The dark triad of sex, power and money rules the Beast system…… so let’s start looking inside the epicentre of this interconnecting network of occult iniquity.
We could say that mankind is “Opening the Pandora’s Box” at CERN, Switzerland. We have often said CERN is the modern day Tower of Babel - and so it is!
Pandora’s Box is a mind space that is controlled by predictive programming. The MOB has cast a spell on you and me right from childhood. It is an illusion in our mind. The trickery of predictive programming comes to us through the avenue of cartoons, pornography, Hollywood/Bollywood movies and music. Even our sexuality has been programmed according to Aleister Crowley’s "Do what thou wilt” Kabbalah, occult philosophy.
“Then one of the seven angels with the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters. The kings of the earth were immoral with her, and those who dwell on the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her immorality.” And the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, where I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead a mysterious name was written:
The Tower of Babel was built by the Babylonians through the agency of Nimrod and Semiramis. Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah. Shortly after Nimrod died, the narrative is told, Semiramis earned the title Queen of Heaven - when she claimed that Nimrod was a “god” and that her newborn son, Tammuz was Nimrod, reincarnate. The son Tammuz was claimed to be a clone or digital twin of Nimrod [sound familar?]! Semiramis, the Queen of Heaven was the original Pandora and her enticing, seductive, flirtatious, sensuous sexuality was found in her Box. Why would opening her Box create so many problems? What is the origin of this saying that has become a part of the English language without people even consciously knowing why?
For the Greeks, “Pandora’s Box” was an essential story to show the downfalls of human nature, mankind’s human weaknesses and the misfortunes and sorrow mankind suffered after opening the Box - they were all the afflictions and ills that humanity could ever know. Therefore, Pandora was seen as a curse on mankind. It also highlights Pandora’s insatiable woman's curiosity, with Pandora lifting the lid on the dark corruption and iniquity in mankind’s heart.
According to Greek mythology and Zeus, the king of the gods, Pandora’s Box was filled with evils bestowed by the gods and goddesses, such as strife, disease, hatred, death, madness, violence, hatred, confusion and jealousy. When Pandora was unable to contain her curiosity and opened the Box, all of these evil [unconscious] gifts escaped, leaving the Box almost empty. As the narrative goes, Hope alone remained behind, while the other gifts flew off to bring evil fortune and countless plagues to human beings. We have already discussed false hope or “Hopium” in a previous Blog.
The Queen of Heaven seduces mankind with her spiritual portal…..
Like these stadiums now established worldwide, we have a spiral cesspool of iniquity occurring at CERN - and like U.S. Senators’, the world is merely looking the other way. CERN is a massive coverup [a device or stratagem for masking or concealing] A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information.….. and everyone is wilfully complying! That cesspool of iniquity is a spiritual gateway of demonic energy being released upon the earth.
Could it be that the now famous “All Seeing Eye” that has been espoused to be ‘the pineal gland’ is really a woman’s vulva? The world’s insatiable desire for lust and unconstrained sexual freedom may answer that question for us!
The owner’s manual says: “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” 1 Cor. 6:16-20
You see, God created it and therefore knows our temple intimately. He knows that sexual immorality carries a great cost to our human sanity. Individuals pick up entity attachments through sex. “Sex is much more than a physical interaction, it is an energetic exchange and opening [portal] into another person on an energetic and spiritual level. The act of sex creates a connection between your energy field (aura) and the energy field of the person you are having sex with. When this connection is made you will pick up or absorb whatever is attached within the other person's energy field. If you have sex with someone that has a entity or demon, you will absorb that entity into yourself [your body, heart and soul]. You will basically be making a choice to allow or invite anything within the person's energy field you are having sex with to come into our being. It is important to understand what sex actually is and what it creates beyond physical pleasure, and to choose wisely the people we want to open ourself to on that level.”
Sexual immorality is a primary means to disperse demonic entities between individuals. They hide within the energy chakras within our being. Some religions refer to these demonic entities as ‘elementals’. Regardless, demonic entities corrupt the data and Information originating in the Spirit of God and make it erroneous. We therefore become willing hosts of these spiritual viruses. Like any virus, Lucifer/Satan and all of his minions need the energy associated with our energetic host in order to survive. The only way to stop them sucking the life out of us is to isolate the source of that spiritual virus. Only the blood of Yeshua haMashiach, our true spiritual Messiah has the ability do that!
Could the shape of the vulva be the symbolism the former Rothschild banker and present French President, Emmanuel Macron is displaying here?
