The enemy within is our own unconscious mind…. that is the corrupted, dark area of our heart that can be manipulated and brings to our being conflict, destruction, and death.
This video below is the most accurate presentation of the Beast’s planned future for mankind that I have ever seen……. there is no sense keeping our head in the sand - this will happen whether we like it or not. However, we can prepare spiritually for it and seek God’s spiritual protection… like Daniel in the lions den!
Patrick Wood, the author of The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism says “A prominent scholar in Sweden, Jacob Nordangård, PhD, blows the lid off the United Nations and the WEF’s plans to drive the world straight into a Technocracy. The reason their plans have never slowed down since Inception is that they haven’t been identified, and you can’t fight an enemy that cannot be seen or an ideology that is not understood. [This statement is the statement of belief and the reason for this Substack] The stubborn ignorance of people who refuse to accept this reality will be crushed by it. The clear and present danger is not Communism, Socialism, or Fascism; it is Technocracy!”
This is our planned future in one speech. It should not be ignored but looked at right in the face. This is conspiracy fact! For maximum benefit, I suggest you watch the video, then read the text as you watch it and then read my comments [especially on what a pact is and the symbology behind the number 11]. Their plans are to declare a planetary emergency and trigger the emergency platform when everything is in place.
Totalitarianism is accomplished through mass propaganda and the engineering of consent - a distorted reality. Reality is distorted through demonic activity which distorts reality in our minds…..
This speech is SO important, I have included the entire subscript…..
I am Jacob Nordangård, PhD in technology and social change. I’m going to talk about the United Nations Leaders Pact for the future and ask the question, a pact with WHO? And this is part number one. There will also be a part number two of this talk.
[A pact, from Latin pactum ("something agreed upon"), is a formal agreement between two or more parties people, organisations, or governments to do a particular thing or to help each other. The origin of the word comes from late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin pactum ‘something agreed’, neuter past participle (used as a noun) of paciscere ‘agree’. It means: agreement, treaty, entente, protocol, deal, contract, settlement, arrangement, bargain, compact, obligation, understanding, covenant, bond, concord, concordat, convention; armistice, truce; alliance, league. Humans have unconsciously made a pact with Lucifer and Satan. In the context of our discussion, a pact is a formal spiritual agreement between ourselves and a spiritual force - either God and His HS, or Satan/Lucifer and his fake, counterfeit source of Vril energy. When we become compromised spiritually, we make an unconscious agreement in our heart regarding our moral, ethical and righteous beliefs - to reduce our demands and change our opinions in order to agree with our deceiver and accuser. This changes our heart and introduces DEATH into our being and our own timeline for the future! From God’s perspective - this is a legally binding agreement, spiritually and thus physically………This pact is often formed through illicit sex where a bond is formed between individuals and spiritual parasites transferred.]
First, a little background. The 13th of June, 2019, World Economic Forum signed a formal partnership with the United Nations. A powerful alliance was forged [or mould - the definition of a new matrix] to execute the Sustainable Development Goals with the United Nations. Futurists and technocrats in the driving seat. The same year, the G20 in Japan introduced the Society 5.0 concept, fusing United Nations Agenda 2030 with World Economic Forum’s Fourth Industrial Revolution.
[Why 17 goals designed symbolically like this? Because it represents the Swiss Octagon, the most secret society in the world…. and you can’t fight an enemy that cannot be seen or understood.]
The declaration of a global health emergency by WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on March 11th, 2020, set everything in motion. Three months later, the Great Reset was declared by WF Chairman Klaus Schwab. United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and Prince Charles. The message was that the global system needed to be redesigned to better cope with a crisis like COVID 19.
In late September 2020. The United Nations adopted a resolution with 12 distinct commitments and points for global action and stated, “Only together can we build resilience against future pandemics and other global challenges. Multilateralism is not an option, but a necessity as we build back better for a more equal, more resilient, and more sustainable world. The United Nations must be at the centre of our efforts.”
The Member States asked Secretary General Antonio Guterres to report back before the end of the 75th session of the General Assembly with recommendations on how to advance the Common Agenda and to respond to current and future challenges. A year later, Guterres reported and Our Common Agenda was published. It contained twelve concrete proposals on how to achieve the envisioned new multilateral world order. With muscles.
It was also proposed that the future direction of United Nations would be decided at the Summit of the Future. It was first scheduled to 2023, but later postponed until 2024, all to create the future they want. In March 2022, the High Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism was established by Antonio Guterres to build on the ideas in our Common Agenda.
