How do you perceive aliens? It is not that aliens are coming - aliens are here and they have been here for thousands of years. They live underground - some call these entities the Nordic Vrils. Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, was originally published as a novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1871. Hitler channeled Vril energy during his reign of terror. An alien is merely a spiritual being that has been alien-ated from our creator God. They are also created beings that have fallen from God’s grace - by their own choice - as an act of their own freewill as they mutinied in insurrection - in a bid to set up their own spiritual kingdom. They produced their own spiritual coup d'etat eons ago. But they need us humans and our creativity to make it manifest and reveal itself physically.
The play stage, America - and now the rest of the world - is about to physically manifest that spiritual coup d'etat. And it won’t be pretty! This will be a replay of, and be akin to Cain killing Abel, with man killing man, whilst Lucifer and Satan applaud and gloat on their magician skills to turn man against man - and turn man on God’s whole creation. This is a psychological operations ( PSYOP) - “which involves Techniques used by military and police forces to influence the beliefs, emotions and behaviour of citizens”.
This is also the manifestation of the spirit of destruction and death on our doorstep.
These aliens have a grotesque hatred of God - and they dearly want you and I on board to defeat the creator God - on their behalf. These alien-ated ones have made a legally binding agreement with mankind, namely the spiritual mafia MOB, or our OVERLORDS, to eradicate everything created by God. That includes you and me.
I’m not sure I can describe humanities’ dilemma much better than this. The spiritual war we are involved in, whether we are consciously aware or not, is a war against God - and our own minds. Or we could say, a war of our minds and egos against God’s pure Mind and God’s pure Ego. Whereas, for humanities’ sake and our livelihood, the spiritual war needs to be fought against our foe, the Devil, which is Satan and Lucifer.
The main means our OVERLORDS have used to change societies’ perception of God is brainwashing and mind control. This role has been played out by the Black Nobility, the Roman Catholic Jesuits and the Ashkenazi Jews. Meanwhile, the MOB has portrayed God as an old, intrepid mythical ogre in the sky who doesn’t understand us, whilst Lucifer is depicted as mankind’s “angel of light”.
Lucifer, the great magician, has used mankind to invert everything and turn God’s Truth into mankind and Lucifer’s “truth” that is, in reality, a complete lie. That is why the masses hate God. The six biggest lies mankind has swallowed over time that have been created by the MOB-Lucifer coalition, are 1. evolution 2. reincarnation 3. greed and usury 4. hatred and the need for unjust wars 5. promiscuous sexual pleasure 6. the need for blood sacrifice. All these narratives are lies from the pit of hell.
All of these are facets of iniquity - and the pleasure iniquity inspires. You can find 1-6 of these facets in nearly all Hollywood and Bollywood movies these days. Iniquity and pleasure of it are the main themes. "In the last days men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God"
Wow…… I can feel the push back there!
Humans are now developing a cosy relationship with Lucifer and his demonic entities, not realising that they are selling their souls to a LORD that has no interest whatsoever in their welfare. Aliens, Lucifer and his demonic entities need humans to work through because they have absolutely no creative powers. Creativity was stripped from them when they were exiled from God’s spiritual kingdom that we call heaven. “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, O destroyer of nations.” Is. 14:12 They rebelled against God, just like our propensity is to rebelled against God.
Why is that?
We humans find ourselves in a disposition that we fail to rectify because we are unconscious of the dilemma of energetic separation from God that we have unknowingly incurred. God Himself calls this disposition iniquity of heart. Someone's disposition is defined as; their mood or general attitude about life. The predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirit; the characteristic attitude or state of mind regarding something; a habitual inclination; bent of the mind. It has everything to do with ones displayed nature or character.
Because of this bent of the mind, we are not consciously aware of just how depraved and destitute we are without a high degree of God-consciousness. This bent of the mind is Information stored in our DNA and that genetic Information is handed down to us at conception. We grow up with this inbuilt ‘error’ or bent of mind, so we falsely believe that this is normal. Therefore we are all looking for the security of a Saviour to protect us from this crazy world that is full of this disposition that we know nothing of.
