We finished the last Blog with the comment - the MOB’s AI technology is not futuristic science fiction - this is real and happening right now!
Now we need to ask - who and what is the source of all of this SMART AI technology?
The fact checkers claim that this is not a Voltaire quote but came from Neo-Nazi and pedophile, Kevin Alfred Strom, who first said those words in 1993. However, the truth is, it matters not who said it - its relevance is still the same. “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticise”. There is one country that looks squeaky clean [literally], sounds too good to be true and has beautiful mountains in which the global elite can hide. However, if you live there, the local police enforce any criticism against their Pharaonic, Octagon lead Government with brutal force. Swiss Police enforce the law like the Nazi Germany's political police force, the Gestapo. Everyone in Switzerland is compliant otherwise they are jailed, brutally punished or deported.
As it turns out - the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland is the headquarters of the theory of Evolution, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, Communism, the NWO, the Global Reset, Eugenics and every other manmade ‘ism’ in the world - yes, including the Jesuits and even Protestantism had its roots grown there. Essentially it includes every belief system that despises the creator God, and therefore disconnects us from the redeeming power of our only avenue to the salvation of our souls.
Now with the onset of AI, the manmade ‘ism’s include the most corrupt and detrimental of all - The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. And - the Swiss Government protects the secrecy of all aspects of this secret Pharaonic Octagon activity. That is why the MOB’s global Governing bodies - the WEF, NATO and WHO are all based in Geneva. In fact, the Swiss proudly tell us, there is over 750 NGOs now active in International Geneva - mostly in the areas of peace, justice and human rights (47% of NGOs); education, gender equality and employment (42%); combating poverty and hunger (31%); knowledge and innovation (25%); health (22%); and the environment (21%). Note: The Swiss admit that the NGOs receive funding support from the Swiss Federal Government, or from the Geneva cantonal or city authorities - along with Gavi and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Each and everyone of these NGOs in Geneva are working towards one goal - the control of your mind! To understand “mind control” you need to understand the science that has evolved in this field. That mentioned science was developed at CERN - it is called quantum mechanics.
We humans always manifest the spiritual entities we entertain - it doesn’t matter who we are. Let’s review CERN’s spiritual history from the eBook “Are you con-CERN-ed?”
Quote: “Many now believe that CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research), located in Geneva, Switzerland is the modern-day Tower of Babel. Therefore, could CERN be the epicentre of the MOB’s activities worldwide? This book is written in an attempt to lay down evidence to determine if this is in fact true. The nuclear research facility known as CERN built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the French/Swiss border, in the suburbs of Geneva, Switzerland. In Roman times, Saint-Genis-Pouilly was called the Apolloacum, a town dedicated to the Greek god Apollyon, where an ancient Roman Temple was built to worship the demonic deities. The Romans believed this was a gateway or portal to the underworld. Apollyon, the Greek name, like its patron god Shiva, means “the destroyer”. It is described in Revelation as the angel of the bottomless pit. “They were ruled by a king, the angel of the Abyss. His name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek it is Apollyon —the Destroyer.” (Rev 9:11) BSB. At CERN is erected a 2m tall statue of the Hindu deity lord Shiva. It defines the MOB and CERN’s beliefs.”
Let us be really clear here - “the gods” that the masters of the NWO and Global Reset worship, the spiritual mafia MOB from Geneva, are Satan and Lucifer - the Destroyers. CERN is the epicentre of the Beast system - the revived Tower of Babel.
Geneva and CERN are the epicentre and the root cause of this global cartel that is successfully deceiving the world - and yet even todays’ so called “COVID experts” who oppose the COVID “vaccines” fail to recognise the Canton of Geneva as being the manifestation of hell on earth. There is absolute silence - nothing - I mean nothing is said to make the masses aware of the fact that the epicentre of global corruption is based in one of the few “neutral” countries in the world. This to me is inconceivable and even unconscionable! Fear and deception erases conscious awareness in our minds and leads our minds into spiritual darkness. This dark secrecy is occult and demonic in character - that is why this darkness and coverup of Geneva and CERN must be spiritually based. There is not other answer.
If one wants to stop anything in this world it must be done by treating the root cause - one cannot fight the symptom, otherwise more corruption is manifested. If the root cause of the corruption associated with COVID is not addressed, we the masses will never overcome the MOB’s Transhumanist technology. Likewise, if the root cause of the corruption associated within our own hearts is not rectified through redemption, we too will not live a “redeemed” and “regenerated” spiritual life [a life that has new life breathed into it]. The hidden aspects of both probabilities prevents us from seeing how life really is within the darkness attributed to both scenarios.
A “redeemed” and “regenerated” life is our only hope. Our hope must exist solely in our Messiah Yeshua - the One who overcame death on our behalf and therefore made us immortal beings.
Whatever we try to fight against in this unredeemed continuum of time, space and matter will only escalate the problem. The spiritual mafia MOB and Big Pharma in Switzerland understand this spiritual life principle oh so well. For instance, the Romans tried to fight against and eradicate the true followers of our Messiah Yeshua, and therefore the true gospel spread like wildfire throughout the known world. Then after their Temple was erased in AD 70 the Jews lead a resistance against our Messiah Yeshua in Alexandria, Egypt which resulted in the formation of the Roman Catholic Church. This Gnostic gospel was designed to fight against sin instead of the iniquity [corruption] in our hearts. Of course sin then flourish in society right throughout the Dark Ages.
