Once again we must ask the question; where is the “Christian church” in a world full of death, violation, injustice and destruction? When child traffickers rule a nation we know the author of The Tree of Life is not being spiritually entangled with. There is no greater evil than those who willingly hurt innocent children. Yet the Christian church allows Baal to rule the world; and their neighbourhood. BlackUmbrellas.nl will not be silenced…. but the Christian church can, and has been. Why is that?
Today, followers of Christ are known around the world as “Christians”, which equates to 2.4 billion followers or 33.1% of the global population, as of 2020. Of course that refers to individuals who only profess to be Christians. But few Christians know that the believers in the first century were known by other names, as well as being called “a sect” amongst the prevalent beliefs of the time. Up until around AD 62 the Messianic followers of Yeshua haMashiach were called the “Way” or “Nazarenes”. Notice specifically that this was the reality for approximately 32 years.
Then Greek thought overtook Hebrew thought. It took 32 years to plan and execute. There is a good reason God made His church, His remanent, Hebrew based, not Greek. The Hebrew language is dynamic, being highly related to function and action. Whereas the English language is more static and related to time. Since the creator God is dynamic, not static, Hebrew thought and picture form best describes God’s Word. In ancient Hebrew, like ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Chinese languages, every word was formed by adding pictures together to paint or illustrate the meaning of a word. The ‘image of God’ (Hebrew: צֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים, romanised: ‘tzelem elohim’; Latin: ‘imago dei’) is a concept and theological doctrine in Christianity, as well as in Judaism. The noun ‘tzelem’, means “image” or “likeness,” and sometimes “idol” as in the English “graven image” or “icon”.
What does image mean in Greek? The term comes from the Greek word ‘ikon’ meaning image. An icon was originally a picture of Christ. Probably the most popular syncretic image is Christ as the Good Shepherd, is a youthful figure based on pagan representations of Orpheus, Hermes and Apollo.
“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him.” Gen 1:27 CJB And, “He [Yeshau] is the visible image of the invisible God. He is supreme over all creation, because in connection with him were created all things — in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, Lordships, rulers or authorities — they have all been created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:15-16 CJB
“Do not make for yourself a graven image.” Exodus 20:4 TLV What is the difference between an image and a graven image? A graven image is an idol—an object or image, such as a statue, that is worshiped as the representation of a deity or god. The word graven means “carved” or “sculpted.” Graven images refers to some kind of object or image that has been made to represent God.
The Greek name Christianos Χριστιανός which means a follower of Christ: Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16 was first given to the worshippers of “Jesus” by the outsider Gentiles and it is believed it was initially a derogatory term for those people engaged in “a sect” who opposed the then Judeo-Roman rule. Christianos translates the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, (māšīyaḥ), anglicised as Messiah, which means “anointed with oil.
Antioch is recorded as the centre were the followers of Yeshua haMashiach were first called Christians. Antioch or Turkish Antakya is now a major town of south-central Turkey. Antioch was founded in 300 BCE by Seleucus I Nicator, a former general of Alexander the Great and was the centre of the Seleucid kingdom until 64 BCE, when it was annexed by Rome and was made the capital of the Roman province of Syria. Antioch is a Latinised form of Greek Antiokhos, literally meaning "resistant, holding out against”.
Now let’s put this into context. It would be an understatement to suggest that the culture of ancient Greece and the Jewish ancestors did not get along well with one another. In the time of Yeshua and beyond, people had a sensitive spot when it came to Hellenization for various reasons, including the insurrection of the Maccabees against Antiochus Epiphanes IV and the Sadducees’ adoption of far too many Hellenistic traditions.
In context, it is important to remember that the Seleucid ruler, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, banned the Jewish cult in BC167 in an attempt to force the Jews to forsake their belief in the God of Israel. Instead, the worship of foreign gods and goddesses was imposed on them [as it is today]. The abomination of desolation as it stands in Daniel 12:11 refers to the desecration of the Temple sanctuary by Antiochus Epiphanes to stop the “daily sacrifice” and to substitute an idolatrous worship in its place. The Maccabees were a priestly family of Jews who organised a successful rebellion against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV and reconsecrated the defiled Temple of Jerusalem.
