Be Aware of the Death Cult
And Focus Your Attention on that which will Overcome it - Symbolised by an Empty Grave!
If you trust your Government and believe they are for your good, you have a lot of awakening to do. If you blindly trust your local lukewarm church and believe they are solely for your good, you also have a lot of awakening to do.
Many churches turned a blind eye to the recent “vaccine” mandates and failed to push back on the Government’s demands to comply with the death wish and what Revelation describes as the Mark of the Beast. If you believe in the “New Age of Aquarius” and the “Great Awakening of the 5th dimension” you also have a lot of awakening to do. If you believe in any man-made religion, you have a lot of awakening to do. If you hate your own Creator God, you have A LOT of awakening to do. These are all false narratives devised by the spiritual mafia MOB, or the Swiss Pharaonic Octagon, in order to capture your attention and point of focus.
What we are all fighting against is an ancient Death Cult - everyone of us!
This ancient Death Cult knows that what we believe takes up a huge portion of our attention and focus and they delight to play that card against us. They also know what we believe spiritually will eventually manifest itself physically. This is merely straightforward quantum mechanics. The MOB has understood this for millennia and kept this knowledge secret from the masses. The esoteric: those who hold hidden meaning or private information that only a select few know about [the inner circle] withhold Information from the exoteric: what is perceived and understood by the majority of the people [the outer ring by varying degrees].
This is the job assigned to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - the Agency of mass mind control.
This presentation below is the structure of the Cult of Baal [pronounced Ba'al]. One of its headquarters is the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the two largest Pharmaceutical companies in the world, situated in Basel [Bâle in French], Switzerland. All the Central Banks in the world are controlled by the BIS.
Some call this Death Cult the ‘Cabal’, named after the Kabbalah, Cabala or Qabala. Ca-Baal literally means the spirit of evil coming to us via the devil. The origin and foundation of the Kabbalah comes from Jewish mysticism formed whilst in captivity in Babylon. It comes out of a severe hatred of God, our spiritual Father. Whereas Cabala and Qabala tends to have the same roots in Egyptian mystic folklore. Maybe those following Q should consider the name Qabala. “The Most Noble Order of the Garter is an order of chivalry founded by Edward III of England in 1348”. Do you see the Q in this symbol? This is absolute proof that Q & QAnon are a narrative originating with an ancient British Royalist group - that is still functioning today!
If you wish to learn more about the spells this Cabal casts on the general public, listen to Jason Christoff’s Podcast #196 How To Sidestep the Cabal’s Most Powerful Spell - or Click on the picture below.
JC explains how the Cabal - or the spiritual mafia MOB - uses destructive interference to cast a spell on our minds, whilst stun-gunning and paralysing the neurological system of the masses. The word Ca-ba-l originates in ancient Egypt where they believed the soul was made up of the ka [life force or spirit], the ba [which means the body], and the akh.
Destructive interference of two identical waves, one with a phase shift of 180° produces zero amplitude, or the complete cancellation of each other. Contradictory and confusing ideas in our brains also cancel each other out. JC calls it “flatlining” our mind! The meaning of ‘flatline’ is to register on an electronic monitor as having no brain waves or heartbeat. It monitors LIFE and DEATH. A neurological flatline is referred to as being brain dead - that is the MOB’s main goal. We were created to naturally resonate with God’s Mind, with His Information and His Intelligence that comes to us via the Quantum Field. Whereas, when we are subjected to Lucifer’s evil Information and Intelligence, our minds become confused and mystified.
The Cabal’s greatest spell is confusion in our minds. Do you remember that I have been saying for years that everything Lucifer tempts us with is always the inversion of the Truth? Lucifer and Satan are a total counterfeit of our creator God, therefore everything he does is a false copy of that which is natural, and is reversed or flipped exactly 180°from the Truth. In this podcast, Jason Christoff is saying the exact same thing - this is what those 5G towers do to our minds.
JC is emphasising the importance of words and how the use of certain words can “cast a spell of confusion in our minds”. Remember that sentence, and allow it to impact your heart so much it quantum imprints this Truth upon your heart forever. This is exactly what the Roman Emperor Constantine and the Roman Catholic church did in AD 312. They took the real name of our Saviour Yeshua ben Joseph and they used an iniquitous spell of confusion by changing His name to a Greek created icon, namely “Jesus Christ”. This my friend creates destructive interference and confusion in our minds. Hold the phone, and I’ll tell you why they cast this spell.
