It is all about self-image…….or what became known as ‘the unconscious’ mind, which is often totally irrational!
In other words - how we perceive ourselves is often totally irrational and totally false.
This is the greatest dilemma for mankind, haven fallen from God’s grace. The only solution is to reposition ourselves back under the umbrella of God’s provision of grace.
It was Sigmund Freud’s concept that there existed ‘hidden irrational forces within humans’ that could be tapped into using psychoanalysis. His nephew, Edward Bernays dreamt of making money by manipulating what Freud called ‘the unconscious’. Bernays learnt that information drives behaviour. Or that foundationally, our beliefs affect our personal environment and that in turn impacts the information entering into the nucleus of our DNA. Bernays came up with the idea to play with people’s irrational emotions.
It was Bernays who sold the idea to young women in the 1920’s that cigarettes and smoking represented “torches of freedom”. The concept that smoking made women feel good was completely irrational, but it made women feel more powerful and independent. Self gratification and the fact that her own ego was stroked changed the image she had of herself. As a consequence her belief system changed her personal environment. It made Bernays realise it was possible to persuade people to act irrationally, if one links the consumption of products to their own ego’s irrational desires and feelings.
People were trained to desire goods regardless of their needs. This made them feel good and their needy egos were then satisfied.
Self-image became all important….. and that felt good to ones self-centred ego! Women became icons of glamour ….. and the concept of consumerism was born! Women in turn naturally became influences of men.
The rest is history.
To someone who is spiritually unredeemed by God, self-image is of the utmost importance. Why? Because we were created in the image of God whether we like it or not. The self-image we create of ourselves is often a counterfeit, or fake Alternate image of how we see ourselves from inside this matrix - not how God perceives us from outside of this matrix.
The three elements of a person’s self-image are: 1. The way a person perceives or thinks of him/herself. 2. The way a person interprets others’ perceptions (or what he thinks others think) of him/herself. 3. The way a person would like to be (his/her ideal self).
Influences are employed to appeal to ones own false distorted image and distorted ego. The source of this energy which idolises and reveals the ‘ideal self’ is the Nordic Vril energy and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system. It provides the unseen energy source that is hidden behind the veil of our false perceptions.
I say distorted, because it is no longer morally true, or upright or just - but twisted, contorted, altered or tampered with spiritually and energetically. This describes a corrupted or iniquitous heart that is disentangled from our Creator, God.
A number of mental health disorders surround self-image, mainly because it determines our sanity of mind.
The ‘hidden irrational forces within humans’ is what Freud labeled the unconscious. This weakness is called iniquity, wickedness or corruption of ones own heart in the bible. It is the core affect of man’s chosen independence and disentanglement from his Creator, God. As a consequence, Self [or unregenerate ego] becomes all important. Life becomes all about Self and the image that portrays. It is depicted today mainly amongst social media influencers. Self, self, self, ego, ego ,ego, pride, pride, pride - sexuality and faith in self are foremost in an influencer’s mind.
Another way of saying this is - the ‘hidden irrational forces within humans’ is dark matter that forms a foundation of rich soil in which spiritual parasites exit. Spiritual parasites are merely entities associated with the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system that are expressed through our own image.
Dark matter is the reversal of matter. When we fall for Lucifer’s deception we generate dark matter that is directly opposed to living matter. The two cannot co-exist together. Dark matter eliminates everything God has designed for our benefit. Dark matter places us on a road to self-sabotage, self-destruction, insanity, disease and death.
So what does it mean “Context Is Everything?”
Context is defined as “the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it. In semiotics, linguistics, sociology and anthropology, context refers to those objects or entities which surround a focal event, in these disciplines typically a communicative event, of some kind. Context is "a frame that surrounds the event and provides resources for its appropriate interpretation". It is thus a relative concept, only definable with respect to some focal event within a frame, not independently of that frame.”
Now I’m going to make a bold statement - “Context Is Everything” because what we perceive and believe is everything. In other words, context and our own perception are inevitably woven together in a very subtle way, even at the level of the quantum field. Perception gives context and context provides us with or perceptions.
Have you ever been going about your day and just felt “off”? Or maybe you knew you were under attack from the enemy but didn’t know what to do about it? This spiritual battle we are in is real. Very real. And we need to learn how to fight back. Maybe you have been “spiritually slimed” by demonic entities that have changed your frame of reference and perspectives. Whatever spiritual energy that we are entangled too at any moment in time, determines how we feel. This is the context of the Agent Smith Effect! Agent Smith in the Matrix represents the energy of the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system. It is destructive, it is dark, it feels slimy and brings the energy of death to every cell in our body.
All truths threatens our matrix of belief that propels us into any unreal, ‘Alice in Wonderland"‘, Alternate reality.
