This is another form of a warped, bent Alternate reality. Satan’s Nordic Vril energy has all the characteristics of destruction and death. In the meantime, it is ruining our society and our ability to be able to communicate with one another in a meaningful way.
What we frame in our mind is highly related to what we perceive.
In the last Substack I presented this photo as a portrayal to test our perception in a way that defines the importance of context.
I have received some great feedback which has totally changed my perspective and enabled revelation to transform what I see this photo is really telling us. One of my subscribes opened my eyes to see more clearly the symbolism behind this photo.
The truth is - I missed it! My perspective was limited, thus I missed the true context of the message lying behind this important photo….
Here is what I missed…. I hope that you can now see it too!
In addition to what I saw whilst writing the last Substack, consider this….
In the last Substack we considered framing. Well now I have reframed what the camera is capturing that had limited my perspective of the real action.
This is a great depiction of what the media shows us and frames on our electronic TV screens that is often a total distortion of reality.
This is how the spiritual mafia MOB uses their media outlets to distort reality. They mainly use visual images to brainwash the masses. Mind control handlers also often use harmonics and graphic images to assist in advancing their Jesuit operated occult craft.
This is also why the images shown on our TV screen are so powerful in the quest to mind control and brainwash the masses. Mind control techniques mainly use graphic images because we people are more visual than literal or factual. Our minds are a form of energy created by the most powerful quantum computer in the universe - within microtubules in the brain.
The guy on the right in the real scene is obviously the perpetrator and the guy on the left is the obvious victim. However, the picture is reframed in such a way that the scene is reversed to make it appear that the guy on the left is the perpetrator and the guy on the right is the victim.
What we get shown on TV or the movies is therefore a distortion of reality.
That is why visual images in mind bending movies like Inception, Sleeping Beauty, Altered States Coherence, The Butterfly Effect, Eyes Wide Shut, Insomnia, The Manchurian Candidate, Wizard of Oz, and Alice in Wonderland are so powerful in their ability to Alter ones mind.
Satan uses the Nordic Vril energy force and/or the Egyptian/Greek Hermetic belief system to distort reality in our own minds, therefore what we see is not the Truth. What we see and perceive is often a distortion of the truth. Remember, the ‘hidden irrational forces within humans’, what Freud labeled the unconscious, is the soil in which all distortions grow.
Reality is distorted by occult demonic activity or what I call spiritual parasites. They distort the information flowing through the microtubules in our brain. Graphic images directly impacts our mind. A wide variety of drugs and other mind bending substances are able to bind to tubulin and modify its assembly properties - this creates some form of Alternate reality. This is why we continually self sabotage ourselves - because we are seeing a limited frame of reality and it is reversed and flipped 180° to what reality portrays to us in the natural world.
The same energy behind Hitler and Nazism is evident through the whole globe today. Totalitarianism reframes the truth through intentional propaganda to form a distorted reality. Information spin, altered, warped, twisted and misrepresented data and information is the essence of Nazism, Technocracy and Transhumanism.
I have a unique way of helping people overcome ALL FORMS OF SELF-SABOTAGE. The truth is, if we are consciously or unconsciously engaging with the Beast system’s Nordic Vril energy, we will have self-sabotaging beliefs and thoughts ruling our mind that can be erased.
We are presently living in a trauma based society. All trauma and fear generates self-sabotaging tendencies. It is inevitable. What we get shown is merely a distortion of reality. Those distortions can be rectified - truth then erases the Nordic Vril energy and clarity of mind results. It reverses the neurolinguistic programming we have all been subject too.
I have this conviction not to voice any conspiracy facts without a solution.
There is a solution, however it takes a transformation of what we perceive, the context we hold whether it be life or death and a change of energy we are resonating with and entangling ourselves too everyday.
Learn how to frame reality and discover the Truth.
I worked along side and coached one of our female subscribers for months now…. the transformation has been beyond words - for both of us.
If any of you desire to be set FREE of being “spiritually slimed” by the iniquitous, Agent Smiths, contact me personally and we can work together to see a solution fulfilled.
We all need saving out of this old self-destructive programming and the mess this world is in……..
Mini Bro shared on Facebook - until it was taken down : "This is the media, an irresponsible media. It will make the criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. If you aren't careful, the media will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." This is the sort of propaganda tactic I would call psychological warfare.