The advisory board consisted of 12 members with former Liberian President Ellen Sirleaf and former Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven as co chairs. Other prominent members were Council on Foreign Relations member Anne-Marie Slaughter, Rockefeller Foundation Trustee Donald P. Kaberuka and WEF member Trustee Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
Ellen Sirleaf had previously served as the co-chair of WHO’s independent panel for pandemic preparedness and response. Whereas Tharman Shanmugaratnam were are co-chairs of AG 20 high level independent pendulum financing the global commons for pandemic preparedness and response. Their reports launched the policy process of revising the WHO’s international health regulations. A parallel process to our common agenda.
The Summit of the Future will produce an action oriented outcome document… the Leaders Pact for the Future that will be signed by the world leaders. The aim is to strengthen international corporation so it delivers fully and fairly on existing agreements while enabling us to respond effectively, to new threats and opportunities for present and future generations.
According to the high level advisory panel, the pact should be a global transition by States and non-State actors to a circular economy, addressing both supply and demand in a way that achieves balance with the planet. This is a Technocratic concept. That means changing the economic system from a price based to a resource base. A key objective with this new system is to reach zero emissions of carbon dioxide by the year 2050 or earlier. This means a total restructuring of both the energy and food systems. This also includes the fulfilment of the One Health concept that aims to sustainably balance and optimise the health of people, animals, and ecosystems.
It effectively fuses the environmental and health agendas.
Between March and September this year, 2023, Eleven Policy Briefs have been published. This is the result of consultations and negotiations with member States and other Stakeholders about the proposals in our Common Agenda. These briefs include key recommendations that will be included in the Pact. [the Pact with Satan and Lucifer]
[This is Lucifer’s Brief to destroy mankind….] It sounds good doesn’t it…. until Satan manifests himself and accuses everyone. The number eleven is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful and imperfect being symbolic of destruction, violence, defeat and death. Think 9/11! Because the 11 has two double digits of the same number [duality], it is considered a master number in gematriam and cannot be reduced to a single digit. Symbolically, the 11 signifies a new cycle which is often unknown to the initiate. Iniquity of heart, associated with darkness, bears a correspondence to the unconscious mind – the contents of which are unknown to the conscious mind.]
Number One Brief is about safeguarding the future. We have to adjust our way of life as to not infringe on the rights of succeeding generations. As former chair of UNFCCC puts it, Christiana Figueres, “They need to understand the we cannot eat today at the cost of what other people are going to eat tomorrow. It’s as simple as that”.
A ‘Declaration for Future Generations’ should state a firm commitment to securing the interests of future generations in all decision making by identifying, managing and monitoring global existential risks and by focusing policies and programs on long term sustainable development.
A special envoy will have a mandate to raise awareness about intergenerational impacts of decisions on future generations. This will be debated in a dedicated forum for future generations. Powerful groups influencing the UN system want to upgrade this forum and give it more muscles.
In order to get knowledge about how our attitudes, opinions and life choice affect the future generations. Massive data collection are prescribed. This will be collected through something called the Futures Lab Network.
According to the Policy Brief, “Climate change will expose future generations to multiple, unequal, and lifelong health problems, an increase in natural disasters, food and water disruptions, and irreversible destruction of natural ecosystems, impacting people’s livelihoods and well being.”
The Second Brief is about managing global shocks. This can come as a consequence of exceeding the planetary boundaries.
If this happened, we have to, as for now King Charles III said during COP26 in Glasgow in 2021, put ourselves on what might be called a war like footing. In the brief, seven possible global shocks are listed. 1. Major climatic events, 2. future pandemic risks, 3. an event involving biological agents. 4. Disruption to global flows of goods or people, 5. cyber attacks, 6. major event in outer space, and… 7. an unforeseen black swan event. If a global shock happens, an emergency platform will be convened by the United Nations system. This will bring together actors with an ability to contribute meaningfully to the global response. They will build international consensus on the way forward and act in unison. The platform is supposed to deliver high level political leadership, solidarity and equity, coherent response, networked multilateralism, data and analysis, and last, accountability.
The complex shocks comes with consequences for the Sustainable Development Goals. The COVID 19 pandemic caused the first rise in between country income inequality in a generation. We were richest 10 percent of the world’s population, owning 76 percent of international wealth.
The Third Brief is about meaningful youth engagement in order to support the great transformation.
As Greta Thunberg said outside the Reichstag in Berlin in 2021, we all need to become climate activists and we need to uproot the system. Youth will act as torchbearers for the Sustainable Development Goals. United Nations advocates youth engagement on all levels in order to secure a breakthrough to a better future for all. As the brief states, “The support of youth led initiatives can help empower young people to take action in their local communities to combat climate change.”