To ‘rectify’ the situation means ‘to put it right; correct or make it straight. To refine or purify and make every effort to correct by removing errors’. This is what we try to do ourselves. Because we were created spiritual beings, we know deep down what is right. Yet we fall into the trap of unconsciously, and often unknowingly, making an agreement with Lucifer to entangle ourselves to him in return for power [fighting to win] and self gratification [fighting 4 more]. As the video below says, it all starts and finishes in our heart. Lucifer tempts us to follow him by luring us into following his faded light. Lucifer in Hebrew is helel: means ‘a shining one’ or ‘the morning-star’ is a star that outshines all the others - but its light is minuscule compared to the sun which is our source of photons and life.
Lucifer’s deception transforms our egos into believing we are god’s in our own right with no need of divine God-consciousness. This is were this grotesque hatred of God starts to take root. The MOB’s narrative blames our creator God for this disposition of iniquity we find ourselves basking in - not Lucifer - and bingo, the inversion takes root in humanity. A crooked energetic heart with inbuilt ‘errors’ in it will always respond to Lucifer’s magician skills and propaganda. However, a straight and ethical heart will only respond to God’s ethical righteousness, goodness and virtue.
God is always looking at our hearts for evidence of humility, obedience and submission to Him. It is no different to what we desire from our children. However there is a glitch in the matrix that propels to do otherwise.
Now that we have set the foundation with the definitions of the two words disposition and rectify - let me begin to give you an analogy that may help to explain the root problem we humans have that drives us towards an unconscious rebellious attitude and behaviour.
Firstly, remember that Sigmund Freud [an Austrian Ashkenazi Jew who was the founder of psychoanalysis, a movement that popularised the theory that unconscious motives control much behaviour] labelled the ‘error’ we all experience as “the unconscious mind”. According to Freud (1915), the unconscious mind is the primary source of human behaviour.
This is what the bible calls ‘iniquity’, or the “wrongfulness of character” that is imprinted on our energetic hearts. Because this disposition lies inside our unconscious mind, our ego does not know it is there.
I contend that Freud’s unconscious, the “hidden irrational forces” of an individual and the binding force of the crowd are nothing other than what the bible classifies as iniquity of heart. Iniquity is the dark, shadow enemy within each individual that totalitarianism endeavours to manipulate and control. It is our primary motivation force to be corrupt, unethical and move away from all forms of God-given morality.
Sigmund Freud correctly labelled the weaknesses of mankind, the ‘unconscious mind’. Freud correctly labelled it the ‘unconscious mind’ but could never find a way to overcome it. Nobody to this day has overcome this dilemma, because it is a spiritual problem that can only be overcome with a spiritual solution - in God’s “Way”.
Edward Bernays learnt how to appeal to the masses by using propaganda to appeal to one’s unconscious mind with the desire to satisfy one’s own sense of self gratification. Edward Bernays called this obsession with Self and our own ego, “The Century of the Self”.
Also, to add context to my analogy, let’s look at Big Pharma’s method of dealing with health issues. Our health and wellbeing is a “grave” concern for us humans. Probably because most of us fear death. Doctors, in general, are merely puppets, trained by and working for Big Pharma. The general public perceive their Dr.s to be '“gods”. That is because they are implicitly placing their trust in their doctor’s advise. However, Dr.s are not interested in your wellbeing, sad to say - nor are they interested in finding the root cause of your health problems. Why, if they dealt with the root cause of your health problem, that would destroy their industry and prevent the flow of made from all facets of pharmaceutical drug development. Your kind Dr. is only interested in dealing with, and making from the symptoms developed from your health issues.
This fact has just been brought home to me personally with how my brother has been treated by doctors before and after being diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. He only has Stage 4 cancer because he was forced to be jabbed, and because of the medical doctor’s absolute incompetence to diagnose the cancer accurately and honestly in 2023. It has all the symptoms of Turbo Cancer that developed at Operation Warp Speed following him being forced to take the CV-19 military biological weapon injection back in 2022.