If you don’t think the opening ceremony for the Gotthard Tunnel is Satanic, then consider this performance at CERN. It is a CERN dance-opera film (official trailer) called SYMMETRY. In Symmetry the dancers perform Shiva’s ‘dance of destruction.’ Symmetry is acclaimed as the perfect collision of science and art. It represents a new religion where the priests are the scientists and related experts. “This dance represents humanity doing an incantation dance within a circle as a ritual to invoke a portal opening through the guidance of who they know as Lucifer standing outside of the circle [dressed in all black]. Enchanters believe the circle and pentagram protect them from the evil spirits they are summoning for magical favours or knowledge. The ritual of channeling fallen angels or demons for scientific knowledge is called alchemy.”
Confusion is the essence of all the technology flowing out of the spiritual portal at CERN - the new global religion called Dataism is essentially demonic. The confusion surrounding gender identity also flows from this spiralling cesspool of demonic energy. CERN is creating the confused energy and the masses are willingly corrupting themselves through consent. The whole world is now engrossed in sexual immorality, orgies and revelry. The definition of an ‘orgy’ in Wickedpedia is “a sex party where guests freely engage in open and unrestrained sexual activity or group sex”. It goes on to say “Participation in an "orgy" is a common sexual fantasy… In ancient Greek religion, orgia were ecstatic rites characteristic of the Greek and Hellenistic mystery religions.” However - here is the punch line - “the primary goal of the orgia was to achieve an ecstatic union with the divine.”
BOOM! Who is the divine? Lucifer of course - he is the divine entity of this Beast system WHO has fallen from the grace of God.
Lucifer’s priority target is our children and gender equality!
This great prostitute, being possessed with the spirit of Lucifer is opening her legs and consuming the minds of mankind with a fantasy that will not last. It is a fantasy - it is not real! All of your logical “knowledge” is not real! Most people are now brainwashed to believe only in fantasy. The definition of fantasy is 1. imagination, especially when extravagant and unrestrained. 2. the forming of mental images, especially wondrous or strange ones; imaginative conceptualising. 3. the facility or activity of imagining things; especially things that are impossible or improbable.
Fantasy is delusional reverie! A hallucination, an ‘Alternate Reality’ or ‘Augmented Reality’ which I wrote about in detail in the eBook ‘Beelzebub - Descarte's Demons’
Our creator God is a jealous God. He demands that we seek personal relationship with Him alone. Yet most of us have turned our back on God and instead, spiritually indulged in sexual relations with the Queen of Heaven. We have been seduced to "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". Our heavenly Father God calls Himself our Groom and His tribe are His Bride. He is returning to rescue His Bride - those who have chosen wilfully to enter His spiritual lifeboat.
Firstly, the Jews who carried the bloodline of the spiritual lifeboat, Yeshua, were chosen to be God’s Bride. However they acted like spiritual prostitutes - embracing Lucifer’s licentiousness rather they God’s warm embrace. That is why the Gentiles were also chosen to act as God’s Bride through a relationship with our spiritual Saviour Yeshua haMashiach. However…… once again history has repeated itself, and Christians, who claim to be God’s Bride, have also acted like spiritual prostitutes - embracing Lucifer’s licentiousness rather they God’s warm embrace.
Here is the bottom line - before the Titanic sinks and hits the bottom - God is giving everyone - both Jew and Gentile - the opportunity to enter His spiritual lifeboat - it is still a matter of free will. The choice is very real - a relationship with your Creator - OR - a relationship with this Beast system and Lucifer, the master and lord of the world of fantasy?
I Put a Spell on You - because you are mine!
You had better believe it!!
So who is your spiritual Daddy?
There is not doubt this is the most important question the spiritual mafia MOB at CERN is asking you right now!
Do you love Lucifer anyhow - even though he’s put a spell on you, confused your mind and raped you of the essence of Life and vitality?
“I don’t care if you don’t want me - I’m yours right now!”
Really? Are we as a collective - a hive mind - so insane?
I am con-CERN-ed that we have all been seduced by the great prostitute!
Notice the rider on this Beast at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham!
Notice in this video, the white horse of Revelation 6:2 in the background! Is this co-incidence?
By-the-way : Lucifer can manifest as either a woman or a man….. however he prefers seducing women first …. that is why he tempted Eve first with his lustful sexuality - and Adam didn’t have the balls or spiritual authority to stop him! That is exactly the problem with the apostate Christian church today ….. and why they are “falling away” like flies from God’s protective, unconditional love [2 Thess 2:3]. As a generalisation, they have no spiritual authority over demonic entities.