We are all in this together! Little do we know that each one of us has personally added to the collective dark energy that has given the MOB the licence to create the Beast system. Therefore each one of us is required to take accountability for our own ethical demise and reverse that trend.
This process all begins by becoming consciously aware - using God consciousness…..
This picture depicts the predictive programming narrative the MOB has instilled into the masses. Just like big Pharma fights - and purposely looses - the fight against disease, refusing to address the root cause of disease, so too we are taught through the MOB’s religious seminaries [or cemeteries - I call them because they are spiritually dead - I know, I studied at one in Adelaide, SA until I saw the light!] to fight sin - and purposefully loose - not addressing the dark corruption or iniquity in our hearts, which is the root cause.
Remember - there is no money in addressing the root cause and healing our physical bodies or eradicating the corruption in our energetic hearts…..
Let me reiterate this statement in another way - neither big Pharma nor the Corporate Christian church fights the root cause of disease in our body nor the root cause of the sin in our lives that has tainted out hearts, our minds and souls. The root of all of our manifested symptoms is spiritual - and it manifests through the unseen realm of quantum mechanics - the energetic realm so infinitely small, we cannot possibly see it!
It is the unseen realm big Pharma and the Black Nobility MOB are using to attack us and change our God-given DNA!
You may not understand the science of quanta, or consciously accept its significance because the spiritual mafia MOB have purposefully hidden this technology from us since human DNA was discovered in 1953 - seventy years ago!
Ever since then they have been pursuing the change of our DNA to make it a chimeric DNA. Wickedepia [which is controlled by the Khazarian Jews in Israel] defines the word chimeric as such - read it carefully, because this GMO process is what they are doing to the masses within their own consented digital prison - “A genetic chimerism or chimera (/kaɪˈmɪərə, kə-/ ky-MEER-ə, kə-) is a single organism composed of cells with more than one distinct genotype. In animals and human chimeras, this means an individual derived from two or more zygotes, which can include possessing blood cells of different blood types, subtle variations in form (phenotype) and, if the zygotes were of differing sexes, then even the possession of both female and male sex organs.[1] Animal chimeras are produced by the merger of two (or more) embryos. In plant chimeras, however, the distinct types of tissue may originate from the same zygote, and the difference is often due to mutation during ordinary cell division. Normally, genetic chimerism is not visible on casual inspection; however, it has been detected in the course of proving parentage.[2] In contrast, an individual where each cell contains genetic material from two organisms of different breeds, varieties, species or genera is called a hybrid.[3]
Did you get that?
The MOB wants to mix your God-given DNA with an animal or some other foreign species to violate God’s creation. This is an excellent article btw……
…… and you think this a new concept??
Mixing the Truth of our Messiah, Yeshua, with a slight deviant deception is exactly what American Corporate Christianity does….. and God - who is pure, and will never be tainted by our weird self-indulged concepts - hates this form of human behaviour and deviant manipulation. If there is one thing God detests, it is mixing our holy beliefs with the unholy because it changes His creations epigenetics and DNA structure. “So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to vomit you out of My mouth!” Rev 3:16
If you gave consented to allowing anyone to inject your body [your spiritual temple] with a foreign substance during the last 3 years, you are now well on the way to becoming a chimeric hybrid - a mixture between a human and an animal or machine - an AI developed Transhuman with the belief system of a Technocrat. At the least - you have handed your will and the keys of your life over to the “light-bearer Lucifer. At the worst - you have handed the keys of your life over to the dark realm of Satan. Regardless - you have consented to giving ownership of your spiritual being to the king of deception - more than likely without consciously knowing it. This is a physical, patented fact.
The COVID19 “injection” was the initial “Trojan Horse” entry into our bodies by our arch enemy!
Now this is the reason why this was allowed to happen! All of us have been deceived into thinking rationally in the confines of “the tree of good and evil”. Knowledge is king in the spiritual realm of the Black Nobility MOB. It is a dualistic system of belief [black and white, yin and yang, good and evil]. Lucifer makes you strive for legal “goodness” in an attempt to resist “evil” and overcome shame. The secret Lucifer doesn’t share with you is the fact that you can never, ever achieve “good” - and you will never, ever resist “evil”. The foundation of the Beast system is that it is ruled by its own governance and laws of injustice - and Satan is the foremost sinister accuser and judge of humanity.
Winning this battle is an impossible feat - so anytime you are fighting to achieve “good” or resisting “evil” - you are actually working with Lucifer and Satan who are two sides [dualism] of the same coin. And you consent to give your heart over to the corrupt beliefs of our Adversary, the D-evil, the evil one. Soon, the evil one will have full consent to control the whole world Beast system through this spiritual tree of deception.
Can you see that there is no justice in this system? It is in essence bent and corrupt.
This same coin is a coin designed to deceive you - and destroy your Life and God-given DNA which encapsulates Yeshua’s, God-given Intelligence.
Does this make common sense? It should do, because this is God-given wisdom and understanding!
Nothing today tends to make sense though. Nor is it logical from God’s perspective. Science has been raped by occult alchemic science. In fact, in 1582 John Dee's angelic communications brought into focus the parallel roles of magic, science and religion. Dee’s Great Table of Earth, which is divided into four (4) [important number!] sub-quadrants associated with the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. This is exactly the foundation of alchemic science that is being used to make you, a real child of God, transformed into a fake hybrid spiritual entity.