The Christian “church” does exactly the same thing as the medical profession. The corporate “church” is not interested in setting your mind, heart and soul free - nor are they interested in finding the root cause of ones disposition. Everything is set up to create a diversion away from the Truth of Yeshua’s offer of resurrection LIFE. Why, if they dealt with the root cause of your disposition of unconsciousness, that would destroy their industry and prevent the flow of made from all facets of the corporation we call “church”. The Christian “church” does not teach its faithful congregation about their disposition associated with iniquity in their heart and how they can be freed from that corruption in our hearts, because the clergy is only interested in power and making from the symptoms developed from our own human weaknesses. The corporate “church” teaches that ‘iniquity’ and ‘sin’ are one and the same thing. This is complete heresy. ‘Iniquity’ is the root of our disposition and ‘sin’ is the fruit of it.
However, we cannot destroy the fruit without attacking the root of this spiritual Tree of Knowledge - the tree of dualistic belief.
The Christian “church” tries to fight against sin, not the root cause. And what we focus on and try to fight against always escalates. It is like pouring fuel on a fire. Fifty three years ago President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act. How did that fight against cancer go? Once again, President Biden is reigniting a cancer moonshot to end cancer as we know it. The Deep State never learns - it purposefully keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.
Sin is not as much of a concern for God as the iniquity in our heart is, because He knows that if we sin it is because of the root cause of iniquity, or corruption, that is already established in our heart. In other words, if the dark root of iniquity is established in our heart, it will manifest in our mind - and we will manifest the actions of sin over time. Sin always begins in our hearts and minds as iniquitous thoughts. We could say that iniquity is the root Vril energy that we embrace as the cause, and sin is the physical manifestation - or the fruit that grows as a consequence - or the affect.
Whenever we manifest spiritual parasites through an uncontrollable emotional eruption, we are physically manifesting demonic entities that are resident in our heart’s energetic field.
And nobody is exempt from the root cause that is generating this energy behind our disposition. No Pope, nor Roman Catholic Priest who is merely collecting indulgences, nor any Protestant Clergy who was trained in a seminary [or is it semen-ary?], nor the Dalai Lama or Tibetan monk, nor any Islamic Imams, nor any Hindu or Buddhist gurus. No not one is exempt - we ALL have corrupt hearts before God.
Let’s now paint a picture of the root cause of our predicament to tell the story.
Given that the Hebraic definition of Baal: means owner, lord or archer -
Imagine that we humans, who unconsciously, and unknowingly, entangle our hearts with Lucifer, are as acting as ‘archers’. We are all trying our hardest to hit the target of life that is positioned at say, 100 paces. We aim at the target and we hold steady - then purposefully and intentionally release the arrow - but even though our aim is dead accurate, the arrow misses the target substantially. So we try again and fail, and again, and again. Life does not appear to be fair or just. We try our hardest but fail to hit the bullseye of life time and time again. Then many simply give up! Some even commit suicide in total despair! The problem is - we are not consciously aware of what is causing our arrows to go off course.
Frustration takes over, then dejection, then anger, then hatred. We then may resort blaming God for our inherent weaknesses and inability to hit that bullseye of LIFE. Eventually our hubris is diminished as life takes its toll. Then we die and pass this warped Information onto our children through their DNA…. and on and on it goes…. until that faulty Information reaches a climax of destruction….. and the house of cards collapses and we wake up to a physical manifestation of a coup d'etat in America - the global stage of the MOB’s spiritual coup d'etat against God.
We are totally unaware of the weaknesses that create this ‘error’ within the arrow we are endeavouring to shoot accurately with. Many of us so much want to please God and others by being “right”, correct and “how it ought to be”!
