The tangled network of roots in our hearts and souls are causing all of humanity’s problems. When the condition of our spiritual beliefs manifest into the physical realm we get what we deserve - that is simply quantum physics. If those roots are not rooted out, the collective system becomes unsustainable [recognise that word??].
That is where we are at…. our collective iniquity and sins have sunk humanities’ boat - and now, like the Titanic it is going to the bottom - forever!
Roots hide underground - in the dark - where the sun and photons of light cannot be seen. For the Jews who have broken Covenant with the Most High God, this cancer - this dis-ease within humanity maybe called the synagogue of Satan - runs by Zionist, AshkeNAZI Jews. For the Gentiles and Jews who have broken Covenant with the Most High God, it maybe called Mystery Babylon, or the spirit of Baal-am [the spiritual devastator]. Both cannot be sustained and are about to collapse like the Twin Towers on 9/11, 2001 and the unrighteous will return to dust - just like the Towers.
The Satanic Order of Baal-am represents lukewarm Jews and lukewarm, self-righteous Christians - and YHWH is about to vomit them out of His mouth. God’s judgement is coming folks - first on Israel, America and lukewarm American/Western Christianity that has merely become a manmade Pharisaic, self-righteous or hypocritical tradition - but also the rest of the world.
Let me say this again very clearly. Most American/Western Christians are self-righteous hypocrites who are controlled by a spirit of self-righteousness AND they are unconsciously worshipping Lucifer. They need to repent - quickly!
They have been deceived into believing Lucifer’s false “Christ” gospel.
And “the Christ”, the god of Christ Consciousness will be revealed to the world in the coming months of Nov. and Dec….2024 via a hologram. The same technology used in the 9/11, 2001 manmade fiasco of destruction.
This video below is one human being who is in Covenant with the Most High God - he is not deceived. Take heed! If you DO NOT watch this video right through - the chances are you are also deceived. It means you are controlled by the spirit of Baal-am - and those demonic parasites are preventing you from seeking YHWH’s righteousness.
Be warned….. the 1948 State of Israel is a global con. And they are being judges bt YHWH right now, 76 years later [7+6=13]….
The Real Messiah is about to return to Zion, Jerusalem to destroy the false messiah - the Zionist’s false Christ.
BOTH the Old Covenant AND the New Covenant are YWHW’s protection of His blood and His righteous Covenant with mankind. Just like man’s Old World Order [the City of London] and the New World Order - ]the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland] are BOTH representing a covenant of humanity with Lucifer - which is a total counterfeit of YHWH’s TWO Covenants with mankind.
There is nothing more to say…. THE END of this dispensation is nigh!
You could have sent it too me Jacob.... I'm always open to feedback and help discovering the Truth. Watch his video on Iniquity ... it is the best teaching I have ever heard on that topic
I was hoping you would end up finding that guys channel of this video you shared!