The Nazi, Klaus Schwab calls it the Fourth (4th) Industrial Revolution - obviously named after John Dees angelic communications! Everything the MOB does is rooted in John Dees communication with fallen angels!
The title to this book says the end of everything that is natural! Meditate on this Truth. Then remember, it doesn’t have to be this way. There is a much better “Way” which embraces everything natural!
Now review the first picture of the fight between “Good” and “Evil” again - the narrative the MOB has instilled into the masses is another well regurgitated lie. The common man believes that the spiritual war is between our Messiah and spiritual Saviour, Yeshua haMashiach, and Lucifer. Or in terms of the predictive programmed masses the spiritual war is between a conceptual looking Greek icon Jesus [as shown in this photo] and Lucifer.
This is absolutely not true - this is the cornerstone of all false belief. It is not a contest or battle between Lucifer and Yeshua - their is no war between them. Yeshua has already spiritually destroyed Lucifer and Satan 1993 years ago when He overcame death, destruction and disease on our behalf when He arose victoriously - physically, energetically and spiritually to defeat mankind’s arch enemy - the Adversary.
I repeat - God has done that on our behalf! Victory is ours. The spiritual D-Day has already occurred at Calvary, Jerusalem in AD30.
Both Lucifer and Satan are now under the leash of King Yeshua who is ruling from the 3rd heaven. The spiritual laws of heaven are administered by King Yeshua. Lucifer and Satan cannot break them. Neither of them have a creative, free will.
You can though because of your own free will - you have the freedom to break God’s spiritual laws through the consent of your will! You still have the creative powers God has given you since you are created in His image.
That is now changing, and the masses are loosing their God-given Sovereignty!
You still have freedom of choice - however that is diminishing each day going forward.
Adolph Hitler’s evil spirit must be celebrating because of what he started in the one nation of Germany, which is now going global. This is the Final Solution for humanity.
This is the final battle for our souls that is now manifesting physically!
Here is the main message - if you choose to give ownership of your soul to either Lucifer or Satan through his white magic or his dark magic - you will be spiritual locked out of everything God’s Kingdom has to offer you.
There is no excuse for this stupidity! Everything the MOB is doing is now openly advertised in plain sight.
Your spiritual war is not against God nor Lord Yeshua - nor is it really against either Lucifer or Satan - you cannot win any of these spiritual wars. Neither can the spiritual mafia MOB!
Your spiritual war is against yourself and your chaotic, defiled belief system. It all begins in your spirit, heart and mind…. so does God’s redemption.
King Yeshua has already won the spiritual war on our behalf. He foreknew we could not win that war!
All we have to do is spiritually embrace His Spirit - to engage His Person and energetically entangle our hearts with His heart.
It is a free gift!
All we have to do is receive it.
Free? Receive?
Free will? That is so difficult to do when we are minds are controlled to believe otherwise!
Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and forced re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.
You are not a manmade hybrid - you are a spiritual child of God.
Our spiritual Saviour Yeshua haMashiach is NOT fighting Lucifer nor Satan - neither do you have too!
BOOM! This is SO good to be aware of…… it is liberating.
You may say what we believe doesn’t “matter”…… oh yes it does! That which is spiritual manifests into matter!
Your spirit being is manifesting your own physical reality……….. that is what a human being is. You are a “being” that is resonating with His quantum energy, in God’s energetic space.
Do you really want to resonate with a manmade machine?
Soon, we will not have a choice if we don’t awaken from our spiritual sleep!
The big question is - What is your personal desire to live a fulfilled life? Are you flaunting after a big lotto win that will soon be meaningless and valueless - OR are you desiring God’s spiritual gift of eternal redemption?
“Money or the box” Bob Dyer used to question? The choice is - the counterfeit, illusionary physical realm or the real unseen realm of God’s spiritual kingdom?
Heaven or hell? Eternal energetic and spiritual ‘entanglement’ with God and Yeshua OR eternal ‘disentanglement’ with God - and thus eternal ‘entanglement’ with Lucifer and Satan - forever?
You can be sure of one thing - mankind’s infatuation with immortality will amount to - nought! Zero! It is an impossible concept without God’s energetic connection and Intelligence.
Always remember - connection is the #1 human need! God designed us in His image to be that way!
He demands connection with us if we are to enter the real spiritual Tree of Life!
This is UNBELIEVABLE - but True.
I know - I have to keep pinching myself and continually be grateful……… however Truth is Absolute and is the law of justice encoded from heaven.
The Beast system’s computers are merely Information encoded in “0” and “1”s - it is Lucifer’s dualistic system of control. God encodes us from birth with His analogue Information encoded in Oneness - and the spiritual freedom of the One Tree of Life.
You can tap into it at any time - if you so desire! :)
But become aware that you are a coded being and are owned by either Yeshua or Lucifer. You have undergone years of predictive programming and mixing of your beliefs. Be aware that you are a part of the Beast system - no matter who you are, or what you believe. I am too, otherwise I wouldn’t be writing this Blog on a computer. However, I am aware of it - and I’m making moves to exit the system - the first thing is to move far away from 5G/6G towers. These microwave towers will fry our brains when they are turned on.
These boys playing digital games from Geneva are serious and have covered all their bases…….
That is what Lucifer and Satan think of us….. however the real, creator God is exactly 180° in reverse - He loves each of us unconditionally……