We said previously that there are only two roads on which to travel through life. One road is a life established in the righteousness of Yeshua ben Yosef, the Word of God. The other road, which signifies the matrix of human thought, is a complex maize of personal judgement and taking offence at others and God. The picture of this later road is one full of what children call a “boobie trap”. It is like a large hole in the ground that has been camouflaged with sticks and leaves to cover up the trap. The image of this trap is one that has tempting bait that lures the victim towards it. The bait [Lucifer] is appropriately placed so that it springs the trap when touched, and the victim falls unexpectantly into the hole [trapped by Satan] with a resulting sense of hopelessness.
The road of iniquity is full of such traps, and we never know of the existence of the trap until it is too late. Then the harder we try in our own effort to get out of this trap and the harder we dig, the deeper the hole gets. This is the scenario of all human effort that endeavours to justify its actions independent of what Yeshua has done for us. It is the basis of all hardened, religious hearts.
“One day a fly caught one of its toes in a spider’s web. ‘It’s no problem’, he thought, ‘I’ll just do a few quick manoeuvres and be out of here before the owner arrives.’ So he twisted, and a wing was caught; he dipped, and was stuck by his belly; he spun, and another leg was caught. The more he struggled the more hopelessly trapped he became.” Blake Steele
Note, to place a spin on something [i.e. Information] is just one definition of the word ‘iniquity’. It has quantum physics implications…..
The movie Inception takes the viewer back and forth between reality and a dream state - an Alternate reality. Notice in the enclosed video that it keeps spinning for 4 hours….. the number 4 is occult symbolism.
Once again, the etymology of words is fascinating. The modern word scandal is a derivative from the Greek word scandalon; which means: cause to offend, stumbling block, or temptation. It is to stumble into a trap that has a spring devise. It incites behaviour that leads one to ruin. The word offence means: the action of attacking another and the feeling of being hurt: to be a stumbling block to another person. One can therefore, be offended and take offence, or administer offence. Both situations are a trap into which we easily fall when negotiating the road of this matrix. When we make a judgement against someone we automatically fall into the trap. The trap is where we see the negative side of the law of sowing and reaping working on the horizontal plane between ourselves and others. When we offend someone or use force to prove that our opinions are right, we violate the other person’s heart and cause even greater division. It is therefore our lustful views and opinions that brings a wedge between ourselves and others.
“Whenever we struggle to accept Love, we only enmesh ourselves more deeply in our insecure and needy nature. But letting go of struggle is an effortless effort: it is like a deep sigh, a fist unclenching, a simple yes to grace that opens our heart.” Blake Steele
Nevertheless, God’s firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord must turn away from iniquity.” 2 Tim 2:19
So what is iniquity of heart?
“Iniquity is typically used to describe a person, situation or system that is unjust or unfair.” It is often used to describe actions that are motivated by a desire for personal gain or advantage. All narcissism is rooted in an ego basking in iniquity and injustice.
All forms of iniquity form an Alternate reality in our minds. The word Inception from the movie of the same name means; the beginning of something, such as an undertaking; a commencement; synonym: origin. Anything that creates an Alternate reality is creating a NWO - a new origin of iniquitous thought that is in essence Luciferian in nature. The NWO’s inception is a new beginning for humanity - but one we humans will not like to resonate with.
Note that ‘twisted’ is one of the definitions of the word ‘iniquity’ which is the energetic root of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Lucifer is the author of all iniquity or “wrongfulness of character” on the inside of our heart. The definition of the word ‘iniquity’ is our state of heart and mind that is twisted, distorted, and bent out of shape [all because of injustice].
The dictionary definition of iniquity is; gross immorality or injustice; wickedness. Absence of, or deviation from; a lack of rectitude or uprightness; gross injustice; unrighteousness; wickedness. In the Merriam-Webster dictionary it lists corruption, immorality, depravity, libertinism, debauchery and vice.
This is interesting - libertinism means corruption, degeneration and perversion. Perversion is another definition of iniquity.