This is a form of dialectics - the oldest trick in the mystical Swiss Octagon occult handbook. Dialectics has its origins in the Jewish Kabbalah belief system. The goal with Roman Catholicism was to form a religion that contradicted the power of Yeshua’s resurrection - by precisely 180°. If we are desensitised and stun-gunned with their contradictory lies, we are easier to be lied too, easier to manipulate and easier to control. People then become defenceless without even being consciously aware of it.
Remember, psychological stun-gunning is an old occult, mystical trick to paralyse our minds. It was popularised by the Jews when Judah was conquered by Babylon under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II in 586 BC. That is when the Jews turned their backs on a relational God who had promised them their Messiah in the future, but instead they chose to popularise the Kabbalah belief system that is devoted to worshipping a different god, Lucifer. This was when many of the Jews first became spiritual harlots from God’s perspective. A spiritual harlot is one who has a relationship with the Creator God, but then for whatever reason turns and takes the easy road and spiritually engages with Lucifer.
I trust you are beginning to clearly see who the GREAT HARLOT - MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT is by now! They are your greatest enemy because these self-righteous hypocrites are subtly empowering Satan’s Beast system that brings DEATH to all of us.
As JC says, the word “health care” or “one health” are good examples of destructive interference. There is very little the Western “health care” system does that is actually healthy because they are mainly administers of drugs that essentially bring forth destruction and death. "One Health" policies seek to merge man and the earth into oneness. However, this is an age-old religion associated with paganism, Wicca, and Gaiaism. It has become busy attacking the symptoms of humanities’ overarching problem [energetic unconsciousness and spiritual iniquity] instead of attacking the root cause.
Similarly, the word “Christianity” is also a great example of destructive interference. There is very little the Western “Christian” system does that is LIFE giving and pertaining to clarity and freedom of thought. It is too busy attacking the symptoms of humanities’ overarching problem instead of attacking the root cause. It is too busy attacking the obvious symptoms of manifested sin, instead of attacking the root cause of the sin, which is iniquity or corruption established in our hearts.
Sin is obvious and seen, whereas iniquity is the dark energy and dark matter in our hearts that is unseen by us - however, it is seen by God and extremely obvious!
The Roman Catholic Church is definitely the Mother of all denominational churches, therefore much of the modern day Christian narrative has zero impact on one’s mind, heart, soul and spirit. The modern day gospel narrative is a sugar coated gospel that feeds one’s desire for hedonism, self-indulgence, pleasure and to satisfy one’s own feelings. The main object is Self satisfaction. The need to die to one’s own corrupt, fleshly desires is not taught. In fact, most lukewarm, apostate churches teach that sin and iniquity are one and the same thing - this false narrative is pure deception.
Creating this dialectic narrative, this system of belief of opposites and creating confusion in the minds of the masses, is the oldest military strategy in the book. If the narrative is changed sufficiently, but subtly enough that the masses don’t even notice it, one can end up unconsciously worshipping Lucifer instead of the Creator God.
The spiritual mafia MOB know this - in fact Jesuits, Zionist Jews and the spiritual mafia MOB even know the scriptures better than most Christians - and they then use their formed religious narrative against us.
This is exactly what has happened. Even the Christian days of celebration like Christmas and Easter are pagan festivals handed down from the Persian secret society religion of Mithra and Saturnalia which was an ancient Roman festival and holiday of debauchery. All of the Christian narrative is a contradictory ideology that operates 180°from the Truth and stun-guns our brains so we lack critically thinking - and we are not learning how to quantum entangle with, and actually experience God’s resurrectional LIFE, and His provision of personal redemption.
The MOB’s subtle, and not so subtle, dialectics poisons our minds and subtly makes us believe Lucifer is “the true light” and his Vril/Hermetic energy FORCE is actually God’s Holy Spirit. That is the ultimate counterfeit - our Creator God hates this matrix of belief. If you want to make God angry, the MOB knows how to do it! It is the ultimate delusion of God’s perfect provision. It is a false, mistaken quantum impression that impacts our minds, generally through fear. The Apostle Paul called this grieving the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin.