Still today, the entire Church system is a corporate business invested in fighting sin, the fruit of the problem instead of iniquity in our hearts which is the root of the issue. We all know the principle that if we fight the fruit, the seeds will somehow fall to the ground and reproduce!
Fifty two years ago President Richard Nixon officially declared war on cancer. Since then, cancer has escalated - along with a multitude of new diseases - this was all designed by Big Pharma and the merchant bankers in Geneva.
After 9/11 the war on terror was instigated. Guess what - even with increased surveillance and security, global terror and fear have escalated.
When we go to the medical doctors today, they are trained by Big Pharma to fight the symptoms of our disease, not the root cause. Thus artificial drugs wreck havoc on society - destruction and death result.
When we fight viruses with vaccines, the root cause is ignored and - destruction and death result.
Do you think the spiritual mafia MOB and Big Pharma are ignorant of this fact - or have you ever considered that this is an unseen spiritual principle that they use to their own advantage, knowing the masses’ fear the unseen energetic realm?
Now, take this video for example - I have the utmost respect for Dr. Robert Young who has proven that the root cause of all disease is acid toxicity and therefore a lack of oxygen in our blood and within the interstitium - which is a contiguous fluid-filled space existing between a structural barrier, such as a cell membrane or the skin, and internal structures, such as organs, including muscles and the circulatory system.
Yet in this video, where he discusses the correlation between excess mortality in Switzerland and electromagnetic frequencies, particularly in relation to the launch of 5G and 4G LTE, he is blinded to the sinister reality that the entire Swiss Government is implicated at every level. Dr.Young correctly stated that viruses are always associated with some form of chemical or radiation poisoning. However, all of the technology used in the world that is data-based, originates from CERN - including 4G, 5G and all satellite surveillance technology.
Dr. Robert Young argues that the correlation between virus outbreaks and technological advancements, suggests that viruses are not the cause of illness, but rather a result of cell poisoning caused by EMF radiation produced by these technologies.
Dr.Young and Anders Brunstad claim that Swiss Regulations presently restrict EMF output to 0.1 volt per square metre which is 100 times less dangerous to human life than the 10 volt per square metre used in the US and the rest of the EU.
Dr. Young is looking at Switzerland’s response to reduce ELF radiation as a “good” thing. The reason it appears “good” is because the Swiss Government is committed to protecting their own citizens against the ill affect of EMFs whilst at the same time acting as the conductor of the installation of 5G towers worldwide during the early stages of the so called virus, SARS-CoV-2 in early 2020.
Dictators like the Swiss Government and Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the absolute autocratic ruler of Dubai and the prime minister of the UAE, like to spoil their own citizens with monetary security so they do not rise up and revolt against their oppressive, hidden corrupt leadership. These leaders use public opinion to shield themselves whilst silently carrying out acts of tyranny. I know….. I have lived in both countries. Neither government takes criticism lightly. Both of these countries are prototypes of the coming Technocratic NWO which will be a total dictatorship.
This is nothing more than the “Good Cop - Bad Cop” scenario. It is a psychological tactic used in interrogation and negotiation, in which a team of two takes opposing approaches to a subject. Switzerland always plays the role of “good guy”, the neutral country who administers ‘peace, justice and human rights”, whilst at the same time plays the role of adversary to all other nations. Do you recognise the manifestation of the spiritual “Tree of the Knowledge of “Good” and “Evil” here? Switzerland externally acts as the shining light of Lucifer whilst underneath in the heart of the country it is Satanic through and through - that is, “Evil” personified. Switzerland plays the two sides of the same coin - this is duality at work right before our eyes.
Therefore Dr.Young’s comment “What Switzerland is doing to protect humanity” is an absolute joke. Unfortunately, Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they are the centre of the universe and the sun only revolves around them. As a matter if interest - it has been designed that way! The MOB uses Americans as the alibi for their own unsavoury, occult activities. It is a diversion away from CERN and its activities so that the focus of the world is on America. The Swiss MOB uses the activities of Washington DC and the US DOD as a defence mechanism to protect the MOB, so the public do not accuse them of any alleged offence in order to avoid blame.
Meanwhile the Canton of Geneva operates tax free and void of any laws that can condemn them - the spiritual mafia MOB are a law unto themselves.
Little are Americans aware that they are merely digital slaves to the City of London and the Swiss MOB in Geneva. The Swiss MOB are like a smiling Jester with a henchman’s dagger in their hand. They are the epitome of unredeemed life as we know it - and therefore death. That is why Eugenics is their number one goal.
The Canton of Geneva is the home of unredeemed Intelligence, Big Pharma and they also control of the press. I have good evidence that Swiss Big Pharma has been selling the data of our DNA from the PCR tests all over the globe, to China for upcoming surveillance purposes.
Let that sink in! Yes, this is a global conspiracy against innocent individuals like you and me. There is no justice in this Beast system!
You are one of few who understand the Swiss clearly. Hit another one out of the ballpark...
Ha,ha.... I was married to one for 32 years. If you want to really know about Switzerland there is non better than Sean Hross... he has hundreds of videos.... I picked this one because I know you are interested in the Ukraine war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTa4QHXAviU Sean found himself in a Pharaonic Octagon meeting in Switzerland years ago and heard firsthand their plans to enslave humanity.