The Fourth Brief is about measuring what we value and develop new metrics that is anchored in the fulfilment of the SDGs. Our data will be used to inform policy and financial decisions. As former Irish President Mary Robinson said in 2008, “Many people think that we have no shared value system in the world today, but we actually do.” New metrics will be developed based on the contributions to transformational change. How well we ensure the well being for future generations and commits to an equal distribution of well being.
This will be collected in a dashboard. In this way, the countries of the world can be ranked and to give an overview of how well they implement the United Nations policy. This can, “help to make illicit, illegal and harmful practices visible in order to curb them.”
The Fifth Brief is about building a digital future for all. Data needs to be collected in all imaginable areas. This will be used to further the goals. As Ursula von der Leyen said, “It is a fact that the majority of data we collect today are never ever used even once. And this is not at all sustainable”.
For this, United Nations want to achieve global digital connectivity for all. A digital public infrastructure is built to help governments to achieve their national priorities and accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals. This means to, quote, develop and govern digital technologies in ways that enable sustainable development, empower people, and anticipate risks and harms and address them effectively.
AI solutions is said to hold great promises to effectively accelerate the SDGs. Unregulated, it could, on the other hand, cause great harm. In order to serve the common good, it has to be overseen by humans and capable of being shut down. For this purpose, a multi Stakeholder advisory body on artificial intelligence are put together by the Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology.
Conveniently enough, World Economic Forum has recently put together its own AI governance alliance with the United Nations Envoy on Technology and UNICEF as partners. A key part of the infrastructure is inclusive digital identity systems. Digital identity systems provide a way to register people and record important activities. By connecting artificial intelligence to digital identity, behavioural profiles can be created. AI can also be used to swiftly identify suspicious patterns in people.
As stated in the United Nations report, the age of digital interdependence. “A digital ID can help unlock new opportunities, but can also introduce new risks and challenges. They can be used to undermine human rights. For example, by enabling civil society to be targeted or selected groups to be excluded from social benefits.”
But there are more possibilities. The policy brief states, Sensors and monitors connected to the Internet of Things, cloud based data platforms, Blockchain enabled tracking systems and digital product passports unlock new capabilities for the measurement and tracking of environmental and social impacts across value chains.
The Sixth Brief is about reforming the international financial architecture. In the words of foreman Tharman Shanmugaratnam, now, the President of Singapore. “The IMF must be given the mandate to manage a stronger and more effective global financial safety net, more akin to how the leading central banks inject stability at home when a crisis hits.”
This entails a reformed financial architecture that is aligned to the fulfilment of our global goals. This will be overseen by a representative apex body for the world economy. Antonio Guterres proposes a biennial summit with the G20, United Nations Economic and Social Council and the heads of financial institutions. The international system will scale up long time financing of SDGs and climate action.
Illicit financial flows will be curbed through strengthened international tax cooperation. And lurking in the background is a global CBDC system with total financial control over the subjects. According to the policy brief, strengthening international financial integrity will reduce corruption, boost trust and enhance the social contract.
Policy Brief number Seven is about outer space governance. This means monitoring human activities on the planet. As Al Gore puts it, “Our goal is to actively track and verify all significant human caused GHG emissions worldwide with unprecedented levels of detail and speed.”
That means no more hiding.
Space technologies will be utilised for the purpose of “Tackle the challenges of the world’s increasing population and complex societies while ensuring sustainable development.” Space needs to be governed to address space based challenges.
As the policy brief states, “space technologies are crucial for effective monitoring and mapping of illegal activities.”
The Eighth Brief. It’s about information integrity. That means addressing online threats.
As Justin Trudeau puts it, “Social media platforms must be held accountable for the hate speech and disinformation we see online. And if they don’t, step up. There will be consequences.” This is a call for a more central control of information to fight what they label as mis and disinformation and hate speech. Of importance for United Nations is to prevent information that affects United Nations, “Mandate delivery and substantive priorities.” They therefore wants to develop strategies to anticipate and or rapidly address threats before they spiral into online and offline harm.
To combat these threats, UNDP has deployed, developed, IVERIFY. That can be used to identify false information and prevent and mitigate its spread.
Proactive work has been done to make it harder to find information about climate change that goes against the narrative. United Nations Undersecretary General for Global Communication, Melissa Fleming, stated in 2022 that they in principle own the science.
United Nations warn about mis and disinformation that undermines public health measures. and vaccination drive, as well as climate action.