How many of us would admit to having a dark, corrupt, perverted, depraved heart? Especially amongst our self-righteous Christian friends? Hmmmm….. Oh, yes, we can see it in the pedophiles and pizza lovers running the Deep State - but what about seeing the shadow in our own heart?
In the bible the words iniquity, lawlessness and unrighteousness all mean the same thing. Together, these words are mentioned over 1,100 times……. so I guess God’s Word, Yeshua, is trying to tell us something here! But nobody is listening! That is why the world system is going through times of anxiety, suffering and tribulation. Lucifer’s main gaol is to make us lawless and independent from God. That is why the MOB hide in jurisdictions like the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC and the Canton of Geneva - because within those jurisdictions, the MOB are a law unto themselves. They are lawless.
Watch the Official Trailer for the movie Iniquity -
So I diverge - there is SO much to write on this topic. Iniquity is everywhere - and right in our face!
God is not only revealing the root cause of the disentanglement of ourselves from Him, but also the ONLY means by which we can reinstate that disentanglement using His quantum entanglement to rectify our disposition.
So what is creating this ‘error’ in our arsenal? The answer is really simple! It is not the target that is the problem; it is not the bow that is the problem; it is not even our ability to aim and shoot accurately that is the problem. The problem lies with what we are shooting with - our arrows. When we fail to quantum entangle ourselves to God, Lucifer is given the authority to subtly twist our arrows, distort them, and bend them out of shape. All the things that define iniquity. The ‘error’ can be really small but that decalibration from True North can result in huge discrepancies.
The ‘error’ is the result of our energetic quantum entanglement with Lucifer that brings a malfunction and misalignment to our desires and arrows of hope and joy. It means we will never hit the target - which is to experience the Tree of Life and God’s unconditional love.
Everything that fills the void in our heart is erased through iniquity. The ONLY antidote to iniquity in our heart is God’s own righteousness. Righteousness merely means “how it ought be”. The only “Way” we can make our arrows perfectly straight and ensure hitting the target and overcome our disposition of unconsciousness is through engaging with God’s Holy Spirit.
It is that simple. It is that easy! All we have to do is stop striving to achieve and receive the free gift of Salvation that Yeshua provides. This is what it means to experience the Real Great Awakening - the Real NWO.
To ‘rectify’ our bent mind means ‘to put it right; correct or make it straight. To refine or purify and make every effort to correct by removing errors’. To correct the deviation in our heart requires a recalibration that only God can do for us.
How do you know you are on this narrow road to God’s righteousness? The MOB’s New World Disorder [the fake, counterfeit NWO] - will be transformed into the Real New World Order for you - and you will be quantum imprinted with God’s Truth.
Instead of watching ‘Lucifer’ - or any movie on Netflix for that matter - Edward Bernays’ son owns that debaucherous company - read how God our spiritual Father responds to us when we make a move to embrace Him in the 3rd heaven - this is The Parable of the Prodigal Son.
Who would you rather be - the self-righteous elder son, or the younger son who truly “Awakens” to our creator God? God actually runs to meet those who wilfully submit themselves to His divine Mind.
My life started to turn around when, at about the age of 30 years old, I made a conscious decision to forgive my earthly father, and my heavenly Father.
What I began to learn in doing so is that an unconscious, iniquitous mind, or the dark-side of humanity, is what Yeshua haMashiach, our spiritual Saviour, calls unrighteousness. It simply means life is not “how it ought be”!. It is literally “not right” - it is unjust! The ONLY antidote for unrighteousness, injustice, corruption in our heart, or iniquity of heart, is God’s spirit of righteousness and His administration of justice. This is only available through the acknowledgement and engagement of Yeshua’s resurrectional power. In other words, only God can redeem our hearts and make our heart and minds as they ought to be!
Another “Way” of saying this is - only spiritual entanglement with God’s unconditional love and True justice can eradicate iniquity and enable us to experience our true identity.
Yes, this is how you too can find your True identity!
Thanks Buntie!
Wow, this is the BIG picture. Well done.