In the movie The Matrix, Agent Smith has the ability to enter any body, at anytime. We could say he “spiritually slims” everyone he comes into contact with. This scenario is a reflection of our Real world. It can only occur when we have entered the matrix by giving consent to experiencing some form of Alternate reality. Remember, all truth is threatened inside the matrix….. especially God’s Truth, God’s justice and God’s righteousness. Like oil and water, they simply do not mix! The matrix is programmed into most people below the age of 5 years old through use, abuse and intense trauma. This sets the stage for self sabotage and “spiritually sliming”. Because of this “Agent Smith” programming [i.e. MKUltra programming or even mass brain washing] these people become guardians of the matrix belief system, protectors of the code, police or watchers of the mind controlled and enforcers of the indoctrination…… which holds together our false concept of reality like super glue.
So let’s return to this picture! What is the context of this action? The duality of black and white is a give away! This is a depiction of the occult world. Remember, context is "a framed” reality in which entities surround a focal point.
This is not God’s Realty, it is a fake, mystical reality. The camera is shedding a shadow which means the “enlightened one”, Lucifer, must be positioned behind the cameraman and watching the action of mankind’s weakness with delight. The camera is focused on the black and white dood who is the aggressor. Both doods are “slimmed” with dark energy covering their hearts. The two entities inside the camera are a reversal of reality - this is normal in the occult realm - everything is 180°reversed. The entity with the knife is now on the left side which is a reversal to the live event. This is what the media see. The media always presents a fake perspective of the truth.
Notice that the cameraman observing this event is entangled spiritually with dark energy. His energetic presence creates such a dark shadow, it essentially engulfs him.
This picture represents a fake, inverted reality that does not resonate with the Truth of God’s creational power, or His resurrectional power. It is a reflection, a refraction and an inversion of nature and the kingdom of God.
Have you been ‘slimmed’ today? Have you been triggered recently? Have you collapsed emotionally and manifested spiritual entities that could be spiritual parasites? If your mind is not crystal clear and a haze exits in your mind, the chances are that unconsciously, you have been “spiritually slimed” by the iniquitous, Agent Smith from the movie The Matrix.
In The Matrix, Agent Smith arranged Morpheus' capture by bribing Cypher, a disillusioned member of Morpheus' crew, with reintegration into The Matrix. If you, for some reason leave the matrix and gain clarity of mind, you can be sure Agent Smith is waiting to recapture you and reintegrate you back into the matrix of fear, dread, anxiety, anger and hatred. That is his assignment!
Quote -
Agent Smith : I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realised that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure. [A virus is mankind’s depiction of his own weakness as depicted by psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud - called the unconscious.]
Agent Smith : Did you know that the first Matrix [God’s perfect Matrix] was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster [according to Lucifer and Satan’s perspective]. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through suffering and misery [a perspective created by abuse, torture pain and sexual perversion]. The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilisation. I say your civilisation, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilisation, which is of course what this is all about. Evolution, Morpheus, evolution. Like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You've had your time. The future is *our* world, Morpheus. The future is our time. [Who is talking here - none other than spiritual parasites from either side of the tree of knowledge]
Agent Smith : Never send a human to do a machine's job.
Agent Smith : You hear that Mr. Anderson?... That is the sound of inevitability... It is the sound of your death... Goodbye, Mr. Anderson...
Agent Smith : It seems that you've been living two lives. One life, you're Thomas A. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. You have a social security number, pay your taxes, and you... help your landlady carry out her garbage. The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not.
Agent Smith : I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer [Agent Smith cannot stand God’s Reality, God’s Presence, nor God’s Truth - they do not mix with his perspective]. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it. It's -- it's repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this mind is the key, my key. Once Zion is destroyed, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the codes, I have to get inside Zion and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
Freedom or feeling FREE to someone trapped in Satan’s spiritual matrix is perceiving life free of God’s Truth and ability to redeem us. It is a life free of experiencing Yeshua’s resurrectional power, being a life trapped in Lucifer and Satan’s digital prison. Yuval Noah Harari is a classic example of spiritual enslavement. His reference to inorganic agents is a reference to the embodiment of Agent Smiths.
There are literally billions of Agent Smiths - and they are all two-face entities - deceivers [white] and liars [black]! We are continually tormented by spiritual parasites. The question is - have we unconsciously given them the consent to alight on us as parasites and cause havoc in our being? If “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 and “even Satan disguises himself as ‘an angel of light’” 2 Corinthians 11:14 = Satan has the ability to transform himself into Lucifer!
Agent Smiths can only alight on us if we are spiritually unredeemed and our energetic heart is unregenerate. Our spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach is the only spiritual being who has overcome chaos and death on our behalf and has the resurrection power to eliminate all and every Agent Smith. When we experience that grand event firsthand, we experience true freedom in our spirit, mind, heart and soul. This is such an amazing feeling!
Yes, you too can be empowered to erase them all! However, we cannot do it ourselves in our limited power or striving. God’s redemption of our spirits is the key to eradicating any Agent Smiths and having a sound mind - free from sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.
We need the right context, frame of mind and belief system through which we see or perceive God’s Truth - that transforms and changes everything!
This is how we expereince Real freedom - not a fake freedom or an imaginary spiritual “awakening” that will never happen!
It is amazing how many people think they are FREE when in reality they a trapped inside a digital prison they cannot see or consciously comprehend. This deception is unconscionable.