Yeshua haMashiach taught the followers of the “Way” that there would come a time [AD 70] when the Jewish Temple would be destroyed totally because the Jews were desecrating the Temple [since blood sacrifice was no longer required]. The third and last time Yeshua haMashiach will step in will be in the near future: “Let no one deceive you in any way, for the Day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness [iniquity] is revealed, the one destined to be destroyed. He opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he sits in the Temple of God, proclaiming himself that he is God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 TLV
Here is the main point in this discussion. The Jews crucified the divine Messiah believing it was a job well done! However, three days later He overcame their sentence of death and God the Father divinely resurrected Yeshua and declared Him to be our Messiah. Can you imagine the panic that set into the hearts of the Pharisees, Sadducees and the rest of the Kabbalah believing Satanist/Luciferians? Thousands of their flock who witnessed this life changing resurrectional event flooded to believe in this Messiah. They had to stem the tide…. and they did!
Notice that the counterfeit resurrection of the false Messiah will occur in the near future. It could involve His Majesty, King Charles 111 of the UK who is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England.
What better way to stem the tide than the occult principle of diversion. They began to Hellenize this Messiah figure and thus diverted the attention of the masses away from the One who conquered death, Yeshua haMashiach. Diversion is defined as; ‘the action of turning something aside from its course : deviation, decoy, distraction, entertainment, pleasure’ [essentially, this is the definition of iniquity of heart]. The bible calls this, ‘the flesh’. A diversion is also an activity that you do for pleasure. A diversion in sport for instance brings instant gratification. Its origin flows on to humanity from the deceiving Serpent. The Jesuits and Kabbalah directing Hollywood is a great example of diversion and programming.
The Hebrew name Yeshua Hamashiach, which was later Hellenized into Jesus, was derived from the Greek term “IZEUS,” which means “son of Zeus”. If we understood Jesus’ name to mean “Son of Zeus”, then this interpretation of his name is far removed from the correct theology of Yeshua haMashiach. Putting a figure of Zeus within the temple was a sacrilegious act that Antiochus Epiphanes IV committed.
When Yeshua haMashiach’s name was Hellenized into Jesus, a new Greek god was born that was an “image” or “likeness,” or “idol” or “graven image” or “icon”! We need to be careful that we are not placing the same iconic figure of Zeus inside our own Temple.
The notion that Jesus’ name originated from anything connected to the Greek pantheon would have been abhorrent to both Jews and Christians alike at the time it was proposed.
In fact, it’s possible that the name Jesus was a transliteration at one point. After all, the New Testament was written in Greek, and since different alphabets are used for languages around the world, not all names will be written with the same letters in each alphabet. The Greek word IESOUS was given a Latin transliteration that converted it to IESUS, from whence we obtain the English word “Jesus.”
It remained IESUS right through the formation of the Roman Catholic Church in AD 313, right up to the invention of the printing press around AD1440 and the Protestant Reformation instigated by Martin Luther in 1517. From the 1520s "a believer in and follower of Christ” became known as a Christian.
From this study it is clear to see that the real Messiah’s name Yeshua haMashiach was purposely changed to Jesus Christ in order to form a false, counterfeit Messiah who is a graven image of the real Messiah. By Hellenizing Yeshua haMashiach name into Jesus Christ, and worshipping on a SUN-day, the Pharisees succeeded in creating a religion that breaks the first four Laws of the Ten Commandments.
You shall have no other God's before me.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. ...
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. ...
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it Holy. ...
John Calvin’s Geneva Bible was the first bible to translate IESUS into the words ‘Jesus Christ’ to capture the minds of the American pilgrims and eventually Western Christians. This translation was shipped to America……. the rest is history. Well maybe not HIS-story….. more like Lucifer’s-story or maybe, more accurately, a myth told through a Greek icon!
The conclusion one must make about “the Christian church” is that, if it is not opposed to the destruction of our children…. then it must be complicit with and even affiliated with the Beast system. Yes, ‘Christianos’ became a Greek sect of the “Way”….. and the rest is history! The same people who are raping our children, first raped our minds in order to allow this to happen in plain sight!
Read my ebook Are you con-CERN-ed? to learn the history as to how this all came about and who devised such a sinister scheme. To learn about brainwashing, mind control and Alternate Realities read the ebook Beelzebub - Descartes’ Demons. The formation of the religion Christianity is a classic example of an Alternate Reality. It is not real! It is a counterfeit religion. We have truly been DECEIVED!
The bottomline is: the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Church are both a part of the apostate church and the spiritual mafia MOB’s Beast system. This is revelation in action! This is dynamic! “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you participate in her sins and receive her plagues!” Revelation 18:4 TLV
Who is “her”? - you now know! Babylon the Great which includes the Christian church - that created the greatest distortion of our Messiah since Eden.
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