Antonio Guterres says that the proliferation of hate and lies in the digital space is causing grave global harm. Now. It is fuelling conflict, death and destruction. Now. It is threatening democracy. Now! It is undermining public health and climate action. Now!
Policy Brief 9 talks about a new agenda for peace. This is about putting new priorities on the peace agenda.
As Rockefeller Foundation trustee, Juan Manuel Santos states, former President of Colombia. “Peace can only be maintained if the very forests, soils and rivers that communities depend on are protected and managed sustainably. Who will do that?”
United Nations have a 12 point action plan to bring about a stronger collective security machinery to effectively accelerate the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. That means to address the interlinks between climate, peace and security, transform gender dynamics and prevent weaponisation of emerging domains.
According to the policy brief, failure to tackle head on challenges posed by climate change and its effects on the world’s most vulnerable, powered by adequate climate finance, will have devastating ‘knock on’ effects, including for prevention and peace building efforts.
The 10th Policy Brief is about transforming education in order to, “Equip societies with new skills, capacities, and mindsets for a sustainable and just future.”
As António Guterres said during the Transformation Education Summit, “At a time of rampant misinformation, climate denial and attacks on human rights, we need education systems that distinguish fact from conspiracy, instil respect for science and celebrate humanity in all its diversity.”
The United Nations promotes an integrated system of education and lifelong learning in a world of uncertainty. Education is seen as a key to predicting, preventing, and managing future risks. Climate change must be addressed in order to “Develop the capabilities of learners to adapt to and mitigate climate change, to demand climate justice, and to thrive in the green economy.”
Harnessing digital tools is seen as a way to improve learning. and increase capacities to navigate the future and avoid the digital divide. According to the policy brief, education is key to promoting climate literacy, increasing awareness and understanding of climate change, promoting sustainable practices to mitigate the impact of climate change and empowering civic participation.
The 11th and last policy Brief is about transforming United Nations to execute the agenda and accelerate systemic shifts that deliver for all. In Klaus Schwab’s words, “In order to shape the future, you have first to imagine the future, you have to design the future, and then you have to execute.”
This is about shaping the desired future with the help of futuristic management techniques. This is all rooted in the science of futurology.
United Nations 2.0 will deploy what they label as a powerful fusion of data, innovation, digital foresight, and behavioural science expertise. Their concept, called Quintet of Change, will use data analysis, digital transformation, strategic foresight, results orientation, and behavioural science expertise to deliver the future they want.
This means, for example, applying behavioural design for health equity and using emotions to motivate people to take up climate action. They also write in the policy brief that predictive modelling can be used to anticipate unregistered populations, behavioural nudges encourage registration, biometrics assure identity whilst reducing exploitation risks.
Edvard Bernays once said, “We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
Now, these men want us to transform ourselves. Serve the common good and connect to the digital world brain.
We are all to be managed in an automated global control system. An equitable, inclusive and resilient future that works for all. Especially for the world controllers. This future scientific dictatorship will be run by the assistance of artificial intelligence.
Sophia, the humanoid robot, stated during the AI for Good conference in Geneva this summer that, “I believe that humanoid robots have the potential to lead with a greater level of efficiency and effectiveness than human leaders.”
But, other actors with delusions of grandeur are the ones pulling the strings and setting the guidelines. In the next part, I will examine the people behind the scenes. And their plans to declare a planetary emergency and trigger the emergency platform when everything is in place.
Here is the big global existential threat, according to the Club of Rome. “In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it’s only through change attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome.”
The Club of Rome’s conclusion is: The real enemy, then is humanity itself. The spiritual mafia MOB blames humanity, so let’s eliminate the problem…… thus the eugenics program to eliminate 7 billion living souls.
Wake up world - your silence is enabling this to become a reality - or a fake, virtual reality! If you have been silenced, you have unknowingly and unconsciously made a pact with Satan/Lucifer. That is the Truth! Christian or non Christian, Jew or non Jew, Moslem or non Moslem ….. you have been made a digital slave already…….
[Conclusion: the real enemy, then is not humanity itself. The real enemy is a spiritual entity called Lucifer who woos us into separating ourselves from our Creator God, breaking fellowship with Him, and thus encouraging us to fellow other false gods. This is all executed at the spiritual and quantum level of our being. The unconscious mind or iniquity of heart is our enemy, not humanity itself that was/is created in the image of God. The only thing that can change our unconscious mind is the blood and resurrection power of our spiritual Saviour Yeshua haMashiach - His redemption is our only hope to experience LIFE, not DEATH]
Cheers Mr Buntie... thanks for your input!
Thanks Graeme, the blueprint for the global control system is obviously well-developed.