The occult narrative calls this energy FORCE shining. A “shiner" is one who has a psychic ability that enables those who have it to read minds and communicate with other shinners through the mind, and allows them to see events that have happened in the past as well as those that will happen in the future. Can you see the counterfeit power being used here? Christians who have not asked God to redeemed their darkened hearts often become self-righteous “shinners” instead of being empowered with God’s resurrectional power and His Holy Spirit. In the end, it is merely an impotent dialectic.
I want to endorse JC’s podcast that concludes by stating that the #1 magical spell is the dialectic confusion of our minds. Everything the MOB is pushing onto us is an attempt to transform our minds to worship Baal and serve Lucifer whilst covering it up by using words that bring contradiction to our minds, like “Safe & Healthy” and “Security”. These words are always directed towards making you feel more secure. Our “Security” has been a major, major dialectic since 9/11, 2001.
I’m sorry to tell you, but corporate Christianity is nothing more than a dialectic which is an effective self sabotage program where the trigger word is not “Safe & Healthy”, but “Salvation”. The constructed narrative that tells you “once saved, always saved” is nothing more than a Jesuit created dialectic that only produces confusion in our minds. It is simply not True. God’s spiritual Kingdom does not operate that “Way”. We all need to keep short accounts with God if we are going to personally quantum entangle ourselves with Him.
The Roman Government through the Emperor Constantine created a fictional and impotent religion they called “Christianity” in order to take the power of God away from those disciples who embraced Yeshua’s resurrectional power and trusted in that One divine Man whom His disciples simply called the “Way”. Then eventually they built church buildings all over the world, normally on top of the highest hill in every town and encouraged the masses to go sit on hard pews, whilst looking at the back of the head of the person in front of them and listening to someone who possibly entertains a multitude of demonic entities in their own hearts - and who has the audacity to call themselves God’s representative on earth.
The Truth is, we don’t need a medium in order to connect with God on a one-one basis! If we do seek that manmade narrative, we are not quantum entangling with our Creator.
All of this is designed to take the focused attention of the empty tomb the Pharisees found exactly 3 days and 3 nights after they had crucified their Messiah, and placed the emphasis and focused attention on the empty cross. In doing this, the power of Yeshua’s resurrection and His offer to us of redeeming LIFE is diverted, and inverted, to the power of DEATH on the cross.
Remember, what we are all fighting against is a Death Cult - everyone of us! Death is their focused attention and their desire is to make it your fixated, focused attention - because as JC makes very clear - they want to kill you! This is the dark energy behind those who are pushing eugenics.
Today we have been focusing our attention on the importance of our perspective and how what we perceive and trust in, creates our reality. James Corbett from The Corbett Report is also broaching this topic of the focus of attention and energy.
The Catholic Church, the Knights Templar, the Jesuits and the Kabbalah Zionist Jews have all become experts at rebranding their narrative in order to take their message further like the batton in a relay race. That is exactly what the MOB has done when they rebranded the good news that Yeshua brought to humanity, and bought for us at a huge price for mankind. They rebranded, renamed and repackaged God’s provision in such a subtle way that it made the whole constructed narrative basically benign. As a consequence, God’s own power and authority was removed.
What we are fighting is an unseen ideology or belief system that generates a spirit of DEATH. The NWO is not “new” in any way, shape or form - it is an “old”, even ancient idea, that is now coming to fruition because of the power we the masses are giving them.
A good example of the MOB demanding our attention and gaining power from humanity is the instigation of the zero or prime meridian of time running through Greenwich, London. It is not coincidence that the Greenwich meridian, an imaginary line, established in 1851, indicates zero degrees longitude. It was planned to be that way, of course. Back when the Lombard bankers from Geneva financed the British East Indies Company and the British Navy to conquer the world, they took this opportunity to gain the focused attention of the world’s population. Everytime we look at our watch, we are unconsciously placing our attention on GMT or UTC + or - a set amount of hours - this is unconsciously empowering the City of London and making it a global energetic epicentre.
Upon reaching the end of this Substack, reconsider where the “menstrual cycle” portrait of King Charles 111 resides! London of course!
As James Corbett says, the WEF, like the Bilderberg Group, or Trilateral Commission, or the Club of Rome, is in and of itself, merely a vehicle to carry the MOB’s ideology forward. It is merely a rebranding of something much more sinister operating behind the scenes. It is the underlying construct that is important to understand.
It is important to understand that all of this global mess has a spiritual foundation. That is why it is important not to fixate our attention merely on what is manifesting physically. We need to understand that what is occuring behind the scenes in the spiritual, energetic and quantum realms is the most important. As James Corbett says, that means looking for the underlying agenda.
That is what I’m endeavouring to awaken you too! The fact that there are two completely independent spirit realms operating here in this world means it is NOT ALL magic!
Not only are our daily news, global media and medicine controlled by the ancient House of Medici, which originated with the Medes in Persia as a social construct, but so are all the religions of the world - and their main purpose is to program the minds of us exoteric Goyim for defeat.
By default almost all of the 8.1 billion people in this world system in which we live, are unconsciously trapped in the worship of Baal. The system in which we live requires it.
Remember we made the bold statement - “The spiritual mafia MOB took the real name of our Saviour Yeshua ben Joseph and they used an iniquitous spell of confusion by changing His name to a Greek created icon, namely “Jesus Christ”? Why did they cast this deceptive spell on the followers of the “Way”? The answer is to create a complete inversion of, or false image of the Truth. This is what a dialectic narrative successfully does.
The worshippers of “Jesus Christ” are relatively powerless and benign because they are merely worshipping a false image of the Real Messiah. The Real Messiah and His Father God are where our true authority comes from - not from a manmade church and a counterfeit spirit, but direct from heaven.
Religion is the MOB’s biggest psyops. They have created and influenced the belief system of every religion in the world - including Christianity. Christianity contains part Truth, therefore if the MOB’s assignment was to deceive the whole world and win the battle for our minds, then the deception of those who believe they are following the creator God would the most important focus and object of deception.
In Hebrew the name יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ (Yehoshua) means “YHWH is salvation”. Before He was crucified, the divine Man who walked this earth made this bold statement: יהושע said “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
He then declared: “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of the Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”
We must experience God and quantum entangle ourselves with Him in order to perceive Him!
This was יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ’s promise that was fulfilled when He shed His blood on the cross for our sins, BUT He rose again, overcoming all of our iniquities and corruption of heart - the energy which leads to DEATH - on our behalf. Can you imagine the power required to overcome disease and DEATH? BOOM….. that there is what the MOB had to counterfeit and create a complete inversion of.
The very thing the MOB wants the most themselves - immortality - they have to try to cover up and counterfeit! This is not only a difficult assignment, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!
The power filled Resurrection of Yeshua was powerful enough to quantum mark and divide history [HIS-story] - that is why we have B.C. and A.D. which has been changed to BCE and CE in an attempt to cover up the obvious.
This devious plot would become the greatest diversion, deviation and distraction in history. This schemed scam was the magicians greatest coverup of all time. Because they knew, if they were going to try to defeat the Creator God, they had to conquer those who were spiritually entangled to God, His Son יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ and empowered by His Holy Spirit. Why? Because the empty grave was evidence of “the key” that opens the door to the divine TREE OF LIFE - and that key is a risen divine Person, who has a divine Mind.
Yet the Kabbalah believing Jews who were following the laws of the Talmud crucified Him! This was the biggest mistake Lucifer and Satan ever made!
What is sad is, the narrative of “Christianity” was targeted hundreds of years ago by the MOB, then the Jesuits took over - and most Christians are not even aware of it. About 85% of the world's people identify with a religion. The world's largest religion is Christianity, which is practiced by almost 2.4 billion people or about 30% of the world’s population. Islam has 1.91 billion followers or 23%. Judaism supports 14.6 million or 0.0146 billion which is 1.8%.
The MOB’s Zionist Jews and Jesuit’s greatest task was to deceive the 30% of the world’s population who truly have the audacity to believe that they cannot be deceived! To think this is complete foolishness!
We are all deceived to some degree in this Death Cult system!
I was raised in a dysfunctional Christian home, so I’ve associated with Christians for 70 years now. Like the Jewish Pharisees who crucified our Messiah, my experience shows that Christians are now falling into the same form of self-righteousness. They believe they have all the answers, but unfortunately they don’t manifest purity of heart. I know very few Christians who have actually personally experienced God, His Son יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ or His Holy Spirit. Instead, all they do is present a facade and fail to look at themselves in the mirror. They are not actually quantum entangled with, nor do they unconditional love their own Messiah. Instead hedonism rules their hearts.
The main problem is, the MOB has created a religion that does not recognise nor teach how to rid themselves of the iniquity or darkness that resides in their own heart. יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ had the authority of His spiritual Father to exorcise or evict demons, jinns, spiritual parasites or other malevolent spiritual entities that had found fertile soil to live inside their host’s own darkened heart. Very few Christians have the authority to do this and leave that person’s tomb empty, because they haven’t been taught how to evict the demons and jinns from their own lives, thus eliminate iniquity from their hearts - as instructed to do so in the bible.
That is why hedonism and the pleasures of this world rules their hearts. Iniquity or corruption of heart is what keeps us all disentangled and separate from God’s Presence. Moses knew that - so did King David and many others throughout history.
Self-righteous Christians think they are OK and don’t need to repent before a Holy God, that is why they are possibly the most deceived group of people under the authority of the MOB’s world system.
That is why 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of lawlessness [iniquity] be revealed, the son of perdition.”
The Apostle Paul was instructing fearful followers here about the 2nd coming of יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ (Yehoshua). He said, it is not going to happen “except there come a falling away first”. That falling away from God’s Truth happened over the three (3) year period 2020 - 2023 when fear drove a high percentage of self-righteous Christians to be vaccinated (in Australia anyhow). These Christians placed the equivalent of an unclean animal (pig) - even aborted fetuses - in their own bodies - which God views as the Holy of Holies. This "abomination of desolation" was first done by the Greeks in the 2nd century BC as a prelude to the Greeks forming the icon “Jesus Christ” and the MOB injecting an "abomination of desolation" into the Holy Temple within our beings.
…..and that man of lawlessness [iniquity] be revealed, the son of perdition.” Now that the great falling away or apostasy has already occurred amongst Christians, the next thing to occur is the revealing of the son of perdition, or what most people have come to know as the “anti-Christ”. The only other time this phrase “the son of perdition” or “the son of destruction” is used in the bible is in reference to Judas Iscariot who betrayed יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ (Yehoshua) by a kiss for 30 pieces of silver. Notice that Judas Iscariot continued to appear [perception] to be one of יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ’s disciples right up until the point in time when he physically betrayed Yeshua. That is simply because his heart was corrupt and given over to greed.
Interesting isn’t it! The British Monarchy has been supreme “head” of the Church of England since 1558. Is it time for King Charles 111 to step up and spiritually betray יְהוֹשׁ֫וּעַ with a kiss - and then cloak himself with Satan’s spirit?
Only time will tell, but maybe we should look at that in the next Substack….. it really is getting pretty exciting….. and we have been chosen to witnesses this once in HIS-story event.
Look closely at this inversion……
Are you interested in learning about what some are labelling “the tampon” or “menstrual cycle” portrait? Click on the portrait above! Maybe we are witnessing the end of “a period” called the OWO. The OWO is symbolised by the colour red - and the NWO will be ruled by the one in between the two Kings - Baphomet!
The OVERLORD’s narrative is all asscociated with “bad” blood! The attempt to form the NWO is going to be a heavy “menstrual cycle” for humanity! It is all a consequence of engineered chaos.
The Death Cult is all about distraction, propaganda, contradictory ideas that create confusion, fixating focused attention and changing one’s perspective and beliefs to construct a different narrative to God’s life saving narrative for us. Everything else is merely a social construct used to program us…….. in effect, we do not have a free will in this Beast system!
What is your solution? How can you redirect your time, energy and resources to live a more impactful LIFE?
Contact me if you are starting to see it!
Fascinating, a great summary of where the world is going. Thanks for articulating the truth so clearly at a time when we are besieged with so much propaganda from the controlled media. Well done, Graeme.
Thank Richard. Your comment is actually highly significant. You maybe, or maybe not aware that today, May 19th 2024 is the celebration of Pentecost which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the "Way's" disciples exactly 50 days after His resurrection day..... but also in 2024 it commemorates 40 days after the Solar Eclipse forming a 'TAV' sign over the USA. This is now the last day of the 40-Day “Nineveh” Window of repentance before God's judgement really starts to kick in! This comment probably came to you instinctively ...... it is what you are manifesting from your spirit .... which is evidence that you have got it! Well done to you RLB....